Sports Skills

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский
Категория: Спорт
The best moments and unique skills of people from the world of sports!
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Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Английский
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⚽️#football #girls #funny

Women not only cook well in the kitchen, but also score goals!

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A physical education teacher from St. Petersburg set a world record by performing 11,111 double jumps on a skipping rope. Thus, he managed to beat the previous record of 10,709 jumps, which belonged to an American!

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🗻#climbing #extreme

Huashan Mountain, China😳

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⚽️#football #funny #freedurov

The full range of emotions!

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🐻 #extreme #funny #skating

Skating with a bear. An old Russian game! Nothing unusual. Everyone in Russia has so much fun!

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👍 #extreme #funny

Have a good flight!

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👱‍♀️#girls #strong


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⚽️#football #funny

What kind of impact can a microwave withstand?

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🚴‍♀️#bike #extreme

Winner of the Best BMX Stunt at the Nitro World Games 2022!🔥

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💪🏻#strong #race

Up, up, up!

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⚽️#football #girls #funny

Why does women's soccer need a goalkeeper?

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🪂#skydiving #extreme

Place is not a hindrance to hunger!

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This is my city! Can you guess which one?

действие происходит на Невском проспекте!

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🏐#volleyball #girls

Reason to watch volleyball!

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🌊 #surf #girls

Perfectly glides on the waves!

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⚽️#football #funny

The men played football with a bowling ball on Legos😂😂😂

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🐶#run #race

This small and overly-quick spitz is a medalist in the high-speed obstacle course competition!

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