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Efiopiya, Inglizcha
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Chemistry ⚗️🧑‍🔬 Exam Paper📝

👉Remedial National Exam 2015E.C

𝚓𝚘𝚒𝚗 𝚞𝚜👉@RemedialEducation

🌟Physics ⚛️ Exam Paper 📝

👉Remedial National Exam 2015E.C

𝚓𝚘𝚒𝚗 𝚞𝚜👉@RemedialEducation

🌟Biology 🐣 ExamPaper📝

👉Remedial National Exam 2015 E.C

𝚓𝚘𝚒𝚗 𝚞𝚜👉@RemedialEducation

Mathematics 📐 Natual ExamPapers📝

👉Remedial National Exam 2015E.C

𝚓𝚘𝚒𝚗 𝚞𝚜👉@RemedialEducation

A person who successfully gets 10 grade 12 students to use the PrepPoint app will receive a 50 Birr mobile card as a reward.

Please note that these 10 individuals should either be in remedial classes or taking their matriculation exams this year.

contact me after you complete ur task

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🫡Wagwan guys✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

As you're aware, this year's Matric examination will be conducted online. It's crucial for each of you to become familiar with using computers and navigating websites.🤔I recently discovered🧐 a helpful resource called Prep Point, a website dedicated to Matric preparation. Here, you can practice with past Matric exams and simulate the exam experience with an application that mimics the format of the upcoming Matric exam.🤯 I highly recommend that all of you visit this website, review its content, and take advantage of the practice exams.👍

💥💥👀👀👀By the way it is for free and you can take unlimited practice exams👀👀👀💥💥

Wishing each of you success in your Matric exams.                 

    📌from: Prep Point📌

The link is here:

Chemistry ⚗️🧑‍🔬 Exam Paper📝

👉Remedial National Exam 2015E.C

𝚓𝚘𝚒𝚗 𝚞𝚜👉@RemedialEducation

🌟Biology 🐣 ExamPaper📝

👉Remedial National Exam 2015 E.C

𝚓𝚘𝚒𝚗 𝚞𝚜👉@RemedialEducation

Chemistry ⚗️🧑‍🔬 Exam Paper📝

👉Remedial National Exam 2015E.C

𝚓𝚘𝚒𝚗 𝚞𝚜👉@RemedialEducation

🌟Physics ⚛️ Exam Paper 📝

👉Remedial National Exam 2015E.C

𝚓𝚘𝚒𝚗 𝚞𝚜👉@RemedialCourses

በተለይ First generation University መጀመሪያ ላይ የሞላችሁ ተማሪዎች ውጤታችሁ ማይነፋ ከሆነ ከናንተ አካባቢ በጣም ሩቅ የሆነ University የመመደብ Chanceአችሁ 80% ነው።

So please Focus on 2nd generation best universities 😉

ሰላም ቤተሰቦች❤️‍🔥

👨‍🏫አብዛኞቻቹ placement እንዳልሞላችሁ እና እንዴት ብንሞላ ነዉ የፈለግንበት ሚደርሰን እያላችሁ ብዙ post ስር comment ስታደርጉ ለማየት ሞክረናል::እናም የተወሰነ ስለ placement Tip ነገር ልስጣችሁ 😊

✅በመጀመሪያ placement በዉጤታችሁ እና በፍላጎታችሁ ላይ በመመስረት ነዉ ምደባ ሚካሄደው::እስቲ ላብራራላችሁ ተከታተሉኝ 🧐

ለምሳሌ👱‍♀Rediet ምትባል አንድ ተማሪ ኢንትራንስ ተፈትና አለፈች::ከዛላችሁ placement ሙሉ ተብለው እሷም ለመሙላት ፈለገች:: እሷ እንዲደርሳት ምትፈልገው ሐዋሳ ዩንቨርስቲ ነዉ😌እና እንዴት ትሙላ 1ኛ ላይ ስለሞላች ላይደርሳት ይችላል 💅

🤚እዚህ ጋር አንድ አሪፍ Trick ላሳያችሁ
➡️placement ሞላታችሁ ምደባ ሲደረግ ቅድሚያ ለTop ተማሪዎች ነዉ 1st ላይ የሞሉት ፍላጎታቸው ሚጠበቅላቸው:: ያ ማለት Rediet የአሶሳ ተማሪ ብትሆን እና ከትምህርት ቤቷ ኢንትራንስን ካለፉት ዉስጥ በደረጃ ከ1-10 ብትሆን, መጀመሪያ ላይ የሞላችው ዩኒቨርሲቲ 80% የማገኘው ዕድል አላት:: ነገር ግን ይቺ ተማሪ ከ11-20 ዎቹ ደረጃ ዉስጥ ብትሆንስ probabilityው እየቀነሰ የመጣና 2-4 አከባቢ ላይ የሞላችውን የማግኘት ዕድል ይኖራታል ማለት ነዉ :: ግራ ገባቹ አ 😁ደግማችሁ አንብቡት 🙂

🔗በአጭሩ ማወቅ ያለባቹ ነገር ከት/ቤታቹ በኢንትራንስ result ስንተኛ እንደሆናችሁ ማወቅ then based on the above example መሙላት አለቀ 🤷‍♂️

ይሄ ነገር ግን አብዛኛውን ጊዜ ከአዲስ አበበ ዉጪ ላሉ ተማሪዎች ነዉ ሚሆነው😅ግን አበቤዎችም ሞክሩት

➡️ሌላው ነገር ደግሞ በትምህርት ቤታቹ ዉስጥ ከእናንተ ሚበልጡ ተማሪዎች ተመሳሳይ ከሞሉ ወይም አንድን ዩንቨርስቲ 1st ምርጫቸው ካደረጉ ቅድሚያ የነሱን ፍላጎት ስለሚጠብቁላቸው 2, 3,4 አከባቢ ላይ ምርጫችሁን አሪፍ አርጉ::

😏ምን አለ መሰላችሁ ብዙ ተማሪዎች ሚሸወዱበት ነገር ጎበዝ ተማሪ ሆነው 1ኛ ምርጫቸዉ ሚደርሳቸው መስሏቸው ከ2 ጀምሮ ያሉትን ምርጫቸውን ትኩረት አይሰጡትም ከዛ ምደባ ሲያዩ ያላሰቡት ግቢ ይደርሳቸዋል ☹️ ለጎበዝም ጎበዝ እንዳለ እያሰብን ወገን 🥹

📤Top ተማሪ ባልሆንስ እንዴት ላርግ ምትሉ (መቁረጫ ነጥብ አከባቢ ያላችሁ ማለቴ ነዉ) እናንተ ከ4-10 ምርጫቹ አከባቢ ላይ ትኩረት ስጡ ምክንያቱም መጀመሪያ እንዳልኩአቹ ቅድሚያ ለTop ተማሪዎች ነዉ ምርጫቸው ሚጠበቀው:: እናንተ ብልጥ ሆናችሁ ከሞላቹ ምትፈልጉበት ዩንቨርስቲ ይደርሳቿል::ስለዚህ 300,350,400...ማምጣታቹ አሞላላችሁን ይወስናል እንጂ ከናንተ በላይ ዉጤት ኖሯቸዉም በአሞላል ምክንያት ሚፈልጉትን ዩንቨርስቲ ላያገኙ ይችላሉ::

👥ከዚህ በፊት ይሄን method ነግሬያቸው የፈለጉበት ዩንቨርስቲ የገቡ ብዙ ልጆች አሉ::እንዲህ ስል ግን 100% በዚህ method የፈለጋቹበት ግቢ ይደርሳቿል ማለቴ አይደለም ዕድልም ወሳኝ ነዉ ☹️ብቻ ኮንታ እንዳትገቡ ምኞቴ ነዉ 🥹😁

🔗ባጠቃላይ placement ስትሞሉ በደምብ ተጠንቀቁ ምክንያቱም ከ4-7 ዓመት ምትኖሩበት ሀገር እና ቤት ነዉ🙌

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🛑14 Biology  questions with Answer

1. Which process is primarily responsible for the production of ATP in cells?
   - A) Glycolysis
   - B) Photosynthesis
   - C) Cellular respiration
   - D) Fermentation
   - Answer: C)
2. Which of the following structures is found in plant cells but not in animal cells?
   - A) Mitochondria
   - B) Ribosomes
   - C) Cell wall
   - D) Nucleus
   - Answer: C) Cell wall
3. What is the primary function of the ribosome?
   - A) DNA replication
   - B) Protein synthesis
   - C) Lipid synthesis
   - D) Energy production
   - Answer: B) Protein synthesis
4. Which molecule carries genetic information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm?
   - A) DNA
   - B) mRNA
   - C) tRNA
   - D) rRNA
   - Answer: B) mRNA
5. Which phase of mitosis is characterized by the alignment of chromosomes in the center of the cell?
   - A) Prophase
   - B) Metaphase
   - C) Anaphase
   - D) Telophase
   - Answer: B) Metaphase
6. Which of the following is an example of a homozygous genotype?
   - A) Aa
   - B) BB
   - C) AB
   - D) Bb
   - Answer: B) BB
7. Which hormone regulates the levels of glucose in the blood?
   - A) Insulin
   - B) Thyroxine
   - C) Adrenaline
   - D) Estrogen
   - Answer: A) Insulin
8. Which of the following is not a component of the central nervous system?
   - A) Brain
   - B) Spinal cord
   - C) Peripheral nerves
   - D) All of the above are part of the central nervous system
   - Answer: C) Peripheral nerves
9. Which kingdom includes multicellular, photosynthetic organisms?
   - A) Fungi
   - B) Animalia
   - C) Plantae
   - D) Protista
   - Answer: C) Plantae
10. What is the basic unit of structure and function in living organisms?
    - A) Organ
    - B) Cell
    - C) Tissue
    - D) Organ system
    - Answer: B) Cell
11. What is the primary function of chlorophyll in photosynthesis?
    - A) Absorbing water
    - B) Absorbing sunlight
    - C) Producing oxygen
    - D) Producing glucose
    - Answer: B)
12. Which of the following best describes an ecosystem?
    - A) A group of the same species living in a specific area
    - B) A community of organisms and their physical environment interacting together
    - C) The variety of life within a specific habitat
    - D) A single organism and its role in the environment
    - Answer: B)
13. What is the primary role of mitochondria in cells?
    - A) Protein synthesis
    - B) Photosynthesis
    - C) ATP production
    - D) DNA replication
    - Answer: C) ATP production
14. Which type of macromolecule are enzymes?
    - A) Carbohydrates
    - B) Lipids
    - C) Proteins
    - D) Nucleic acids
    - Answer: C) Proteins

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