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ዛሬ የመረቅነው የአዲስ ዓለም አቀፍ ኮንቬንሽን ማዕከል፣ ሀገራችን ታላላቅ ኮንፈረንሶችን እና ዐውደ ርዕዮችን እንድታስተናግድ የሚያስችላት ነው።
Giddugalli Konveenshinii Idil-addunyaa Addiis har'a eebbisne, biyyi keenya akka konfaransiiwwaniifi agarsiisota gurguddoo keessumsiiftu kan ishee dandeessisudha.
The Addis International Convention Center, which we inaugurated today, is a critical piece of infrastructure that will expand our nation’s capacity to host large-scale conferences and exhibitions.
Giddugalli Konveenshinii Idil-addunyaa Addiis har'a eebbisne, biyyi keenya akka konfaransiiwwaniifi agarsiisota gurguddoo keessumsiiftu kan ishee dandeessisudha.
The Addis International Convention Center, which we inaugurated today, is a critical piece of infrastructure that will expand our nation’s capacity to host large-scale conferences and exhibitions.