The Japanese samurai technique: reflect on death, accept it, and live your life in peace
When anger or resentment comes over our heads, we say and do everything we can to hurt ourselves and everyone else unlucky enough to get caught in the moment.
But how to help yourself when emotions run high?
Like: you submitted your resume to the company and lost peace while waiting for an answer. Turn on the samurai and ask yourself: "Okay, they'll pick another candidate. Then what?"
No big deal. It's just that the other candidate is more qualified for the day, and you'll avoid working with people who aren't a good fit.
There's nothing to argue with, there's no point in getting any further nervous.
When anger or resentment comes over our heads, we say and do everything we can to hurt ourselves and everyone else unlucky enough to get caught in the moment.
But how to help yourself when emotions run high?
Like: you submitted your resume to the company and lost peace while waiting for an answer. Turn on the samurai and ask yourself: "Okay, they'll pick another candidate. Then what?"
No big deal. It's just that the other candidate is more qualified for the day, and you'll avoid working with people who aren't a good fit.
There's nothing to argue with, there's no point in getting any further nervous.