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If you're at AAU and into building cool stuff, there'll be a hackathon happening this week. you should check it out. Doesn't matter if you're a beginner or experienced, just show up, learn, and meet cool people who are into the same stuff you're. Who knows you Might even win. 🔥


Gotta try elm


Репост из: Dagmawi Babi
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This's so impressive wtfruits!!! 🔥

Lucy — Multilingual AI Voice Assistant & Chatbot for Ethiopians

I was impressed at the Amharic TTS and also when bro wrote amharic in english "endezih" and it understood. Not to mention it scrapes telegram channels and understands major Ethiopian languages,

#CommunityShowcase #Zemenu #Lucy

Репост из: Dagmawi Babi

NativeChat is a powerful app made to make your mobile AI conversations more useful using Gemini under the hood and allowing it to access device information like system specs, call logs, SMS, battery and more.

#MyProjects #NativeChat

Dude just walked what prolly took me three years in a single day. 😁🤦‍♂️ I don’t even think I’ve hit 50 km in the last two years.


My current situation : debugging in the middle of the night


Behager lij also dropped banger video for adawa 🔥

check it out


Haven't touched grass in a week until today! 😁


Репост из: Beka
Better Auth 1.2

stripe plugin, api keys plugin, captcha plugin, access control, teams/sub-orgs, init cli and much more...


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#gotochurch #Churchሂዱ

Psalms 122:1 NIV
[1] I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”


Whatever happened with zuck .. I need it. Bro turned ♾°

4 Context


in your .cursor directory try to find should Update file and delete it and it'll work .. not proven on other devices tho ( it worked for me 😁 )


you can bypass that btw found some trick 😁


Have you tried using the free version of Cursor and run out of the free tier? Then, when you tried to log out and use another email, did it tell you there is too many requests from a your device?


I had Gemmechu on my podcast a while back and he's really inspiring guy.. highly recommend this podcast 🔥


What's up with older millennials and the Dejaf podcast? Most of them seem obsessed with it. Never heard a single episode, tho 😁


Comment here for the replied post... I think it's a Telegram bug.


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