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Efiopiya, Amharcha
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Crypto News dan repost
🇱🇷🇪🇹ETHIO አሜሪካ ዲያስፖራ እስካሁን በአየርድሮፕ ምንም አይነት ገንዘብ አግኝተው ማያውቁ  ከሆነ.......አሁኑኑ ሰዉ በመጋበ ብቻ ከ100 - 10000$ መስራት ትችላላችሁ

በዚህ BOT ዶላር ያግኙ።✅


Ethiopian Trading Community📊📈📉 dan repost
✅ The course is 100% for FREE, no catches.

✅ The training starts November 25,2024(ህዳር 16/2017).

✅ Registration is open for 2 days

‼️ Registration ENDS MONDAY(ህዳር 16).

🔥 Grab your spot now by joining the channel where the course will be given. 👇
(‼️Link expires Monday when registration is closed)

Wtf this brilliant man😁 እስካሁን የትነበርክ

source: social media

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

ወገን mayaa pkg ለኔ አልሰራ ብሏል wtf🙄ተቃጠለ ኮ ሳልጠቀመው

Adminoch ንገሩኝ ያልሰማሁት ነገር ካለ😐

Spotify packege yegezachu ሙከራ file አዘጋጅተናል DM @xiaoyandani



ፈጣን MAYYA FILE በ HTTP INJECTOR ነው REACT እያደረጋቹ ተጠቀሙበት


0.2ton if u refer 3friends

Have you already managed to earn money in the new game Yoly? If not, then come in quickly! 💰Get 500 currency by following my referral link.

mine ስናደርግ hash ለመፈፀም ur device in this case (ስልካቹ) powerful መሆን አለበት😁

memehash whitepaper ከታች ያንብቡ

Mining based game
it offers a mechanism for game tokens distribution, leveraging the principles of Proof-of-Work (PoW) inspired by Hashcash, in a manner similar to Bitcoin mining. Participants (miners) generate blocks by computing valid hashes, with the first participant to successfully solve the hash receiving the block reward (game tokens).

In this framework, tokens are accessible to all participants, but each claim requires the successful completion of a computational challenge, creating a fair and equitable earning environment.

The more computational power you have, the more chances to mine a block, but for more fair distribution we added 'share' and energy system.
How it works?
In simple words: you are using your device power to solve some kind of captcha to receive for that tokens in return.

Total Blocks:

Total Token Supply:
1,000,000,000 coins

Block Generation Interval:
~5-6 seconds per block

Rewards per block increase incrementally and starts with 500, promoting sustained participation while preventing early participants from dominating the token supply.

Difficulty Adjustment:
Mining difficulty is recalibrated automatically every 10 blocks to maintain consistent block generation. As the number of miners increases, so does the difficulty, mitigating the risk of accelerated mining.

Since app it self doesn't have many social features, energy is applied to solve this problem and improve fairness.

Reward Allocation
Full Block Reward:
If a single participant mines the block, they receive 100% of the reward.

Shared Mining Rewards:
When multiple participants contribute partial solutions (referred to as shares), the primary miner is awarded 70% of the block reward. The remaining 30% is distributed proportionally among the share contributors based on their contributions.
Mining Timeline
Mining Duration:
The mining process will continue until all 1,000,000 blocks are generated and estimated ending date is ~31 December 2024

Token Distribution:
Upon completion, the total in-game tokens supply will be allocated to miners through the TON Blockchain. (jetton)


✅Pavel doruv mention አድርጎታል

✅ published their whitepaper

✅ limited ነው ማንም እንደፈለገ mine ማድረግ ዘው ብሎ መግባት አይቻልም

✅mine አደራረጉ like btc ይመስላል ..ነው አላልኩም

✅creator roxman ..major 😁

✅it is pay to earn😡 ለመግባት ብቻ 600 star😁

✅ ራሳቸውን ችለው blockchain አይደሉም ..under ton blockchain ነው
✅ too short mining phase

i will drop some pros and cons abt #memehash ..

ወገን ስለ #memehash ምን ትላላቹ ??

እንግባበት ወይስ ይቅር አሪፍ usecase አለው ሳየው

Bzat gize file yemileku adminoch J.J ena A.A.A.A.A.A.A👏👏

lelochem adminoch alen demo lash endatelun 😁

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.