ሁሉንም ዩቲዩብ ላይ ያሉ ቪዲዮዎች ለማየት ከ1,000 ዓመታት በላይ ይወስዳል።
ዩቲዩብ በ13 ዓመታት ውስጥ ብዙ አዳዲስ ተጠቃሚዎችን እና ይዘቶችን አግኝቷል፣ እያንዳንዱን Upload የተደረገ ቪዲዮ ለማየት ከ1,000 እስከ 1,700 ዓመታት ይወስዳል።
It would take more than 1,000 years to watch all the videos on YouTube.
YouTube has gained so many new users and content over 13 years, that it would take from 1,000 to 1,700 years to watch every uploaded video.
Credit : Facts
ዩቲዩብ በ13 ዓመታት ውስጥ ብዙ አዳዲስ ተጠቃሚዎችን እና ይዘቶችን አግኝቷል፣ እያንዳንዱን Upload የተደረገ ቪዲዮ ለማየት ከ1,000 እስከ 1,700 ዓመታት ይወስዳል።
It would take more than 1,000 years to watch all the videos on YouTube.
YouTube has gained so many new users and content over 13 years, that it would take from 1,000 to 1,700 years to watch every uploaded video.
Credit : Facts