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• ህጋዊ ትርጉም_Hiikaa Afaanii/Turjumaana/
• የፅህፈት አገልግሎት_Tajaajila Barreeffamaa
- ውል፣ መመስረቻ እና መተዳደርያ ደንብ፣ ቃለ ጉባዔ፣ ሪፖርት፣ ማዘጋጀት
- Waliigaltee, barreeffama hundeeffamaa fi dambii ittiin bulmaataa, qabo yaa’ii qopheessuu
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አስደሳች ዜና ለቻናል ባለቤቶች በሙሉ

5k+ ቻናል ያላችሁ ትልቅ wave ጀምረናል 
wave ለመግባት👉@Theothokos21

ሊንክ ብቻ ላኩ

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🚀 Exciting News! $PI is Listing on Pionex.US!🇺🇸
Get ready US traders! 🎉 $PI will be officially listed on Pionex.US on Feb 20! If you’re in the US, don’t miss the chance!

💰 Giveaway Alert: Win 100 USDT!
Think you can predict the price of $PI? Drop your prediction now and stand a chance to win 100 USDT! 🔥
👉 Join the event: Giveaway, make your guess, and let’s see who nails the $PI price!

📅 Hurry—don’t miss out!
Trade $PI: https://tglink.io/3859956dbca0 

Message Herol Translation And Localization Service on WhatsApp. https://wa.me/251948128049

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Can you please share this link on the group? we are working on getting 1600 youth ( 95% female) child care givers an employment opportunity.


Naol Abera, [7/6/2024 11:42 AM]

One is Amharic and the other is English.

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"ራሴን ለማጥፉት ሞክሬያለሁ " እና ህግ!!!

በዳንኤል ፍቃዱ / ጠበቃና የህግ አማካሪ/

አንድ በሚዲያ እና በሶሻል ሚዲያ  ላይ በሰፊው በተራገበ  ጉዳይ  አንደኛው ባለ ታሪክ ራስን ለማጥፉት ሙከራ ማድረጉን እና ሆስፒታል መግባቱን፣ በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ ሌላኛው ባለ ታሪክ ሦስት ጊዜ የራስ ማጥፉት ሙከራ እንዳደረገ በአደባባይ በባለጉዳዮቹ ሲወራ ታዝበናል።
ለመሆኑ ራስን ማጥፉት ይቻላል? ሙከራውስ? 
አለም ላይ ያሉ ሃገራት ራስን ማጥፉትና ሙከራውን ከመፍቀድና ከመከልከል አንፃር በሶስት ፈርጅ የተከፈለ ህግ አላቸው።
• ራስን ማጥፉትንም ሆነ ሙከራውን የሚፈቅዱ / ወንጀል ነው ብለው ያልደነገጉ ሃገራት/
• ራስን ማጥፉትንም ሆነ ሙከራውን ወንጀል ያደረጉ ሃገራት
• ራስን ማጥፉትን ወንጀል ያላደረጉ ሙከራውን ግን ወንጀል አድርገው የሚቀጡ ናቸው።
ኢትዮጵያ ከነዚህ በሦስተኛው ክፍል ውስጥ ትመደባለች ጎረቤት ኬንያ ደግሞ በመጀመሪያው ክፍል ውስጥ ተመድባ ራስን ማጥፉትንም ሆነ ሙከራውን ወንጀል አድርጋለች ፣ እንዴት ራሱን ያጠፉ ይቀጣል ካላችሁ የኬኒያን የወንጀል ህግ ፈልጋችሁ አንቀፅ 209ን አንብቡት።
ወደተነሳው ጉዳይና ወደ ሃገራችን ህግ ስንመለስ የወንጀል ህግ ቁጥር 542 እንዲህ ይነበባል፡
እራስን የመግደል ሙከራ በተደረገ ጊዜ ፡ በቀላል እስራት ፡ እራስን መግደል ተግባር በተፈፀመ ጊዜ ከአምስት አመት በማይበልጥ ፅኑ እሰራት ይቀጣል፡፡ ይላል፤
ራስን የመገደል ሙከራ በህግ የሚስጠይቅ በመሆኑ በአደባባይ ደረት ተነፍቶ አሚወራ እንዳልሆነ ፣ ህግ አስከባሪውም ይህን ተረድቶ ህግ ማስከበር እንዳለበት ሊረዳ ይገባል!!!

ሀሳብ አስተያየት ወይም ማንኛውም ህግ ነክ ጥያቄካለዎት ግሩፓችንን ይጠቀሙ


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1. ሕፃናት በፍ/ቤት ለማስረጃነት የሚውል የዘረ መል (DNA) ምርመራ ለማድረግ አይገደዱም፤ ምርመራውን ለማድረግ ፈቃደኛ አለመሆናቸው ብቻውንም እንደ በቂ ማስረጃ ተቆጥሮ "ሕፃኑን DNA ለማስመርመር ፈቃደኛ ያልተሆነው ልጁ የባልዬው ባይሆን ነው" የሚል  የሕግ ግምት [የፍ/ሕ/ቁ. 22ን ልብ ይሏል] በመያዝ ባልዬው የልጁ አባት አይደለም ብሎ መወሰን ሕገ መንግሥቱን የሚቃረን ነው::
2. በጋብቻ ውስጥ የተወለደን ልጅ ልጄ አይደለም በማለት (አባትነትን ለመካድ) የሚቀርብ ክስ በጠባቡ ሊታይ የሚገባና የክስ ማቅረቢያ ጊዜውም ባልዬው የልጁን መወለደ ካወቀበት ወይም ማወቅ ከሚገባው ቀን ጀምሮ ባሉት 180 ቀናት ውስጥ የመሆኑ ይርጋ የሕፃናትን ሕገ መንግሥታዊ መብትና ጥቅም ለማስጠበቅ ሲባል ከሌሎች ይርጋዎች የተለየ ስለሆነ በአንድነት ሊታይ የማይገባ እና ተከራካሪ ወገኖች ባያነሡትም እንኳን ፍ/ቤቶች በራሳቸው አንሥተው ብይን ሊሰጡበት የሚገባ ነው::
ፌደሬሽን ም/ቤት መ/ቁ. 94/13
ግንቦት 30/2013 ዓ.ም
መረጃዎች በፍጥነት እንዲደርሷችሁ #Share & #likeያድርጉ እንዲሁም ገፃችንን በሚከተለው መስፈንጠሪያ ይቀላቀሉ👇👇
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በህዳሴ ግድብ ላይ የግብፅን ፍላጎት ለማስከበር ጉቦ በመቀበል ወንጀል የተከሰሱት የቀድሞው አሜሪካዊው ሴናተር ላይ የ15 ዓመት እስራት ቅጣት እንዲጣልባቸው ተጠየቀ


(የፌ.ሥ.ፀ.ሙ.ኮ ጥር 4/2017 ዓ.ም አዲስ አበባ) በህዳሴ ግድብ ላይ የግብፅን ፍላጎት ለማስከበር ጉቦ በመቀበል ወንጀል የተከሰሱት የቀድሞው አሜሪካዊው ሴናተር ቦብ ሜኔንዴዝ ላይ የ15 ዓመት እስራት ቅጣት እንዲጣልባቸው የአሜሪካ ፌደራል ዓቃቤ ሕጎች ጠይቀዋል።

የአሜሪካ ፌደራል ዓቃቤ ሕጎች፣ ከግብጽ መንግሥት ከፍተኛ መጠን ያለው የገንዘብና የወርቅ ሥጦታ በመቀበል የግብጽን ጥቅም ለማስጠበቅ በሞከር ጥፋተኛ በተባሉት የቀድሞው የአሜሪካ የሕግ መወሰኛ ምክር ቤት የውጭ ግንኙነት ኮሚቴ ሰብሳቢ ቦብ ሜኔንዴዝ ላይ የ15 ዓመት እስራት ቅጣት እንዲጣልባቸው ጠይቀዋል።

ሜኔንዴዝ ጥፋተኛ ከተባሉባቸው ክሶች መካከል፣ የኢትዮጵያና ግብጽ የሕዳሴ ግድብ ውዝግብን ለመፍታት በሚደረገው ድርድር የአሜሪካ ውጭ ጉዳይ መስሪያ ቤት ከፍተኛ የዲፕሎማሲ ሚና እንዲጫወት በመጠየቅ ያልተገባ ተጽዕኖ ለመፍጠር ሞክረዋል የሚል ይገኝበታል።

ክሱን ተከትሎ ሜኔንዴዝ የምክር ቤቱን መቀመጫቸውን መልቀቃቸው አስታውሶ ሲኤንኤን ዘግቧል። የፌደራሉ ፍርድ ቤት በሜኔንዴዝ ላይ የእስር ብይኑን ጥር 21 ይሰጣል ተብሎ ይጠበቃል።

የቀድሞው የኒው ጀርሲው ሴናተር ቦብ ሜኔንዴዝ የውጭ መንግሥት ፍላጎትን ለመፈጸም ሥልጣናቸውን መጠቀም፣ ጉቦ መቀበል፣ ማጭበርበር፣ ፍትሕን ማደናቀፍን ጨምሮ በ16 የወንጀል ድርጊቶች ተከሰው በሁሉም ክሶች ጥፋተኛ መባላቸውን መዘገባችን ይታወሳል።

ከሙስና የፀዳች እና የበለፀገች ኢትዮጵያን ዕውን እናድርግ!
#Federalerhicsand anticorroption

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𝗪𝗲 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗛𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴
Guma Advocates LLP is one of the few established law firms in Addis Ababa. Founded by highly accomplished lawyers, it provides its clients comprehensive legal solutions that are grounded in integrity and excellence. We would like to fill the following positions with dynamic and motivated personnel.

1. 𝗔𝘀𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗟𝗮𝘄𝘆𝗲𝗿: The Assistant Lawyer shall be responsible to perform a range of legal works in-house, including, but not limited to conduct legal research, proper file management, court appearance and facilitation of court cases.
- Education: LLB or LLM Degree in Law from a recognized university
- Experience: A minimum of 1 year of experience with law degree from a recognized university; experience in law firm is an asset.
- Languages: Fluency in English, Amharic and Afan Oromo.
- Salary: Negotiable
- Start Date: Immediately

2. 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗔𝗱𝗺𝗶𝗻 𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗿: The Finance and Admin Officer is responsible for all areas of financial and administrative functions of the organization. This position will be responsible for maintaining accounting principles, practices and procedures to ensure the production of accurate and timely financial statements. The person will perform a multitude of accounting activities including financial reporting, yearend audit facilitation, support of budget and forecast activities, and assess risks.
⬧ Education: BA or MA Degree in Accounting, Finance, Business Administration or related filed
⬧ Experience: A minimum of 3 years of experience for Bachelor’s degree or 1 year of experience for Master's Degree in a similar position; experience in private company is an asset.
⬧ Languages: Fluency in English, Amharic and Afaan Oromo
⬧ Salary: Negotiable
⬧ Start Date: Immediately/As soon as possible

♦ Application: Please send a one pager CV to gumalawfirm@gmail.com. You may also send your queries to the same address.

🎉Happy Global Family Day! 🎉

Today, we celebrate the essence of family – the bond that connects us, the love that nurtures us, and the support that strengthens us. Family is where life begins and love never ends. Whether it's the family we are born into or the family we choose, their importance in our lives cannot be overstated.

On this special day, we also emphasize the importance of peace and unity among all families around the world. Global Family Day encourages us to spend quality time with our loved ones and participate in community activities that foster a sense of global togetherness.

At Herol Translation and Secretarial Service, we understand the value of family. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to ensure that your documents and communications are handled with the utmost care and professionalism, just like how family looks out for one another.

🌟 Why Choose Herol Translation and Secretarial Service?🌟

- Experienced Translators and Experts: Our team comprises highly skilled professionals with many years of experience in the field.
- Diverse Language Services: We offer translation services in a wide range of languages including African, European, Asian, and Middle Eastern languages.
- Trusted by Esteemed Organizations: We proudly serve organizations like INSA, NICE, Federal Police, Guma Law Firm, OCC, Walabu Construction, and many more.
- Confidentiality and Security: We prioritize the confidentiality and security of your projects.

Join our family of satisfied clients and experience the excellence we bring to our work. Trust us with your translation and secretarial needs, and let us be a part of your journey to success.

Thank you for choosing Herol Translation and Secretarial Service. Here's to celebrating families everywhere and promoting global unity and peace!
#GlobalFamilyDay #FamilyFirst #FamilyLove #CelebrateFamily #FamilyBonding #TogetherWeCan #StrongerTogether #FamilyMatters #FamilyTime #FamilyGoals #HerolTranslation #TranslationServices #SecretarialServices #LanguageExperts #TranslationIndustry #ProfessionalTranslation #ClientSatisfaction

Herol Translation and Secretarial Services 🌍
Are you a legal firm, lawyer, or an international or local organization looking to break down language barriers with ease?

Struggling to communicate with diverse audiences?

Need reliable and swift translation services?
Welcome to Herol Translation and Secretarial Services, your premier partner for fostering effective communication. We offer a comprehensive suite of services, including expert translation, multilingual content creation, transcription, interpretation, and secretarial support. Our legally certified firm prioritizes quality, precision, confidentiality, and swift service, ensuring your translation and administrative needs are met right at your doorstep. Covering an extensive range of languages, from local and African to European and Asian, we deliver tailored solutions that capture cultural nuances and exceed your expectations. Connect globally and communicate effectively with Herol
#HerolTranslation #LanguageServices #TranslationExperts

Forward from: The Federal Supreme Court of Ethiopia
ለፌደራል ጠቅላይ ፍርድ ቤት ተገልጋዮች
በ2ኛ ሰበር ችሎት እና በ3ኛ ሰበር ችሎት ጉዳያችሁ እየታየ የነበራችሁ ባለጉዳዮች ከዚህ በታች የተዘረዘረው የመዝገብ ቁጥር ወደ ውዝፍ ሰበር ችሎት የሄደ ስለሆነ ከሕዳር 1 ቀን 2017 ዓ.ም ጀምሮ በየቀጠሮአችሁ በውዝፍ መዛግብት ሰበር ችሎት በመቅረብ የምትስተናገዱ መሆኑን በአክብሮት እንገልጻለን፡፡

👉We Are Hiring:
📢 Join Our Team at HEROL Translation & Secretarial Service! 📢

We are excited to announce that we are expanding our translation services both nationally and internationally. As part of our growth plan, HEROL Translation & Secretarial Service is seeking talented freelance translators for the following local languages:

Welayta (ወላይትኛ)
Hadiya (ሀድይኛ)
Kembata (ከምባትኛ)
Gurage (ጉራግኛ)
Silte (ስልጥኛ)
Afar (አፋርኛ)
Agew (አገዉኛ)
Sidama (ሲዳምኛ)

If you are proficient in translating these languages into Amharic and English, we would love to hear from you!

Contact Us:

Only via Telegram: https://t.me/Heroltranslationoffice

Join us in our mission to promote effective communication and meticulous documentation for businesses!


Your trusted partner in legal translations and secretarial services, expertly bridging language barriers and ensuring seamless communication.
ሕጋዊ የትርጉም እና ፅህፈት አገልግሎት

Our Services:
- Legal Translations (ህጋዊ ትርጉም | Hiikaa Afaanii | Turjumaana): Expert legal document translation to ensure accuracy and compliance.
- Secretarial Services (የፅህፈት አገልግሎት | Tajaajila Barreeffamaa): Comprehensive services including contract preparation, foundational documents, operational regulations, meeting minutes, and report preparation.
- Documentation: Ensuring thorough and precise documentation for all your business needs.
☎️ Contact Us:
0948128049 / 0717484886
Join us in promoting effective communication and meticulous documentation for your business😊

Join & Share


በወሲባዊ ጥቃት ጥፋተኛ የተባሉ ግለሰቦች በመምህርነት እንዳይሰማሩ የሚከለክለው ረቂቅ አዋጅ “የአጠቃላይ የትምህርት አዋጅ” ጥቅምት 19, 2017ዓ.ም ለሕዝብ ተወካዮች ምክር ቤት መቅረቡ ታዉቋል።
ለቋሚ ኮሚቴ የተመራዉ አዲሱ ረቂቅ አዋጅ በተጨማሪም በወሲባዊ ጥቃት ጥፋተኛ ሆነው የተገኙ ሰዎች የግል ትምህርት ቤት እንዳያቋቁሙ እና ተማሪዎች ቢያንስ ሦስት ቋንቋዎች እንዲማሩ ይደነግጋል።

"For any translation solutions, https://t.me/Heroltranslationoffice"

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