Let's talk a little about fund acc in Forex trading.
What is a Fund acc and how can I get it?
🔥 There are many ways to get a fund account. There are many types of prop firms fund accounts, you can see them above. A fund account is mainly used by people who do not have a lot of money but have trading experience.
🔖 For example, a person who has trading experience but does not have the budget to trade can make their own money by buying a fund account with a small amount of money and passing the test.
✨ But this has its own process. Just because someone spends a small amount of money doesn't mean they will pass the fund test.
For example, there are many different sizes of fund accounts.🗣️
➡️ So let's take a look at the process a little bit.
🎤 If someone buys a $5000 fund account, there are different rules and things they have to do.
The rule for most prop firms is the same.
It has two types of steps: phase 1 and phase 2.
📣 After going through these two steps, we can make a payout by sharing our profits with prop firms.
What is a Fund acc and how can I get it?
🔥 There are many ways to get a fund account. There are many types of prop firms fund accounts, you can see them above. A fund account is mainly used by people who do not have a lot of money but have trading experience.
🔖 For example, a person who has trading experience but does not have the budget to trade can make their own money by buying a fund account with a small amount of money and passing the test.
✨ But this has its own process. Just because someone spends a small amount of money doesn't mean they will pass the fund test.
For example, there are many different sizes of fund accounts.🗣️
➡️ So let's take a look at the process a little bit.
🎤 If someone buys a $5000 fund account, there are different rules and things they have to do.
The rule for most prop firms is the same.
It has two types of steps: phase 1 and phase 2.
📣 After going through these two steps, we can make a payout by sharing our profits with prop firms.