ክፍቱ አፌ😁

Kanal geosi va tili: Efiopiya, Amharcha
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

🤣Funny memes
No Matter what language you speak. This channel will make You Laugh.
➡️Some time i have to post ads to Grow the channel.
➡️If you have Some Funny memes or FEEDBACK then Feel Free to Share with


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Kanal geosi va tili
Efiopiya, Amharcha
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Pяιмє Aят™ dan repost
Good Evening You!
Got another pic for you today.
Titled: Peaceful.

Some of the pics we post here on Telegram have lower quality due to compression while being posted.
Go to Our Instagram to see our Pictures in better quality.
Stay Safe😷
🦠Pяιмє Aят🦠

Pяιмє Aят™ dan repost
Good Morning!
Got you a single pic today.
Titled: Careful.
Stay Careful
🦠Pяιмє Aят🦠

🗡ѕ w ι т c н в l a d e🗡 dan repost
Never smoked weed in their life.
Never got drunk.
Never had sex.
Never ate pork...

Went to hell cuz they lied..once😂

ŋuʍც💔💔 dan repost
wanna have some love tips?🥺
Or sth to to share wiz ur ex or crush? 😁
check out


thank me later 😌👐🏽

🎊2nd EDITION out NOW🎊
Exclusive Interview With Singer/Song Writer Meron Addis and many interesting issues
Check It Out‼️ @blend_n join join join

Slayin dan repost
Sarcasm🙃-the ability to insult idiots without em realizing it.


Slayin dan repost
The more strong you are,the more those who are new to abuse use you as a punching bag‼️

Be strong darlin🧡😗

Slayin dan repost
Being broke is hard.
Becoming rich is hard.
Choose your hard.

🗡ѕ w ι т c н в l a d e🗡 dan repost
🤔Ion have any more friends named Dagi.
Problem is I say here Dagi Dagi when I see them😶

Habesh PRODIGY dan repost
As an ETHIOPIAN kid nothing was scarier than my MOM saying "እኔ መጥቼ ካገኘሁትስ?" After i told her i couldn't find the thing she commanded me to look for!!!

🗡ѕ w ι т c н в l a d e🗡 dan repost
😒How can u be satisfied with what u have rn when ur used to so much more?

🗡ѕ w ι т c н в l a d e🗡 dan repost
​​​​We goт тwo perѕonalιтιeѕ,
ѕaғe and dangeroυѕ..
lιĸe a ѕwιтcнвlade.

Pяιмє Aят™ dan repost
Good Afternoon! Wassup!
Got another one for the dog lovers.
Titled: Canis III
It's not easy trying to come up with new stuff during this quarantine but we'll manage.
Stay safe😷
🦠Pяιмє Aят🦠

Pяιмє Aят™ dan repost
​​ነገ ቀን የሚያመጣብንን አናውቅም እና ለተጎዱት እንድረስ🖤 እናታችን ወ/ሮ ሙንተፋ ሸረፋ እንደኛው ነበሩ ነገር ግን በድንገት ሁለቱም ኩላሊታቸው ስራቸውን አቆሙ ይህ ከሆነ 4ት አመታት ተቆጠሩ እንደምናውቀው #ዲያሊሲስ የሚባለው ሕክምና ብር ያስጨርሳል እናም እናታችን ብር ስለጨረሱ ካለን ላን በመስጠት የአንድ ቤተሰብ ደስታን መመለስ እንችላለን። ለተለያዩ ለጊዚያዊ ነገሮች ብር እናጠፋለን እንደዚህ አይነት ደግነት ስናደርግ ግን በብር የሰውን ደስታ እንመልሳለን ፈጣሪን እናስደስታለን!!!ከታች በምትመለከቱት አካውንት(የንግድ ባንክ ቁጥር 1000138716892) የአቅሞን ይለግሱልን ወይም አቅሞ የማይፈቅድ ከሆነ ቢያንስ ሼር በማድረግ ይተባበሩን።
ልዑል እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ይርዳን
#share #share #share

Potent Insights dan repost
Morning mylife family how are you all

Read this before you go about your day it might help you

📌 Use kind words and stay humble
📌 Dont stress about things you cant control
📌 try to treat your self better when feeling depressed
📌 find that spark of passion if you are feeling numb
📌 when feeling joy stick to what ever made you happy and stay that way
📌 when in anger try to avoid any confrontation and do things that calm you down even breaking things if you can afford it with in a controled environment
📌 date if your feeling horny 😂 make sure u get your self a wild partner make it online for now tho

-📌 and always stay home stay safe from corona

This is just a simple advice based on your guys vote


Join for more

🙄There's little people can do to offend me. But disrespect...ተጋደልናት።👁👁



🗡ѕ w ι т c н в l a d e🗡 dan repost
​​Her: Let me see your phone👁👁
Me: Aight. But, If You don't find non, imma shave yo head🙂
Few hours later..

Do I give a Fuck? No💁🏾‍♂

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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