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Efiopiya, Inglizcha
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Call for Applications: ILFA Flagship Secondment Programme for African Lawyers, including Ethiopian lawyers.
(Placements in London & Dubai) 

ILFA Flagship Secondment Programme offers a valuable opportunity for 1 to 3 months of work experience. This programme includes advanced training and placements at esteemed law firms or corporate legal departments in London, Dubai, or Paris. The programme will be conducted from September to December 2025.

Application form - Link

Today, the Ethiopian parliament has approved a draft "Banking Business Proclamation," marking a major shift in the country’s financial landscape by allowing foreign banks to establish operations in Ethiopia.

የህዝብ ተወካዮች ምክር ቤት በኢትዮጵያ የውጭ ባንኮች እንዲሳተፉ የሚፈቅደውን የባንክ ስራ ረቂቅ አዋጅ ዛሬ አጽድቋል፡፡

- This legislation offers various avenues for foreign banks to enter the market, such as creating subsidiaries, opening branches, or acquiring shares in local banks. However, to protect local interests, strict regulations have been implemented, mandating that foreign ownership in local banks cannot exceed 49% of the subscribed shares, ensuring that 51% remains under Ethiopian control.

- Furthermore, the new law allows foreign banks to employ foreign nationals as senior executives but also emphasises the need for Ethiopian representation on the boards of these banks to maintain local oversight. The endorsement of this proclamation follows six months of deliberation after the Council of Ministers passed an initial draft.

4k 0 96 2 25

🧩መቀጮ ስምምነት ማለት ምን ማለት ነው❓
⚠️ የሰበር ውሳኔዎች የተጣቀሱበት 〽️
የሕግ ገፅ በቴሌግራም ለመከተል ❕❕
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        በፌደራል ጠበቆች ማህበር የወጣ የቅድመ ስራ ልምምድ Internship ማስታወቂያ፡

       የኢትዮጵያ ፌደራል ጠበቆች ማህበር በህግ የመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ(LL. B ለተመረቃችሁ ወይም የ5ኛ ዓመት የህግ ትምህርት ቤት ተማሪዎች ሆናችሁ መርሃ ግብሩን በአካል ማከናወን የምትችሉ የመጨረሻ አመት ተማሪዎች ከ 3 ወር እስከ 6 ወር ድረስ የሚቆይ የቅድመ - ሥራ ልምምድ (Internship) በማህበሩ በኩል የተመቻቸ ስለሆነ ለመሳተፍ የምትፈልጉ አመልካቾች የትምህርት ማስረጃዎቻችሁን ዋናዉ እና ኮፒ እንዲሁም ( CV) በመያዝ በማህበሩ ጽ/ቤት እየቀረባችሁ መመዝገብ ከዛሬ ህዳር 30 ቀን ጀምሮ እስከ ታህሳስ 11 2017ዓ.ም ድረስ መመዝገብ (ማመልከት) የምትችሉ መሆኑን እንገልጻለን፡፡

የኢትዮጵያ ፌደራል ጠበቆች ማህበር

አብዛኛው ሰዉ የህግ ምክር የሙያ አገልግሎት መሆኑን እና እንደሚያስከፍልም የረሳ ሳይሆን እውቅና ያለውም አይመስልም።
በህጉ መሠረት ፍትህ የማግኘት መብትን ለማስጠበቅ ጠበቃው አቅም ለማይኖራቸው ሰዎች ከሚሰጠው አገልግሎት ውጭ ማንኛውም አይነት የምክር አልግሎት የሚያስከፍል መሆኑን ይወቁ።(ማወቅ ብቻም ሳይሆን ይክፈሉ😄)

እርስዎስ ምን ይላሉ?

ዳኝነት ከመዳኘት ያለፈ: ፍርድ ከመፃፍ ያለ ደብዳቤ ለመጻፍ እንኳን ጊዜ አይኖሮም። ታታሪው ዳኛ ካሴ መልካም ይኸው በአንድ ዓመት ሁለተኛውን አዳስ ይዞልን ቀርቧል።
(ከዚህ በታች ያለው ፅሑፍ በራሱ በፀሐፊው የተቀናበረ ነው)


ገባያ ላይ ውሏል
በመጽሐፍ የፍርድ ቤቶች የዳኝነት ሥልጣን በተመለከ በከፊል:-
1.ውሳኔ ለሰጠበት ፍ/ቤት በሕዝብ ተወካዮች ያልተሸመ ዳኛን የሰጠው ፍርድ የፀና ስለመሆኑ
.2. የከተማ አስተዳደር በሰጠው የሊዝ ውል አላግባብ ተጥሷል የሚለውን ክርክር የመዳኘት ስልጣን የፌዴራል ፍርድ ቤቶች ስለመሆኑ
.3. የፍርድ ቤቶችን የሥረ-ነገር ሥልጣን የዜጎች ፍትህ የማግኘት መብት ያላቸው ባከበረ መልኩ መተርጎም አለበት
.4. በውል የተሰየመ የግልግል ዳኛ ሲከስም ፍ/ቤት በራሱ የግልግል ዳኛ መሾም የማይችል ስለመሆኑ እና ፍርድ ቤቱ ሊሰጠው የሚችለው አማራጭ መፍትሔ
.5. ኢትዮጵያ በምታደርጋቸው ስምምነቶች የፍርድ ቤት ስልጣን ሲገድብ የዜጎች በሀገራቸው ፍ/ቤቶች ፍትሕ የማግኘት መብትን የማይነካ ስለመሆኑ
.6. ፍ/ቤቶች የቀን ሰራተኞች ከስራ ሲባረሩ/ሲታገዱ የማከራከር ስልጣን የሌላቸው ስለመሆኑ
.7. የክልል ጉዳዮችን በተመለከተ በክልል ሕግ በግልፅ የሰበር ስርዓት ባይደነገግም ጉዳዩ ለክልል ሰበር መቅርብ ያለበት ስለመሆኑ
8.ነክልል ጠቅላይ ፍርድ ቤት ሰበር ሰሚ ችሎት ለህዝብ ጥቅም ሲባል የመሬት ይዞታ የሚለቀቅበትንና የንብረት ካሳ የሚከፈልበትን ለመዳኘት ስልጣን የሌለው ስለመሆኑ

By Abreham Y.

የሪል ስቴት ልማት እና የማይንቀሳቀስ ንብረት
ግብይትና ግመታ አዋጅ አጭር ማብራሪያ

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#CapitalNews የሪል እስቴት አልሚዎች ያልተገነባ ቤት በመሸጥ የሚሰበስቡትን ገንዘብ በዝግ አካዉንት እንዲያስቀምጡ የሚያስገድደዉ አዋጅ በአብላጫ ድምፅ ፀደቀ

ሪል ስቴት አልሚዎች ግንባታ ከማከናወናቸው አስቀድመው ቤት እንዳይሸጡ እና ከደንበኞቻቸው የሚሰበስቡትን ገንዘብ ደግሞ በዝግ የባንክ አካውንት እንዲያስቀምጡ የሚያስገድድ ረቂቅ አዋጅ ፀድቋል።

በዚህ አዋጅ የይዞታ ማረጋገጫ እና የግንባታ ፍቃድ ያላገኙ አልሚዎች ደንበኞችን መመዝገብ እና ክፍያ መቀበል የሚከለክል ሲሆን ግንባታው ቢያንስ 80 በመቶ ያልተጠናቀቀ ቤቶችን ደግሞ ማስረከብ እንዳማይችሉ በዝርዝር አስቀምጧል ።

የማይንቀሳቀስ ንብረት ግመታ ስርዓቱ ዘመናዊና በመረጃ በተደገፈ መልኩ ተገማች ዋጋ እንዲኖረው ማድረግ በማስፈለጉ እና በማይንቀሳቀስ ንብረት ገበያው ግልጽነት መጓደሉ ምክንያት ረቂቅ አዋጅ እንዲወጣ መደረጉ ተገልጿል ነበር።

ይህን ተከትሎ የሪል እስቴት ልማት እና የማይንቀሳቀስ ንብረት ግብይትና ግመታ ረቂቅ አዋጅ 1357/2017 ሆኖ በሁለት ተቃውሞ እና በአንድ ድምፀ ታቅቦ በአብላጫ ድምፅ መፅደቁ የተገኘው መረጃ ያመለክታል ።

7k 0 21 3 18

The Irish Centre for Human Rights, School of Law, University of Galway, is pleased to offer one doctoral scholarship in the field of Islamic Law and Gender. The selected candidate will be supervised by Professor Roja Fazaeli and supported by a Graduate Research Committee comprised of staff members from the Irish Centre for Human Rights at University of Galway.

The deadline for applications is 28 January 2025.

More info: https://lnkd.in/e-2cTYB7

GIZ is hiring!

📢 Position: Gender and Human Rights Advisor 📍Addis Ababa
✏️ Vacancy announcement: #142/2024
📅 Application deadline: 07.12.2024

More details at https://www.giz.de/en/downloads_els/Advisor%20on%20Gender%20and%20Human%20Rights%20for%20Transitional%20Justice%20%23142_2024.pdf

Applications are now open for the Racial Justice Fellowship at Harvard University 2025-2026 cohort and are due by Sunday, January 5, 2025.

The Racial Justice Program focuses on reimagining systems, institutions, and movements to promote racial and economic equity for all. The program strengthens discourse connecting domestic civil rights to global human rights frameworks and brings together faculty, fellows, students, and the broader University community to collaborate.

They seek to attract a diverse group of fellows from different disciplines and sectors (academia, business, technology, civil society, human rights organizations, public interest technologists, and independent researchers and practitioners) who would like to design and develop a research project salient to their own expertise and the research priorities of the Center.

Fellows are encouraged to collaborate with each other and must participate in periodic Zoom calls with Carr Center faculty and other experts. Papers prepared by fellows will be published and promoted by the Carr Center, and projects of a more practical or applied nature will be presented to a cross-section of experts who will give feedback and ideas for strengthening.

All fellowship terms are one academic year (September 1-June 30).

Apply via the official Link
Telegram- https://telegram.me/ethiolawblog
Facebook- https://m.facebook.com/aboutlawlegalservice
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የሲቪል ማኅበረስብ ድርጅቶች ባለስልጣን፣ “የመብቶች እና ዴሞክራሲ ዕድገት ማዕከል”፣ “ስብስብ ለሰብዓዊ መብቶች ኢትዮጵያ” እና "የሕግ ባለሙያዎች ለሰብዓዊ መብቶች" የተባሉ ሲቪክ ድርጅቶችን ማገዱን ዋዜማ ሰምታለች። ባለሥልጣኑ ባለፈው ሳምንት መጨረሻና በዚህ ሳምንት ለድርጅቶቹ በተናጠል በላከው ደብዳቤ፣ ድርጅቶቹ ከማናቸውም እንቅስቃሴ መታገዳቸውን አስታውቋቸዋል። ዋዜማ የተመለከተችው ደብዳቤ ለእገዳው የሰጠው ምክንያት፣ ድርጅቶቹ ከፖለቲካ ገለልተኛ ሆነው መሥራት ሲገባቸው ከዓላማቸው ውጭ በመንቀሳቀስ የአገርና የሕዝብ ጥቅምን በሚጎዱ ተግባራት ላይ ተሠማርተዋል የሚል ነው። የድርጅቶቹ የባንክ ሒሳብም ታግዷል ተብሏል። እገዳው መንግሥት በሰብዓዊ መብት ድርጅቶች ላይ ሲያደረግ የቆየው ጫና የመጨረሻ ከፍታ ነው ሲሉ ለጉዳዩ ቅርበት ያላቸው ምንጮች ለዋዜማ ተናግረዋል። ለባለሥልጣኑ ቅርብ የሆኑ ምንጮችም፣ እገዳው የተላለፈበት ሂደት ግልጽ እንዳልኾነላቸው ተናግረዋል።

📻Wazema Radio

Exciting news! 👏

Haramaya University College of Law has won Best Memorial and secured Runners-Up in a recent World Moot on International Law and Animal Rights. The team comprises Students:Fenet Jelato, Fenet Abdurahman and Meira Aliye coached by Dawit Barihum and Chala Yuye.

By this, we're thrilled to announce that they have been invited to the world finals, representing Ethiopia and Africa which likely take place in the UK or Switzerland in 2025.


Judges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) have issued arrest warrants for Israel’s prime minister and former defence minister, as well as Hamas's military commander.

A statement said a pre-trial chamber had rejected Israel’s challenges to the court’s jurisdiction and issued warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant.

A warrant was also issued for Mohammed Deif, although the Israeli military has said he was killed in an air strike in Gaza in July.

The judges said there were “reasonable grounds” that the three men bore "criminal responsibility" for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity during the war between Israel and Hamas. Both Israel and Hamas have rejected the allegations.

It will now be up to the ICC's 124 member states - who do not include Israel or its ally, the United States - to decide whether or not to enforce the warrants.


Associate Position at Tsegamlak Solomon & Associates Law Office

Position: Associate

Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Employment Type: Full-Time

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Tsegamlak Solomon & Associates Law Office (TSA) is an established law office in Ethiopia with a proven track record of success in providing high-quality legal services to a diverse range of clients, including private equity investors, foreign direct investors, start-ups, and SMEs. We pride ourselves on delivering innovative legal solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients.

Key Responsibilities:

Client Engagement: Serve as the primary liaison for clients, ensuring their legal needs are understood and met with professionalism and precision.
Project Management: Oversee legal projects, ensuring deliverables are completed on time and align with client expectations.
Legal Analysis: Conduct detailed legal research and provide actionable insights on complex business law matters.
Bureaucratic Navigation: Handle regulatory and administrative processes, effectively managing challenges within Ethiopia’s legal framework.
Drafting & Documentation: Draft, review, and refine legal documents, contracts, and client reports with attention to detail and clarity.
Team Collaboration: Collaborate with colleagues to maintain TSA’s high standards of service delivery and foster a supportive team environment.
Representation: Represent clients in negotiations, mediations, and interactions with government bodies as needed.
Qualifications and Skills:

Education: Minimum of an LLB in Law from a recognized institution.
Experience: 3-5 years of professional legal experience, with a strong focus or interest in business law.
Key Competencies:
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to address complex legal issues.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills for building and maintaining client relationships.
Proven ability to navigate bureaucratic processes and regulatory challenges.
Exceptional organizational and project management skills.
High level of integrity, professionalism, and attention to detail.
Application Process:

Qualified candidates are invited to send their CV, cover letter, and references to tsolomon@tsegasolomon.com with the subject line "Application for Associate Position." Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled.

Click here for- Official Link

📢 We're hiring!

EHRC Addis Ababa office is looking for 3 candidates:

Human Rights Officer, Women’s Rights (Deadline: Nov 27)
Human Rights Officer, Education & Personal Assistant (Deadline: Nov 29)

Apply at https://ehrc.org/jobs/. Join us in promoting human rights for ALL!

#Ethiopia #HumanRightsForAll

የፌዴራል ጠቅላይ ፍ/ቤት 1ኛ ሰበር ሰሚ ችሎት በሰ.መ.ቁ 248877 ጥቅምት 29 ቀን 2017 ዓ . ም በዋለው ችሎት የወራሽነት ማስረጃ የወሰደ ሰው በሕግ በታወቀ ጋብቻ ውስጥ ወይም እንደ ባልና ሚስት ግንኙነት ወይም ከሁለቱ በአንዱ በሕግ በሚታወቅ ግንኙነት ውስጥ እንዳልተወለደ ከተረጋገጠ የሟች ልጅ እንደሆነ በመግለጽ ከአዲስ አበባ ከተማ መጀመሪያ ደረጃ ፍርድ ቤት የሟች የመጀመሪያ ደረጃ ወራሽ ነው ተብሎ የተሰጠ ማስረጃ ጸንቶ ሊቀጥል የሚችለው ሟች ልጄ ነው በማለት የተቀበሉት ስለመሆኑ በቤተሰብ ሕጉ አንቀጽ 131 እና ተከታዮቹ ድንጋጌዎች መሠረት እና በቤተሰብ ሕጉ አንቀጽ 143 እና ተከታዮቹ መሠረት አባትነት በፍርድ ቤት ውሳኔ የሚታወቅባቸው ሁኔታዎች መኖራቸውን በመግለጽ በማስረጃ የተደገፈ ክርክር ሲቀርብ መሆኑን: ሰዎች የወራሽነት ማስረጃ የሚወስዱት መብት ለማቋቋም በማሰብ እንደመሆኑ ይህን ማስረጃ በመጠቀም በሚደረግ ተግባራት የሶስተኛ ወገኖች መብቶች ሊነካ የሚችልበት ሁኔታ ሊፈጠር እንደሚችል ከግምት በማስገባት ማስረጃውን የሚሰጠው ፍርድ ቤትም የወራሽነት ማስረጃ ሲሰጥ ጠያቂዎቹ ከሟች ጋር አለን የሚሉትን ግንኙነት በተገቢው ማስረጃ እንዲያረጋግጡ ማድረግ እንደሚኖርበት: በዚሕ አግባብ ተረጋግጦ የተሰጠ የወራሽነት ማስረጃ መሆኑን ማስረጃው የተሰጠው ሰው ባላስረዳበት ሁኔታ ማስረጃውን በመቃወም ክስ ያቀረበ ሰዉ ክስ የማቅረብ መብቱ በይርጋ የታገደ ነው የመካድ ክስ እንዲያቀርብም ሊፈቀድለት አይገባም በሚል የሚሰጥ ውሳኔ መሰረታዊ የሆነ የሕግ ስሕተት የተፈጸመበት መሆኑን በመግለጽ አስገዳጅ የሆነ የሕግ ትርጉም ሰጥቶበታል።
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Facebook- https://m.facebook.com/aboutlawlegalservice
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🌍✨ Join Us for the Pact for the Future: Youth Engagement in Action! ✨🌍

UNA-ET and Baha’i International Community Addis Ababa Office invite you to be part of this event aimed at empowering youth across various sectors. Together, we will explore innovative strategies to implement the pact for the future in the themes of youth in peace and security, climate action, women and young girls, digital equity, youth unemployment and meaningful youth engagement!

🗓 Date: Saturday November 23, 2024
⏱️ Time: 8:30am

RSVP- https://forms.gle/NStoKCq8iMq4nCD7A

One of the most key outcomes of the event will be the development of a position paper. This document will outline the collective insights and recommendations generated during our discussions, providing valuable guidance for policymakers, practitioners, and youth organizations on how to effectively implement the principles of the Pact for the Future.

Don’t miss out!

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.