Bekzod Turg’unov

Kanal geosi va tili: Efiopiya, Hindcha
Toifa: Darknet

Uyg’oning, ketadigan vaqtingiz bo’ldi! Kitobingizni qo'lga olguningizcha xulosa qilishga vaqtingiz bor.
Shaxsiyim: @bekzodturgunovm

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Kanal geosi va tili
Efiopiya, Hindcha
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Aktiv tushgan Speaking Part 1.1 lar ✍️

Do you live in a flat or in a house?
Do you prefer tea or coffee?
What is your favorite food?
Tell me about your friend.
Do you have books at home?
Do you know any foreign singer?
What do you usually do in your free time?
Do you prefer watching movies at home or in the cinema?
What kind of music do you like?
Do you enjoy traveling?
How do you usually spend your weekends?

Tayyorlanib qo’yuvrasiz…

🛫 @bekzodturgunovxx

8.3k 0 619 119 156

OXIRGI 3 KUN. Mehnatini qilsangiz, natijasini olasiz, boshqa vaqriant ham yo'q. 45 kun, kuniga 2 mahal, jami 90 ta jonli dars, 12 ta yoki 20 ta dars emas. Har bir section bilan, lug'at-grammatikasigacha alohida ishlayman ✊

Baribir sertifikat bilan tugatasiz aprelni, In Shaa Alloh.


JUMA kuni boshlayman, hali rahmat aytasiz, pulingizni 10 barobar qilib chiqarib olasiz sertifikati bilan, In Shaa Alloh 🚀

10k 0 10 35 54


Aprel M31 -
9️⃣0️⃣ ta jonli dars 💡

Kuniga 2 mahal ishlaymiz, jami 90 ta jonli dars o’tamiz, 12-20 ta emas.

Writingni ham, Speakingni ham yaxshigina ko’taramiz, In Shaa Alloh, grammatika bilan ham, lug’at bilan ham alohida ishlaymiz.

Listeningni ham, Readingni ham yo’q deganda 10 ballga ko’taramiz, passiv lug’at uchun ham alohida ishlaymiz 🔥

Uncha-muncha o'quvchini overall ballini 8-14 ballgacha ko'tardik, bu safar ham shunday qilamiz.

In Shaa Alloh deb aytaman, mehnatini qilsangiz natijasini ortig’i bilan olasiz. Kuniga 4-5 soat dars qiladigan bo’lasiz 🚀



•| Narxi ham 289 ming, bu ancha arzon narx, anchagina

•| Ko’rasiz, siz oladigan beqiyos qiymat uchun arzimagan narxni to’laysiz, natijasi bilan birga kurs pulini 10 barobar qilib chiqarib olasiz.

9.9k 0 26 39 44

Assalomu alaykum hammaga 🤗

Nasib boʻlsa bugun soat 21:30 da bitta chiroyli speaking mock exam tashkillashtiramiz 😉

10.1k 0 5 114 192

Boshlab olish doim qiyin kechgan…


1. Well, this is an interesting question because it’s something that affects everyone in some way. I actually have quite a few thoughts on this, so let me share my perspective + shundan keyin aynan savolga oid bitta gap ayting bo’ldi, yoki vaqtga qarab davom eting… Yetadi!

2. Honestly, I’ve thought about this before, and I think there are a few important points to consider. So, I’ll go ahead and talk about + aynan berilgan savolga fikringizni ayting.

3. There are a few different ways to look at this. To give a well-rounded answer, I’d probably need to talk about (+ mana shu joyiga mavzuga doir fikr, yoki mavzuni o’zini aytib keting) and share both my own thoughts and what I’ve noticed from others.

Umuman gapira olmayman degan qalblar uchun yaxshigina shablon, o’zingiz alohida paraphrase qilib olsangiz ham bo’ladi

➡️ @bekzodturgunovxx

11.6k 0 863 66 143

Qashqadaryo (18.02.2025)

Part 1.1

1. Tell me about your studies or work.
2. Who is your favourite singer?
3. Do you live in a house or a flat?

Part 1.2

Difference between online learning and traditional classrooms

Part 2

Tell me about your success.

Part 3

Handwriting should be taught in schools.

Kasetadek aylanaveradi bu savollar 💡

➡️ @bekzodturgunovxx

11.1k 0 486 14 125

These topics are almost the same🌿


10.4k 0 154 12 52

Exam Questions (18.02.2025)

➡️ Part 1.1

1. Do you prefer living in a big city?
2. How do you usually spend your weekends?
3. What kind of music do you like to listen to?

➡️ Part 1.2

Differences between studying at home and studying in a library.

➡️ Part 2

Describe a time when you had to learn something new.

➡️ Part 3

Social media has a positive impact on society.

Bular qaytadi yana!


10.7k 0 499 21 83


In any debate, there are always two sides. Let’s take the example of whether the government should pay sportsmen for their performance. On the one hand, rewarding athletes can motivate them, improve national sports achievements, and bring international recognition. On the other hand, public funds could be used for essential sectors like healthcare and education instead.

Similarly, investing in renewable energy is a great idea because it helps fight climate change, reduces dependence on fossil fuels, and creates green jobs. However, it requires huge investments, and some renewable sources depend on weather conditions, making them unreliable.

When it comes to parents choosing the right education for their children, it ensures that kids get the best opportunities suited to their abilities. But at the same time, children should have freedom to explore their own interests rather than following their parents’ decisions.

Another important topic is taxes between countries. High taxes can generate government revenue and support public services, but they may also discourage trade and foreign investments.

Finally, working from home has many advantages, such as saving commuting time, increasing flexibility, and improving work-life balance. However, some jobs require teamwork and face-to-face interaction, which may be difficult when working remotely.

In conclusion, every topic has strong arguments on both sides, and it’s important to find the right balance based on priorities and needs.

Shunchaki yuqoridagi Part 3 mavzulariga asoslangan, foydalansangiz bo’ladi 🚀



🟢 Government should pay for sportsmen for their performance.

🟢 Countries should more  invest to renewable energy sources.

🟢 Parents should choose right education for their children.

🟢 Taxes between countries for/against.

🟢 Working from home.

Aynan shu mavzularni qamrab olgan bitta oddiy sample tashlayman👇

10.5k 0 382 46 107

Ertaga nasib umuman gapira olmayman deganlar uchun Speaking Part 2 ga ideal shablon beraman, shunchaki ishonch bilan gapirib chiqsangiz bo’ldi💡

Yaxshi ballar olganingizda rahmat aytib qo’yasiz, In Shaa Alloh.


11.2k 0 29 127 448

Shunaqami endi 🙂, bir yo’la ballarini ham o’zlari qo’yib ketmabdilar )


13.3k 0 56 316 384

Assalomu alaykum hammaga 🤗

Nasib boʻlsa bugun soat 21:30 da bitta chiroyli speaking mock exam tashkillashtiramiz 😉

12.4k 0 12 33 153

Ancha vaqtdan beri tushib kelayotgan Speaking Part 1.2 lar 💎

☑️ Difference between studying online and attending classes in person

☑️ Difference between living in a city and living in a village

☑️ Difference between eating homemade food and eating at a restaurant

☑️ Difference between studying alone and studying in a group

☑️ Difference between shopping online and shopping in stores

☑️ Difference between traveling by car and traveling by public transport

Har biri uchun alohida tayyorlaning, baribir qayta tushadi 🚀


13.2k 0 528 37 68


•| 45 kun, har kuni, kuniga 2 mahal, jami 9️⃣0️⃣ ta jonli dars, endi hisoblab chiqing… Bir kun ham bo’sh qolmaysiz.

•| shulardan 40 tasi Speaking Razbor uchun, yana 30 tasi Writing Razborga

•| 40 ta mavzu o’tib beraman alohida Grammatika va Lug’at uchun

•| 45 kunda, 45 ta ta Full Mock Test ishlaymiz, har oy tushadi ichidan 🚀

•| Listeningni ham, Readingni ham albatta 10+ ga ko’taramiz…

•| Har bir vazifa, Writinggacha tekshiriladi bittalab

•| Alohida jonli Speaking Practice qilamiz 15 ta kichik guruhlarda…

•| shunda sal kam 2 oy ichida 90 ta jonli dars o’tamiz, natijasini ham qilamiz, In Shaa Alloh.

•| Narxi ham 289 ming, bu ancha arzon narx, anchagina

•| Ko’rasiz, siz oladigan beqiyos qiymat uchun arzimagan narxni to’laysiz, natijasi bilan birga kurs pulini 10 barobar qilib chiqarib olasiz.


9.6k 0 39 34 59

Exam Questions (17.02.2025)

🟢 Speaking Part 1.1
1. Describe a place you often visit.
2. Do you prefer tea or coffee?
3. How do you usually spend your mornings?

🟢 Speaking Part 1.2
The difference between online shopping and shopping in stores.

🟢 Speaking Part 2
Describe a time when you helped someone.

🟢 Speaking Part 3
Social media has a positive impact on society.

Bular hali qaytadi, e’tiborsiz qoldirmang, tartib bilan berayapman 🔥


10.8k 0 719 26 65

Mana bu tartibni ham bilib oling

🟢 Part 1.1
Tayorlanish uchun 5 soniya, gaprish uchun 30 soniya, har bir savol uchun

🟢 Part 1.2
Rasmga tayorlanish uchun 5 soniya, gapirish uchun 30 soniya, har bir savol uchun

🟢 Part 2
Tayyorlanish uchun 1 daqiqa gapirish uchun 2 daqiqa

🟢 Part 3
Tayorlanish uchun 1 daqiqa, gapirish uchun 2 daqiqa

Bor yo’g’i 7 daqiqa gapirib bersak bo’ldi )


10.6k 0 630 21 169

Exam Questions (17.02.2025) 🚀

🟢 Speaking Part 1.1
1. Describe your best friend.
2. Do you prefer living in a city or in the countryside?
3. What do you usually do on weekends?

🟢 Speaking Part 1.2
The difference between studying at home and studying at school.

🟢 Speaking Part 2
Describe the most memorable day of your life.

🟢 Speaking Part 3
Technology makes people’s lives easier.

Bular hali qaytadi, e’tiborsiz qoldirmang, tartib bilan berayapman 🔥


10.7k 0 788 33 68

Exam Questions (17.02.2025)

🟢 Speaking Part 1.1
1. Describe your first teacher.
2. Do you live in a house or an apartment?
3. What do you do in the evening?

🟢 Speaking Part 1.2
Difference between eating healthy and eating unhealthy

🟢 Speaking Part 2
Describe the biggest success in your life.

🟢 Speaking Part 3
Public transportation should be free for everyone.

Bular hali qaytadi, e’tiborsiz qoldirmang, tartib bilan berayapman 🔥


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.