Channel's geo and language: Ethiopia, Amharic

Gofere is an Ethiopian-based sportswear brand that supplies a range of apparel to professional and amateur sports clubs.
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Ethiopia, Amharic
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🎁 ተሸላሚ ጎፈሬያን! 🎁

በአስተያየታቸው ብዙ ላይክ ያገኙ ሦስት ጎፈሬያን ተሸላሚዎች ተለይተዋል።

🎉 እንኳን ደስ አላችሁ! 🎉


✌️ሳንጅዬን ያላችሁ✌️
✌️እስቲ እንያችሁ! ✌️

❤💛 ማሊያ ለመግዛት ዝግጁ? ❤💛


🤩 ዘንጥ በጎፈሬ! 🤩


"To success you need to find a habit to hold on to something to motivate you, something to inspire you."

💪 Winning is a habit! 💪


እያንዳንዱ ምርት ደንበኞች ጋር ከመድረሱ በፊት አስፈላጊው ፍተሻ እና ምርመራ ይደረግበታል!

🔥 ጥራትን በቃል ብቻ ሳይሆን በተግባር እናሳያለን!


⁉️ ጎፈሬያን ኖት ⁉️

🎁 ከሆኑ እንሸልሞታ! 🎁

🤩 ስለጎፈሬ የሆነ ነገር ይጻፉ ወይም የጎፈሬን ምርት ለብሰው ፎቶውን ያጋሩን! 🤩

🏅 ብዙ ላይክ ያገኘውን መርጠን እንሸልማለን 🏅

‼️ በፌስቡክ ገፃችን ብቻ



Gofere réaffirme son engagement envers le football féminin

En savoir plus :

🤩 ለነገ ተዘጋጁ! 🤩

🎁 ስለጎፈሬ ስለፃፉ እና ፎቶ ስላጋሩ ብቻ ልንሸልሞት ነው! 🎁

ነገ በምናጋራው ፖስት ኮመንት መስጫው ላይ ሀሳቦትን ያስፍሩ ፤ ብዙ ላይክ ያገኘውን እንሸልማለን ።

🔥 ነገ ምሽት 2 ሰዓት እንገናኝ! 🔥


የጎፈሬን ማኅበራዊ ሚዲያዎች ተቀላቅለዋል?

ስጦታ የምንለዋወጥባቸው አዳዲስ ይዘቶችን ይዘን እየመጣን ነው!

📱 ከስር ባሉት የማኅበራዊ ሚዲያ አማራጮች ይወዳጁን 🤳


ፌስቡክ - https://www.facebook.com/goferesports?mibextid=avESrC

ቴሌግራም - https://t.me/goferesportswear

ኢንስታ ግራም - https://instagram.com/goferesportswear?utm_source=qr&igshid=MzNlNGNkZWQ4Mg==

ቲክ ቶክ - tiktok.com/@goferesport

ትዊተር - https://twitter.com/GoferSportswear?t=GSjNeDieqKjJJhetfPWCTQ&s=09

💪 ማሸነፍ ልማድ ነው 💪

💪 🏃‍♂ ህመም ጊዜያዊ ነው ፤ ነገር ግን ሽልማቱ የዘላለም ነው!  💪🏃‍♀️

ገደቡን አልፈው ጥንካሬዎን ያግኙ!
በጠንካራው የስፖርት ትጥቅ እንቅስቃሴዎን ይከውኑ!

#goferesportswear #workoutmotivation #gym #selfgrowth #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #fitlife

⚽ ከዳኞች እስከ ተጫዋቾች ⚽

❤️ የኢትዮጵያ ፕሪምየር ሊግ አድማቂው ጎፈሬ


French |  « Nous sommes ravis de leur fournir l'équipement dont ils ont besoin pour exceller dans leurs activités sportives. Alors que nous entrons dans une nouvelle ère pour le sport scolaire, nous sommes impatients de voir l'impact positif que nos produits auront sur les jeunes athlètes de la région ». Samuel Mekonen, cofondateur et PDG de Gofere Groups

En savoir plus :

"Success is 100% determined by your daily choices and habits." 🗣

🏆 Winning is a habit! 🏆

#goferesportswear #mondaymotivation #sportsmotivation

🤩 የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ የአሠልጣኝ ቡድን አባላት በተመራጩ የጎፈሬ ምርቶች አሸብርቀው 🤩

👏 አዎ ከልጆቻችሁ ጋር ታኮሩናላችሁ! 👏

ጎፈሬ 🤝 የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ


🌟L’avenir s’annonce palpitant🌟 

L’inclusivité est primordiale, le style est incontournable, ensemble avec Gofere pour les vainqueurs ! 

Les produits Gofere illumineront la plus grande scène du football féminin des clubs en Afrique.⚽️ ️

Nous adressons nos vœux de succès à notre confrère, CBE, pour la Ligue des Champions Féminine de la CAF ! 🏆✨


Gofere has once again demonstrated its unwavering support for women's football with the release of a special edition apparel line for CBE S.A., who are set to compete in the CAF Women's Champions League 2024 in Morocco.

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