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ተረከዟ ሚያምር ሚስት ይስጣቹ 🗿

ሁላችንም እቺን 😭 እንነካለን

Btw እኔ ብቻ ነኝ ግን ፀሐዩ አናቴ ላይ ሲወጣ ምለፈልፈው? 😑

የቅዳሜ ፀሐይ 🥲😭


Good morning 👨‍🦽



ከንቱ world 🖕🏽

'Cause every night, when I try
To forget what you have done
To me, I cry and never smile
And die a little bit inside
Yeah, I feel lost, but never found
Stole my heart and threw it six feet underground
I hate you now
I hate you now, yeah

I try to tell myself that we ain't never going back
Then I get a rush of feelings all up in my head
I'm getting sick and tired of the memories we had
'Cause every time you came around, you stabbed me in the back

I know that, you're not for me
I should've listened to all my homies
'Cause if I could've learned just a thing or two
It would've been that I could never ever trust in you

All the lies, red flags, shouldn't let that go
All the pain in my chest, couldn't let that show
And if ever had a chance again to let you know how I feel
It would be that I cannot heal

'Cause I'm hurt bitch, don't think I deserved this
You made me feel worthless, I regret the first kiss
All of your bullshit, it came to the surface
This movie is over, I'm burning the curtain

'Cause every night, when I try
To forget what you have done
To me, I cry and never smile
And die a little bit inside
Yeah, I feel lost, but never found
Stole my heart and threw it six feet underground
I hate you now
I hate you now, yeah

'Cause every night, when I try
To forget what you have done
To me, I cry and never smile
And die a little bit inside
Yeah, I feel lost, but never found
Stole my heart and threw it six feet underground
I hate you now
I hate you now, yeah


ለብቻህ ቁጭ ስትል ሚመጡልህ ሀሳቦች>>>>>

እሺ ከዛስ👨‍🦽

አማላጅ ማን ይሁን ማንን ልላክልሽ ጭንቀቴ እንዲገባሽ ቢራራልኝ ልብሽ
ካንቺም ቀረ ነገር ከኔም ቀረ ነገር ሚስጥር መደባበቅ ላለመነጋገር....


እኔ ናፍቀሽኛል አልናፍቅሽም ወይ መራራቁ ቀርቶ አንገናኝም ወይ?......

ፍቅርዬ ፍቅር አይከብድሽም ወይ?

ዘግይቶ የተመለሰ Text

ልክ እንደቀዝቃዛ ምግብ ነው
ረሀብን ያስታግሳል ግን ጣዕም የለውም!

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

አንድ ቃል ስታድን አንድ ቃል ደግሞ ቅስምን ትሰብራለች

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