📌 Arduino Mega 2560 R3
The Arduino Mega 2560 R3 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. It's designed for projects that require more input and output, suitable for complex projects like robotics, automation systems,
Key Features:
♦️ Microcontroller: ATmega2560: 16 MHz clock speed.
♦️ Memory: Flash Memory: 256 KB (of which 8 KB is used by the bootloader).
♦️ SRAM: 8 KB.
♦️ EEPROM: 4 KB.
♦️ I/O Pins: Digital I/O Pins: 54
♦️ Analog Input Pins: 16.
♦️ Communication Interfaces: UART (Serial Ports)
♦️ SPI Interface.
♦️ I2C Interface (TWI).
♦️ Power Supply Options: USB connection.
♦️ External power jack.
♦️ Battery or other external sources from +6V to +20V;
♦️ LED Indicator & Reset Button:
♦️ Size & Form Factor:
– Dimensions (101.52 mm \times 53.4 mm)
♦️ Compatible Libraries and IDE Support:
📌 Price 2500 Birr
Contact 📱0914-839754 @R0bel
📌 ኣድራሻችን፡ 4 ኪሎ: ቅድስት ስላሴ መንፈሳዊ ኮሌጅ ህንፃ፡ 1ኛ ፎቅ ቢ.ቁ 103ለ
The Arduino Mega 2560 R3 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. It's designed for projects that require more input and output, suitable for complex projects like robotics, automation systems,
Key Features:
♦️ Microcontroller: ATmega2560: 16 MHz clock speed.
♦️ Memory: Flash Memory: 256 KB (of which 8 KB is used by the bootloader).
♦️ SRAM: 8 KB.
♦️ EEPROM: 4 KB.
♦️ I/O Pins: Digital I/O Pins: 54
♦️ Analog Input Pins: 16.
♦️ Communication Interfaces: UART (Serial Ports)
♦️ SPI Interface.
♦️ I2C Interface (TWI).
♦️ Power Supply Options: USB connection.
♦️ External power jack.
♦️ Battery or other external sources from +6V to +20V;
♦️ LED Indicator & Reset Button:
♦️ Size & Form Factor:
– Dimensions (101.52 mm \times 53.4 mm)
♦️ Compatible Libraries and IDE Support:
📌 Price 2500 Birr
Contact 📱0914-839754 @R0bel
📌 ኣድራሻችን፡ 4 ኪሎ: ቅድስት ስላሴ መንፈሳዊ ኮሌጅ ህንፃ፡ 1ኛ ፎቅ ቢ.ቁ 103ለ