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✅HTML ተጨማሪ የአማርኛ ሙሉ ኮርስ
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✅sublime text download and installation Amharic tutorial.
✅heading and paragraph Amharic tutoria
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✅HTML : #4 html style Amharic tutorial
✅HTML: #5 Text formatting Amharic tutorial.
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✅Html: #9 Table,row span and Column span with CSS Amharic tutorial.የሠንጠረዥ አሰራር
✅HTML: #10 links: How to link two Html pages Amharic Tutorial.
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ለበለጠ መረጃ
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✅sublime text download and installation Amharic tutorial.
✅heading and paragraph Amharic tutoria
✅HTML: #1 Introduction to html tutorial in Amharic.|web development tutorial.
✅HTML : #4 html style Amharic tutorial
✅HTML: #5 Text formatting Amharic tutorial.
✅HTML &CSS #6 How to use Inline, internal and External CSS in HTML Amharic tutorial.
✅HTML&CSS #7 Border property tutorial Amharic Tutorial.|How to use Border in Htm
✅Html: #9 Table,row span and Column span with CSS Amharic tutorial.የሠንጠረዥ አሰራር
✅HTML: #10 links: How to link two Html pages Amharic Tutorial.
✅Html,Js and Css Editor for android . እጃችሁ ላይ ባለው ስልክ HTML,JS and CSS አሰራር
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