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Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский
Категория: Музыка

It's all about life: the ups and downs, the strengths and weaknesses, the joys and sorrows. In a nut shell thought and non judgmental presentation of our life.
Admin: @Lilboy_nati
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Most of my life has been spent trying to shrink myself. Trying to become smaller. Quieter. Less sensitive. Less opinionated. Less needy. Less me. Because I didn't want to be a burden. I didn't want to be too much or push people away. I wanted people to like me. I wanted to be cared for and valued I wanted to be wanted. So for years, I sacrificed myself for the sake of making other people happy. And for years, I suffered. But I'm tired of suffering, and I'm done shrinking. It's not my job to change who I am in order to become someone else's idea of a worthwhile human being.
I am worthwhile. Not because other people think I am, but because I exist and therefore, I matter. My thoughts matter. My feelings matter. My voice matters. And with or without anyone's permission or approval, I will continue to speak my truth. Even if it makes people angry. Even if it makes them uncomfortable. Even if they choose to leave. I refuse to shrink. I choose to take up space. I choose to honor my feelings. I choose to give myself permission to get my needs met.
I choose to make self-care a priority.
I choose me.

ɪɴ ᴍʏ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs™ 🛒

4.8k 0 40 21 114

Being emotionally attached to someone sucks. It gives you a feeling of not being in control and fearing the loss of them. I love being independent, and it's hard to learn to share things and accept them a part of a pair. We do it because we can't help it, it's uncontrollably beautiful and devastating at the same time. We have given someone else the power to hurt us, and we trust they won't. Sometimes we choose wrong, and that's okay because the time we choose right is amazing. I'm not saying love is perfect. It's about fights, compromising, work, making time, dates, and many things that keep your relationship alive. We are all in such a rush to fall in love that we forget what it really entails. Love is not for the weak hearted, it's only available when all walls are beginning
to crumble, and the light is barely visible at the end of the tunnel. That's when love is possible, and you're ready to face it

ɪɴ ᴍʏ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs™ 🛒

9.9k 0 45 28 103

Here's to the people who try their hardest to be good enough for everyone, who spend hours reading random quotes to find the right one; who listen to the same song dozens of times because the lyrics mean a lot;who deserve so much more than they get and are wiling to fight for it and those who wished upon a star, wasted on someone that will never care; and to the beautiful people that feel lonely in their heart.

ɪɴ ᴍʏ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs™ 🛒

12.2k 0 25 29 117

Let go of the past

Most of us have unpleasant situations from past years that we replay in our heads and emotionally relive over and over again. It's too much. The past cannot be changed, and there is no need to drag such a burden behind you. Imagine that a problem from the past burns up in a fire, drowns in the ocean, or crumbles from an impact. Describe what happened on paper and burn it or actually drown it. Mentally, out loud, or in writing, forgive the offender or yourself.

ɪɴ ᴍʏ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs™ 🛒

Get rid of everything that bothers you

Surely you have noticed that some people seem to suck your energy, and some objects, smells and sounds, on the contrary, have a positive effect on your condition and work. Therefore, it is important to listen to yourself.
If something or someone is draining you, get rid of it.
For example, don't waste precious time listening to toxic people's complaints and restoring your peace of mind afterwards. Better spend it for the benefit of yourself and your business.

ɪɴ ᴍʏ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs™ 🛒

Take the long way home. Enjoy the scenery. Observe the way they wake up and take note of what makes them laugh. Know when it's about them and when it's about you. Find the spectacular in the mundane. Ask them to text you when they get home, to work, to their vacation destination. Be infinitely curious about how they live their days. Take time apart. Make room on the couch. Embrace the fact you don't know what's best for them. Set boundaries. Express gratitude. Practice trust, even when it's scary (especially then). Keep both feet on the ground. Admit your mistakes. Accept their apologies. Throw away the scorecard. Kiss like you mean it. Ask more questions. Accept that it can be really hard to merge two paths; keep trying to anyway. Give them the aux cord. Give them the last fry. Give them the last word, even if you're really fucking pissed. Figure out what is worth the fight and what is not. Hold the door. Hold their hand. Hold space. Save them a seat. Notice the scattered gold flecks in their eyes. Tell them you're proud of them; tell them this often. Dance in the kitchen. Play hide-and- seek in the grocery store. Know you're lucky. Don't be hasty. Point out the dip in the sidewalk. Offer your arm. Offer your heart. Offer your world. Know when it's time to lovingly let go. Know when you need to hang on like hell.

ɪɴ ᴍʏ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs™ 🛒

11k 0 31 10 49

I fall in love with peace, coffee, and sunsets. I fall in love with pizza nights, video games that keep me excited for hours and songs that my heart cannot help but to dance to. I fall in love with Septembers, the inevitability of spring after winter and clouds shaped like little puppies. I fall in love with hugs that last more than 5 seconds, friends who are warm like campfires for my heart and good memories. I fall in love with books with characters that remind me of me and how it makes me feel like I too can succeed and find a happy ending in real life. I fall in love with kindness, cheerful surprises, and things that give meaning to suffering. I find it so beautiful and liberating to fall in love with everything that can contribute to my healing.

ɪɴ ᴍʏ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs™ 🛒

9.9k 0 36 11 92

“See, growth isn’t this comfortable, miraculous thing. It can get ugly, it can get confusing. It’s gritty, it’s hard. It’s difficult to confront yourself sometimes; it’s difficult to be the person who does things differently, who doesn’t settle. But it’s the greatest gift you will ever give yourself. It will push you towards figuring out what your own personal version of happiness looks like; and when you grow on your own terms, when you figure out what actually matters to you, and when you carve out your own path, you live on your own terms. You love on your own terms. You become the person you have always wanted to be, rather than the person you were always told to be, and that is beautiful. Because when it comes down to it, life is about making yourself proud on your own terms. It’s about finding a happiness that works for you.”

ɪɴ ᴍʏ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs™ 🛒

I'm so proud of you for doing your best to be okay. I'm so proud of you for waking up everyday and trying. I'm so proud of you for being here today because I know some of your yesterdays were really hard. I don't know what you're going through but you are going to get through it. You are going to get through whatever you're going through. I hope you fight for yourself when no one else does and I hope you know you are worthy of your wildest dreams. You are someone worth fighting for. Keep going.

Thank you for being the person who makes people feel okay when they're not okay. The world truly is a kinder place because you are in it.

ɪɴ ᴍʏ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs™ 🛒

14k 0 56 22 104

Take the long way home. Enjoy the scenery. Observe the way they wake up and take note of what makes them laugh. Know when it's about them and when it's about you. Find the spectacular in the mundane. Ask them to text you when they get home, to work, to their vacation destination. Be infinitely curious about how they live their days. Take time apart. Make room on the couch. Embrace the fact you don't know what's best for them. Set boundaries. Express grati-tude. Practice trust, even when it's scary (especially then).
Keep both feet on the ground. Admit your mistakes. Accept their apologies. Throw away the scorecard. Kiss like you mean it. Ask more questions. Accept that it can be really hard to merge two paths; keep trying to anyway. Give them the aux cord. Give them the last fry. Give them the last word, even if you're really fucking pissed. Figure out what is worth the fight and what is not. Hold the door. Hold their hand. Hold space. Save them a seat. Notice the scattered gold flecks in their eyes. Tell them you're proud of them; tell them this often. Dance in the kitchen. Play hide-and-seek in the grocery store. Know you're lucky. Don't be hasty.
Point out the dip in the sidewalk. Offer your arm. Offer your heart. Offer your world. Know when it's time to lou-ingly let go. Know when you need to hang on like bell.

ɪɴ ᴍʏ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs™ 🛒

You can't force something into your life. If something yis right, you'll never have to wonder. You won't feel lost; you won't feel conflicted. What is right for you will stay. You won't have to chase it; you won't have to mend it. You won't have to bend backward to make it fit your life. When something is right for you, it will bring you peace. There was a reason for those pieces that so pain- fully didn't fit into your life. There's always a reason. I promise you, one day, you will be thankful that the very same thing you wished so hard to have in your life didn't work out.

ɪɴ ᴍʏ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs™ 🛒

14.9k 0 51 17 122

Stop minimizing and discounting your feelings. You have every right to feel the way you do. Your feelings may not always be logical, but they re always valid. Because if you feel something, then you feel it, and it's real and true for you. It's not something you can ignore or wish away. It's there, gnawing at you, tugging at your core, and in order to find peace, you have to give yourself permission to feel whatever you feel. You have to let go of what you've been told you "should" or "shouldn't" feel, because there is no "should" when it comes to feelings. You feel what you feel, and it's okay. Your feelings can't be wrong because they're yours. Not your partner's. Not your friends'. Not your family's or your peers' or your coworkers' or random strangers' you meet in passing. They're yours. And you don't need anyone's permission or approval to feel them. Your feelings are important and they matter. You matter-and it's more than okay to feel what you feel. Don't let anyone, including yourself, convince you otherwise.

ɪɴ ᴍʏ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs™ 🛒

17.6k 0 49 23 110

I used to be afraid of losing people until I realized most of them were never really down for me anyways.

Even though my loyalty & love for them ran deep, they could care less.

So instead of being afraid of losing them, I fell back & watched them lose me... wow, growth.

 ɪɴ ᴍʏ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs™ 🛒

17.5k 0 61 14 160

Surround yourself with positive thoughts

Life needs to be surrounded by positive thoughts. The more we think about how terrible our life is, the worse it becomes. The more we talk about difficulties, the more difficult it will be for us. Change your thoughts, your approach, and life itself will change around you.

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Attitudes and Mindsets that can Change your Life

1. Knowing deep inside that you are good enough.

2. Believing you can do it, and believing you can make it.

3. Choosing to be grateful when you feel like complaining.

4. Choosing to hang in there when you feel you’ve had enough.

5. Knowing each new day is a true gift and fresh beginning.

6. Valuing others, and treating others well.

7. Investing in people instead of chasing things.

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19.6k 0 49 11 101

Are you dry on texts😬 or feel boring when you text someone🤧 so get over here and try our quotes or tips and tricks 😏 and so many more


Maturity is realising that other people are not mind readers, even those who love you. It’s on you to reach out, talk about how you feel, and to explain yourself. ​Everybody is busy living their own lives and is caught up in their own issues & problems, amidst all that you can’t expect them to magically be in tune with your every need and emotion. Communicate.

ɪɴ ᴍʏ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs™ 🛒

18.5k 0 63 17 124

Some of the kindest souls I know have lived in a world that was not so kind to them. Some of the best human beings I know have been through so much at the hands of others, and they still love deeply, they still care. Sometimes, it's the people who have been hurt the most who refuse to be hardened in this world, because they would never want to make another person feel the same way they have felt. If that isn't something to be in awe of, I don't know what is.

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18.1k 0 37 13 110

No matter how much you wish you could, you cannot control how another person feels and loves. Just because someone fails to see your worth, it doesn't make them a bad person, and it doesn't mean you are unlovable. It simply means that they are not meant for you.
You should never have to spend your days and nights wondering if you are good enough for somebody. You are enough. You are more than enough for the right person.
Always remember that your happiness comes first. Focus on loving yourself, really loving yourself and you will see your value and find the strength to walk away from unrequited love.
Weeks, months, years will pass and you'll look back and wonder why on earth it took you so long to see that all along you deserved everything you always wished you had.
—You don't love me and it's okay.

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