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Dafa Soap and Detergent Manufacturing PLC
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✅ Sales Representative
📌 የሚፈለጉት የትምህርት ደረጃዎች: College degree or above in marketing, management and other related fields
🌟 ሰለ ሰራዎቹ ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት እና ለማመልከት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ
👉 https://www.ethiopianreporterjobs.com/jobs-in-ethiopia/223270/
Dafa Soap and Detergent Manufacturing PLC
::•••••™ ✿::✿:: ✿::✿:: ✿™•••••::
✅ Sales Representative
📌 የሚፈለጉት የትምህርት ደረጃዎች: College degree or above in marketing, management and other related fields
🌟 ሰለ ሰራዎቹ ሙሉ መረጃ ለማየት እና ለማመልከት ይህንን ሊንክ ይጠቀሙ
👉 https://www.ethiopianreporterjobs.com/jobs-in-ethiopia/223270/