Ethio marriage Agency(ኢትዮ ትዳር አገናኝ ኤጀንሲ)❤️👈🚵 dan repost
❤️ማንኛው የድርጅታችን ደንበኞቻችን ከዚ በታች የተዘረዘሩትን መመሪያወች በመጠበቅ ማናገር እንዳለበት በጥብቅ እናሳስባለን።
1ኛ- ፍላጎታችሁንና ቦታችሁን በአጭሩ ይፃፉልን።
2ኛ-በሀገራችን ውስጥ በማህበረሰቡ የተወገዙና ያልተለመዱ ነገሮችን ከመጠየቅ ይቆጠቡ።
3ኛ- ያለስራ ከኤጀንቷ ጋ ከምታረጉት ንግግርና ንትርክ ይቆጠቡ።
4ኛ- የደንበኝነት ክፍያ ሳትከፍሉ ፎቶ እንምረጥና እንገናኝ ለምትሉ በተለይ አዲስ ለሆናችሁ ደንበኞች የማይቻል መሆኑን እንገልፃለን።
5ኛ-ከተገናኛችሁ በኋላ ደንበኞቻችን ላይ የማይሆን ነገር የምታሳዩ ደንበኞቻችን ከዚ ድርጊታችሁ እንድታቆሙ በድጋሚ እናሳስባለን።
6ኛ- ከማናገራችሁ በፊት የምትፈልጉትን ለይታችሁ ፃፉልን።
7ኛ-ሹገር የምታገኙ ደንበኞቻችን እነሱ ከሚከፍሏችሁ ኮሚሽን 10% አስባችሁ ገቢ አርጉ ከዚ በፊት ያላደረጋችሁ በፍጥነት እንድታደርጉ እናሳስባለን።
8ኛ- ከ18 አመት በታች የሆናችሁ ሴቶችም ወንዶችም የማናስተናግድ ስለሆነ እንዳታናግሩን ስንል በጥብቅ እናሳስባለን።
🔞 የተከበራችሁ ደንበኞቻችን ከላይ የተዘረዘሩት ደንቦች የማታሟሉ ከሆነ ድርጅቱ ከአባልነት የሚሰርዝ መሆኑን እንገልፃለን።
‼️ይህን ማስታወቂያ እንዳወጣን copy እያደረጉ በfake የሚሰሩ ሊኖሩ ስለሚችሉ be careful.
ላይ አናግሩን ።
🔞 ኢትዮ ትዳርና ፍቅረኛ አገናኝ ኤጀንሲ
View translation for foreigner's
❗️ We strongly recommend that any of our clients contact us in accordance with the following guidelines.
1st - Write down your needs and location.
2nd: Avoid asking about things that are condemned and unusual in our country.
3rd - Avoid talking and arguing with the agent without work.
4th: We recommend that you select a photo and contact us without paying a subscription fee, especially for new customers.
5th: Once again, we urge our customers to refrain from displaying inappropriate behavior.
6th- Before you speak, write down what you want.
7th: We recommend that you, our customers who get sugar, earn 10% of the commission they pay you, and do what you have not done before.
8th- We strongly advise you not to talk to women and men under the age of 18.
Dear Customers, If you do not comply with any of the above rules, we would like to inform you that the organization will terminate your membership.
❗️Be careful as there may be fake users who are copying this notice.
1ኛ- ፍላጎታችሁንና ቦታችሁን በአጭሩ ይፃፉልን።
2ኛ-በሀገራችን ውስጥ በማህበረሰቡ የተወገዙና ያልተለመዱ ነገሮችን ከመጠየቅ ይቆጠቡ።
3ኛ- ያለስራ ከኤጀንቷ ጋ ከምታረጉት ንግግርና ንትርክ ይቆጠቡ።
4ኛ- የደንበኝነት ክፍያ ሳትከፍሉ ፎቶ እንምረጥና እንገናኝ ለምትሉ በተለይ አዲስ ለሆናችሁ ደንበኞች የማይቻል መሆኑን እንገልፃለን።
5ኛ-ከተገናኛችሁ በኋላ ደንበኞቻችን ላይ የማይሆን ነገር የምታሳዩ ደንበኞቻችን ከዚ ድርጊታችሁ እንድታቆሙ በድጋሚ እናሳስባለን።
6ኛ- ከማናገራችሁ በፊት የምትፈልጉትን ለይታችሁ ፃፉልን።
7ኛ-ሹገር የምታገኙ ደንበኞቻችን እነሱ ከሚከፍሏችሁ ኮሚሽን 10% አስባችሁ ገቢ አርጉ ከዚ በፊት ያላደረጋችሁ በፍጥነት እንድታደርጉ እናሳስባለን።
8ኛ- ከ18 አመት በታች የሆናችሁ ሴቶችም ወንዶችም የማናስተናግድ ስለሆነ እንዳታናግሩን ስንል በጥብቅ እናሳስባለን።
🔞 የተከበራችሁ ደንበኞቻችን ከላይ የተዘረዘሩት ደንቦች የማታሟሉ ከሆነ ድርጅቱ ከአባልነት የሚሰርዝ መሆኑን እንገልፃለን።
‼️ይህን ማስታወቂያ እንዳወጣን copy እያደረጉ በfake የሚሰሩ ሊኖሩ ስለሚችሉ be careful.
ላይ አናግሩን ።
🔞 ኢትዮ ትዳርና ፍቅረኛ አገናኝ ኤጀንሲ
View translation for foreigner's
❗️ We strongly recommend that any of our clients contact us in accordance with the following guidelines.
1st - Write down your needs and location.
2nd: Avoid asking about things that are condemned and unusual in our country.
3rd - Avoid talking and arguing with the agent without work.
4th: We recommend that you select a photo and contact us without paying a subscription fee, especially for new customers.
5th: Once again, we urge our customers to refrain from displaying inappropriate behavior.
6th- Before you speak, write down what you want.
7th: We recommend that you, our customers who get sugar, earn 10% of the commission they pay you, and do what you have not done before.
8th- We strongly advise you not to talk to women and men under the age of 18.
Dear Customers, If you do not comply with any of the above rules, we would like to inform you that the organization will terminate your membership.
❗️Be careful as there may be fake users who are copying this notice.