A quick tip when choosing a cold wallet:
Before purchasing a wallet, ensure that it supports the cryptocurrencies you intend to store in it.
Different devices support different coins (and some cryptocurrencies cannot be stored in cold storage at all).
It would be disappointing if you finally receive your long-awaited Trezor, only to find out that you cannot hold APTOS cryptocurrency in it (for example). Conversely, Ledger allows it🙂
Don't forget to check the supported assets section on the wallet's website before making a choice!
Before purchasing a wallet, ensure that it supports the cryptocurrencies you intend to store in it.
Different devices support different coins (and some cryptocurrencies cannot be stored in cold storage at all).
It would be disappointing if you finally receive your long-awaited Trezor, only to find out that you cannot hold APTOS cryptocurrency in it (for example). Conversely, Ledger allows it🙂
Don't forget to check the supported assets section on the wallet's website before making a choice!