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#Feasts of #Tahisas_26
✞✞✞On this day we commemorate the Departure of Saint Anastasia and Saint Aboli (Apoli) the Righteous✞✞✞
✞✞✞In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God. Amen!✞✞✞
✞✞✞Blessed Mothers✞✞✞
=>Today, let us memorialize a bit about our blessed mothers. Though the title “Saint” is given to all holy women, its meaning becomes different when applied to the Virgin Mary. And that is because she is “Holy of holies, wholesome of the pure, blessed of the sacred and elect of the chosen.”
✞She is greater to all the children of men. Let alone the children of men, she is greater to the pure angels in wholesomeness and holiness. She is the Mother of Light, the Theotokos and the pride of our human nature.
✞And when we call our Lady “Holy - A Saint” we mean, “Preserved, immaculate, honored, and inimitable”.
1. Our Lady is called “Immaculate”. [And that’s because] when other people (saints) are said to be pure it is purity from evil deeds and speech, and not from sinful thoughts. However, our Lady is pure from the sins of speech, deed, and thought [which makes her immaculate].
“To whom was it given, from the children of men, to keep from thinking sin (sinful thoughts). This was not even possible to the angels.”
(Introductory part of “The Miracles of Mary”)
2. We call her “Preserved” as well. [And that’s because other] women are preserved in virginity temporarily but later on, they will lose that status. However, our Lady was a Virgin before conceiving [the Lord], during conception [of the Lord], after conception, before giving birth, while giving birth and after giving birth. [Hence she is preserved in perpetual virginity.]
And that is as the Saint had said, “Preserved in virginity and without corruption/sin.” (St. Yared/Jared)
In addition, it is as the Great St. Basil had said as well, “Mary, perpetually virgin.” (The Book of the Divine Liturgy – Anaphora of St. Basil, No. 73)
3. We also call the Virgin “Honored”. [And that’s because] other women are given honor [not negating their labors] because they have bore saints, martyrs, prophets and apostles. However, we honor our Lady saying, “The Mother of God - Theotokos”.
4. We furthermore call our Lady “Inimitable”. And that is because no other woman was a mother while a virgin, a Lady while a servant and has brought forth milk while a virgin (a virgin’s milk) except her.
✞Let us rest what we have started about our Lady here and see other holy mothers. When honoring our mothers, we start with St. Eve. Most of the time, what is spoken about our mother Eve is her transgression, and not her good virtue, kindness and repentance. Nonetheless, our mother St. Eve is a woman that deserves honor.
*And that is because Christ became man to sanctify her and her children. As it states, “To abolish the curse of Eve, He was crucified upon a wooden Cross.” (Deggwa of St. Yared/ Jared)
✞Then, in the Old Testament mothers like Haikel, Edna, Sarah, Rebecca, Asenath, Zipporah, Hannah, Bath–sheba have delighted God walking in the good path. And during the time of His ministry (when He was incarnated) the compassion of the Saints Anna, Elisabeth, Mary, Sophia, Salome, Joanna and the 36 Holy Women shone.
✞And we will not be able to list the myriads of holy mothers that rose from then to now, for 2000 years. The Church has bore many mothers that had beasts prostrate before them for their sanctity, who have vexed kings, trampled demons, and treaded upon serpents.
✞And today, we know and believe that we have many mothers who have followed the good path and live in the desert and the cities. However, the ways of our sisters, which are not according to the rites, that we see in the municipalities is a great threat to the country and the Church. It seems as if this is an era in which, honor and disgrace are undistinguishable.✞My sisters, those of you who are reading this! Let me tell you one thing.