Did you know 30,000 $ETN is 80.48$
This is the current soft Listing price.
Question: What about after the Airdrop are you receiving ETN at the current price ?
Answer: No After the Airdrop if finished All the Advertising, Transaction, Sponsorship deals with all the data then you will see how much a token that actually puts all the funds into the project so you will see how much TOMARKET duckchain etc sold out their communities
30,000$ETN 80.48 ዶላር እንደሆነ ታውቃለህ?
ይህ የአሁኑ Soft listing ዋጋ ነው።
ጥያቄ፡- ከአየር ድርሻ በኋላ ETNን በአሁኑ ዋጋ ታገኛለህ?
መልስ፡- አይደለም። ከአየር ድርሻ በኋላ ሁሉም ማስታወቂያዎች፣ ግብይቶች፣ እና ስፖንሰርሺፕ ስምምነቶች ከሁሉም መረጃዎች ጋር ከተጠናቀቁ በኋላ ፕሮጀክቱን በእውነት ገንዘብ የሚያስገቡትን ቶከን ስንት እንደሆነ ታያለህ። ስለዚህ TOMARKET duckchain ወዘተ ለማህበረሰባቸው ምን ያህል እንደሸጡ ታያለህ።
This is the current soft Listing price.
Question: What about after the Airdrop are you receiving ETN at the current price ?
Answer: No After the Airdrop if finished All the Advertising, Transaction, Sponsorship deals with all the data then you will see how much a token that actually puts all the funds into the project so you will see how much TOMARKET duckchain etc sold out their communities
30,000$ETN 80.48 ዶላር እንደሆነ ታውቃለህ?
ይህ የአሁኑ Soft listing ዋጋ ነው።
ጥያቄ፡- ከአየር ድርሻ በኋላ ETNን በአሁኑ ዋጋ ታገኛለህ?
መልስ፡- አይደለም። ከአየር ድርሻ በኋላ ሁሉም ማስታወቂያዎች፣ ግብይቶች፣ እና ስፖንሰርሺፕ ስምምነቶች ከሁሉም መረጃዎች ጋር ከተጠናቀቁ በኋላ ፕሮጀክቱን በእውነት ገንዘብ የሚያስገቡትን ቶከን ስንት እንደሆነ ታያለህ። ስለዚህ TOMARKET duckchain ወዘተ ለማህበረሰባቸው ምን ያህል እንደሸጡ ታያለህ።