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😂 Be Like Bro seeks to join people together with a mission to spread smiles and make the world a happy place. Join up!


Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.


The way a person treats restaurant staff reveals a lot about their character.


The more attracted you are to a person, the easier it is for them to make you laugh.


Hustlers Only👇

Ice Cream doesn't make you colder, it actually makes you warmer. This is due to the amount of fat that ice cream contains.


Listening to your favourite songs before bed can help you sleep better and wake up more refreshed.


One of the best ways to establish rapport with someone is to touch that person on the arm somewhere between the elbow and shoulder.


Smiling and other mood-lifting activities help improve willpower.


Introverts have a best creativity knowledge So they can be good artists ,writers ,musicians etc.


Introverts are curiously independent and highly- self motivated. They prefer to work alone.


Peace of mind makes body healthy, but jealousy is like a cancer.


Letting jealous people know that they have hurt you will only make them happy so just remain calm and try to guide them back to the right path.


Depression in women increases the risk of broken bones. Take care womens


Crying keeps you healthy by literally flushing away harmful bacteria and reducing stress.


More than half of caretakers of elderly family members have symptoms of major depression.


Every person you see in dreams has come across in your real life. Our brain can not create faces.


When a person dies, they have 7 minutes of brain activity left in which they see a dream-like sequence of their memories.


Convincing yourself you slept well tricks your brain into thinking you did.


We generally tend to overestimate ourselves. We are not as nice as we think we are.


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