Kanal geosi va tili: Efiopiya, Amharcha
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The channel is run by RIXSITILLA teacher
Speaking 8.5| Writing 7.5(4x)
👨‍🏫 3000 dan ortiq o’quvchilar
🎯150 dan ortiq 7+ natijalar
🔬8 yillik Teacherlik tajribasi
😎 21 marta IELTS topshirgan
Contact: @Shukrullayevrixsitilla97

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Kanal geosi va tili
Efiopiya, Amharcha
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EVEREST OFFICIAL 🏔🚀 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Bunaqasi bo'lmagan!

🏔Everestning eng tajribali va jonkuyar ustozlaridan biri - Rixsitilla Shukrullayevning dekabr oyida o'qishni tamomlagan guruhlaridagi 42 nafar o'quvchi IELTSdan 7+ natija qayd etdi!
Ularning 35 tasi bir kunda qo'lga kiritilgan. Bu Rixsitilla Shukrullayevning shaxsiy rekordi!

📌Ammo podcastda faqat bu natijalar haqida emas, ingliz tilini o'rganish davomida intizom saqlay olmaydigan, va uzoq yillardan beri shu masalada "yengilayotgan" o'quvchilar haqida gaplashdik! Ana o'sha muammolarni hal qilish uchun insondan qanday iroda kuchi talab qilinishi bo'yicha fikr almashdik!

Ingliz tilini o'rganishda muntazam qiyinchiliklarga duch kelayotgan bo'lsangiz - albatta bu suhbatni tomosha qiling! Ichingizda butun umr o'chmaydigan olov yonadi!


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

2.2k 0 23 15 113

EVEREST OFFICIAL 🏔🚀 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🤫Ertaga…. 📹YouTubeda…

2.1k 0 41 54 172

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Dars qanday bo’ldi qatnashganlar???

Tugatib ketganlar sog’indiylarmi darslarni?

2.9k 0 26 34 162

Part 1 : BICYCLE

3.1k 0 152 12 71


3.3k 0 165 5 74

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

2.9k 0 23 30 142

Speaking uchun vapshe zo’r kitob, sarzi Saved message ga tashlab qo’yaniz!!!

3.7k 0 654 20 82

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Rostdan shunaqa bo’gan😂😂😂

3.4k 0 36 5 144

COLLACATIONS loyihasi haqida fikringiz?
  •   Zo’r ekan, ko’proq tashlang
  •   Shunaqa collacations qidirib yurgandim
  •   50/50
  •   Part 1/2/3 Speaking asnwerlar tashlang o’rniga
94 ta ovoz

4k 0 1 10 45

IELTS SPEAKING 9.0 dan repost
1. Make progress – Rivojlanish, o‘sish

Example: “I have made significant progress in learning English.”

2. Take action – Chora ko‘rmoq

Example: “The government should take action to reduce pollution.”

3. Have difficulty – Qiyinchilikka duch kelmoq

Example: “Many people have difficulty balancing work and personal life.”

4. Give advice – Maslahat bermoq

Example: “My teacher gave me useful advice on improving my writing.”

5. Take advantage of – Foydalanmoq

Example: “Students should take advantage of free online courses.”

6. Spend time on – Vaqt sarflamoq

Example: “I spend a lot of time on self-improvement.”

7. Make an effort – Harakat qilmoq

Example: “You need to make an effort if you want to achieve your goals.”

8. Take risks – Tavakkal qilmoq

Example: “Successful entrepreneurs are not afraid to take risks.”

9. Make a mistake – Xatoga yo‘l qo‘ymoq

Example: “Making mistakes is a natural part of learning.”

10. Achieve success – Muvaffaqiyatga erishmoq

Example: “Hard work and dedication help people achieve success.”

11. Keep a promise – Vadasini bajarmoq

Example: “It’s important to keep a promise if you want to earn trust.”

12. Do research – Tadqiqot olib bormoq

Example: “Before buying a car, you should do some research.”

13. Overcome difficulties – Qiyinchiliklarni yengib o‘tmoq

Example: “With determination, you can overcome any difficulty.”

14. Follow a routine – Tartibga rioya qilmoq

Example: “Having a daily routine helps improve productivity.”

15. Miss an opportunity – Imkondan mahrum bo‘lmoq

Example: “I regret missing the opportunity to study abroad.”

16. Express an opinion – Fikr bildirmoq

Example: “In discussions, everyone should feel free to express their opinion.”

17. Solve a problem – Muammoni hal qilmoq

Example: “Critical thinking skills help us solve problems efficiently.”

18. Take a break – Tanaffus qilmoq

Example: “You should take a break if you feel exhausted.”

19. Have an opportunity – Imkonga ega bo‘lmoq

Example: “I had the opportunity to meet many interesting people during my travels.”

20. Gain knowledge – Bilim orttirmoq

Example: “Reading books is a great way to gain knowledge.”

3.4k 0 113 2 38

IELTS SPEAKING 9.0 dan repost
Here are 20 commonly used collocations that are especially useful for IELTS Speaking.

1. Make a decision

Example: “It’s always difficult to make a decision under pressure.”

2. Take responsibility

Example: “I believe everyone should take responsibility for their actions.”

3. Have an impact on

Example: “Technology has a significant impact on the way we communicate.”

4. Pay attention to

Example: “During the lecture, I tried to pay attention to every detail.”

5. Raise awareness

Example: “Campaigns are launched to raise awareness about environmental issues.”

6. Break a habit

Example: “It’s hard to break a habit, but it’s not impossible.”

7. Gain experience

Example: “I want to gain experience by working in different fields.”

8. Set goals

Example: “It’s important to set goals to stay motivated.”

9. Deal with problems

Example: “I often deal with problems calmly and rationally.”

10. Build relationships

Example: “Social media can help people build relationships across the globe.”

11. Meet expectations

Example: “Students are under pressure to meet their parents’ expectations.”

12. Run a business

Example: “My dream is to run a successful business one day.”

13. Face challenges

Example: “We all have to face challenges in life, but they make us stronger.”

14. Take part in

Example: “I enjoy taking part in group activities at school.”

15. Save time

Example: “Using online tools can save time when doing research.”

16. Catch a glimpse of

Example: “During the tour, we caught a glimpse of the famous landmark.”

17. Lose interest

Example: “After a while, I lost interest in the book because it was too predictable.”

18. Have access to

Example: “Everyone should have access to quality education.”

19. Keep in mind

Example: “It’s important to keep in mind the cultural differences when traveling.”

20. Take into account

Example: “We need to take into account the environmental impact of our actions.”

4.5k 0 546 16 134

Hammaga shunaqa zo’r natijalarni Main Examda ham olish nasib qilsin🤲

Writing va Speaking hali o’tilgani yuq, shuning uchun MOCK EXAMda faqat LISTENING va READING qilyapmiz!!!

Examda 7.0/7.5/8.0/8.5 olishni niyat qilganlar 🔥🔥🔥 qoldiramiz!!!

5.5k 0 14 34 378

8.2k 0 53 36 407

This is one of my achiever students
SEVARA ALIQULOVA who got  Overall 7.0🚀


Sevara opa took the test on 7th December in 2024. After EOR, she got this increadible result.

Congratulations, Sevara opa.


7.6k 0 10 15 88


Whatever you imagine, you can do it.

6.7k 0 7 19 111

Speaking sample answerlarni sog’inganlar bormi?
  •   Ha, tezroq tashlang
  •   Part 1
  •   Part 2
  •   Part 3
171 ta ovoz

18 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.