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Ode to my phone, who thinks all my friendships never end

and I'm still a bit in love with all of them. I still see ads for applesauce and blue Gatorade. Autocorrect still spells your name. I believe the Internet knows how to love relentlessly more than anyone else, how to keep grasping who wants to leave. Don't delete the data. I like dreaming of our information still floating and holding hands while we both sleep. Any algorithm of delusion is better than weeping. How else do I tweet that I miss you? I used to be a Romantic but now I'm just the image: I move about my day carrying a box full of hearts & see you in every chocolate cake. I cry with my elbows on my knees, back against the fridge, the silver of light that shines all too big & wrong.

My greatest love stories weren't romantic.


There are many nights when I lie awake, staring at the ceiling, wondering how it would feel to not be here anymore. It was wasn't that I wanted to die, not exactly. I just wanted to be where I wasn't. To step out of my skin and leave it behind like an old coat. The exhaustion curled inside me like smoke. Every morning, I would wake up hoping the day had somehow vanished, that time had moved past me without asking me to participate. But it never did. It kept calling my name, dragging me forward, and I followed, though I no longer know why.


Why do the young poets all write about persephone?

Maybe it's because we can relate.

To a goddess?

To being half sunshine and half grave.


I had a broken ankle and you had a shitty car that sang at certain speeds. I was holding my bleeding foot but we were all laughing. You were the only one who was worried. Speeding to the doctor with your hands on ten and two, sending the occasional worried glances and asking if it hurts, does it hurt?

All the memories of you do.


Let me tell you a secret — sometimes I think this might all be a bad dream.
Every now and then, when the world is quite enough and the yellow light hits the ceiling just right, I feel like a child again.
Sometimes I wish I could find the spot where time is the weakest, touch it, tear it apart, and wake up on the sofa again, behind my parents backs where I've crawled after some nightmare.
From the tv, I'd hear a laugh track, I'm pretending to sleep.
It's that summer again.
see, the balcony door is ajar. see, there's a mosquito trying to get in. see, my heart isn't aching. see?


What happens when you reach a point where you've done all you can? When everything you've built is out of your hands, and the only left thing to do is hope? It's like standing at the edge of a cliff, watching as the wind tugs at your dreams, knowing that they might fly or fall. The fear of falling is always there but so is the sky.

—Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood


I know we're both just messing around pretending to be whole but look at me.
If the train was coming, would you move? If the ground was falling under your feet, would you even notice or would it just be another tuesday for you?
If somebody stabbed you, would it hurt worse than you already do?
What I'm saying is that I love you but I think we both drive over the speed limit when it's raining.
What I'm saying is that I want to hold your hand and I understand how you have to sit down in the shower.
What I'm saying is that I'm here for you and if the train comes, please move.


For three years, I've had a bullet in my chest.
Joan Didion wrote Do not whine. Do not complain. Work harder. Spend more time alone.
Like any good disciple, I listened.
Sometimes the bullet was soft, pink, gooey, barely there.
Sometimes it burned blue with heat
& I laid in bed wondering if the work would kill me.
I did not whine when the solitude sawed my body in half.
I did not complain when I walked for hours, trying to get the sound of a sentence right.
I bled politely all over I went.

It is April. The work is done.
Look, I have plucked the bullet from my body.
I am not alone. I am alive.
Purple wildflowers blooming everywhere.

An Exit Wound That Feels too Good


I want to be loved in a way
It won't hurt
and I won't need to worry.
Because I,
will be everything I am
and it will be enough.


"It's the little cruelities that get you," She told him. "Never the big hurts, the pain you can point to, and say 'Oh I see this bruise,' but the wounds that you can't even tell are there until one day you are eating a bowl of fennel soup or moon bathing on the balcony of your home and you can't move, you can't do anything, because you think, Well something is dead in me, What has been done to me, and Why did I allow this to happen? And now, and now, and now...


People say Van Gogh ate yellow paint so that he could be happy, and often treated his depression like a deity instead of a disease.

The truth is that he ate it so he could die, and there's nothing beautiful about depression.

I fell for the lies about Van Gogh. To cry for a fake alchemy, over an inability to turn your depression into art.

In reality, Van Gogh made his best works when he was healing. He is not his illness, and neither is anyone.

I too make my best works when I'm healing— when I look at the ground with astonishment that it holds life, and not a melancholy that I'm not buried in it.



scriptures written on journal pages
worship music playing on the speakers and
sweet smelling flowers to remind me
it is well
it is well
it is well


If I could go outside
And take you out
We could talk all night
You're all I think about
If you were mine
And I was yours
You'd be my valentine
But you're not.


We look out at the night sky on the balcony of the bar and I mention your name. I make sure it's casual, a passing remark. I pray that someone will ask me the questions I answer best. "tell me more. what were they like? were they kind? would they have stayed if you had asked?"

And most of all, I hope someday someone will lightly touch my hand and say. "It's okay. you don't need to pretend not to love. you don't need to joke about it until it's funny. tell me about the way their eyes knew you."


For old times sake is actually such a heartbreaking and beautiful sentiment. Like, let's do it for the love that used to be here. It is reason enough.


I have written down dreams
And forgotten them
Years later as it manifests,
God says quitetly to me,
Do you remember this, my love?


I thought you said you loved the ocean
When we were standing at the shore
You didn't even dip your toes in, but I still believed you,
Just took your arm.
Tell myself you made me better, so I never had to leave.
All the while I'm swimming, and you're watching from the beach.
Thought you said you loved the ocean.
Thought you loved me.
When you lie to me, I smile
cause I don't know how long we've got.
And when I look back at the pictures,
I can remember all the things that we're not.


Do you still perform autospies on conversations you've had lives ago?

-Thirteen ways of looking at Thirteen


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