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The Avengers Tower is now called Val’s Watchtower

“Who’s the person you would least like to own that tower, that means so much to so many people? Can you use that as a symbol of things taking a darker turn?”


The Russo Brothers have a plan to shut down leaks and set photos for ‘AVENGERS: DOOMSDAY’:

“The location work we are doing, we have picked those locations with [leaks] in mind”


Flow (2024) Won the Oscar for the Best Animated Movie of the Year!

Question: did you really like it? 🙄


First concept art for Marvel Studios’ canceled ‘IRON MAN 3000’ project.

Morgan Stark was seemingly set to lead the project.


WONDER MAN directed by Shang-Chi Director will consist of 8 episodes with runtimes ranging from 20 to 40 minutes, says producer Brad Winderbaum:

"It's a very new flavor for Marvel... It's a love letter to acting as a profession, and it's a very sincere, beautiful show."


New poster for ‘DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN’


James Cameron says that ‘AVATAR: FIRE AND ASH’ will begin with a title card that says “no generative A.I. was used in the making of this movie”


‘CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD’ earned $7.2M yesterday, a 82.4% drop from the film’s domestic opening day.



‘DUNE: MESSIAH’ has begun pre-production for a Summer filming start.


5+5×5-5 = ?

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🎁🎁 ከ17 ደቂቃ ቦኃላ ይጠፋል 🎁🎁

የ 200 ብር ካርድ የሚያስሸልም ጥያቄ!

በኢትዮጵያ በጣም አስቸጋሪ የነበረዉ  ረሀብ መች አመተምህረት ነበረ

Fede Alvarez says he hopes to begin filming the ‘ALIEN: ROMULUS’ sequel this year.


Robert Pattinson is shocked his fanbase is ‘a bunch of guys’ now.

“It's cool, it’s a new one for me”


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.