የፐርሰናል ብራንዲ እና ኔትወርኪንግ ስልጠና የወሰዳቹ ሰልጣኞች በሙሉ ሰርተፍኬታችሁ ስለደረሰ በተማሪዎች ህብረት በኩል መቀበል የምትችሉ መሆኑን እናሳውቃለን። ለመቀበል በ0987386603 በኩል መደወል ትችላላችሁ
We would like to inform all the trainees who have taken the Personal Branding and Networking training that your certificate has been received So you can receive it through the Student Union Or
You can call 0987386603 to accept.
We would like to inform all the trainees who have taken the Personal Branding and Networking training that your certificate has been received So you can receive it through the Student Union Or
You can call 0987386603 to accept.