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111. Flower: The reproductive structure of flowering plants.
112. Pollination: Transfer of pollen to the female part of a flower.
113. Fruit: Mature ovary of a flowering plant containing seeds.
114. Seed: A plant embryo encased in a protective coating.
115. Germination: The process of a seed sprouting.
116. Root: The underground part of a plant.
117. Stem: The main body or stalk of a plant.
118. Leaf: The part of the plant where photosynthesis usually occurs.
119. Photosynthetic Pigment: A molecule that absorbs light for photosynthesis.
120. Chlorophyll: The main photosynthetic pigment.
121. Tropism: A plant's growth response to a stimulus.
122. Vertebrate: An animal with a backbone.
123. Invertebrate: An animal without a backbone.
124. Nervous System: The system of nerves that controls and coordinates bodily functions.
125. Neuron: A nerve cell.
126. Brain: The central control organ of the nervous system.
127. Spinal Cord: The part of the nervous system that connects the brain to the rest of the body.
128. Endocrine System: The system of glands that produce hormones.
129. Hormone: A chemical messenger produced by the endocrine system.
130. Circulatory System: The system that transports blood and nutrients.
131. Heart: The muscular organ that pumps blood.
132. Blood Vessel: A tube that carries blood.
133. Red Blood Cell: A blood cell that carries oxygen.
134. White Blood Cell: A blood cell involved in immune defense.
135. Respiratory System: The system responsible for gas exchange (oxygen and carbon dioxide).
136. Lung: The main organ of the respiratory system.
137. Digestive System: The system responsible for breaking down food.
138. Stomach: An organ in the digestive system where food is broken down.
139. Intestine: Part of the digestive system where nutrients are absorbed.
140. Excretory System: The system that removes waste from the body.
141. Kidney: The organ in the excretory system that filters blood.
142. Muscular System: The system of muscles that allows for movement.
143. Skeletal System: The system of bones that supports the body.
144. Immune System: The system that protects the body from pathogens.
145. Antibody: A protein produced by the immune system that binds to pathogens.
146. Antigen: A substance that triggers an immune response.
147. Pathogen: A disease-causing agent.
148. Taxonomy: The science of classifying organisms.
149. Kingdom: The highest level of taxonomic classification.
150. Phylum: A major grouping within a kingdom.
151. Class: A major grouping within a phylum.
152. Order: A major grouping within a class.
153. Family: A major grouping within an order.
154. Genus: A grouping of closely related species.
155. Scientific Name: The two-part name of a species (genus + species).
156. pH: A measure of acidity or alkalinity.
157. Buffer: A substance that resists changes in pH.
158. Isotope: Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons.
159. Compound: A substance made of two or more different elements.
160. Element: A pure substance made of only one type of atom.
161. Molecule: Two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds.
162. Solvent: A substance that dissolves another substance.
163. Solute: A substance that is dissolved in a solvent.
164. Solution: A mixture of a solute dissolved in a solvent.
165. Control Group: A group in an experiment that does not receive the treatment.
166. Experimental Group: A group in an experiment that receives the treatment.
167. Independent Variable: The variable that is manipulated by the experimenter.
168. Dependent Variable: The variable that is measured in response to the independent variable.