Ethiopia Insight

Kanal geosi va tili: Efiopiya, Amharcha

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Kanal geosi va tili
Efiopiya, Amharcha
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The latest saga in the neverending carousel of bilateral frictions in the Horn has seen Somalia accuse Ethiopia of engaging in acts of aggression and violating its sovereignty. READ➡️ on why war between Ethiopia and Somalia is unlikely but their row over Somaliland perpetuates the region’s woes.

Ethiopia’s recent collapse is the result of EPRDF failures to democratize on its own terms which set the stage for Prosperity Party’s disastrous U.S.-styled democratic transition. READ➡️ on why homegrown democratic reforms are the only solution to Ethiopia’s woes.

Is Ethiopia’s disintegration an inevitable and necessary evil? READ - on why potential harms of disintegration must be weighed against consequences of holding Ethiopia together by force.

The government’s denial of constitutionally protected autonomy rights is creating chaos in Ethiopia’s largest region. READ ➡️ on why peace in Ethiopia’s Oromia will only come through genuine self-rule.

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Ethiopia should address its landlocked status firmly rather than forcefully. READ➡️ on why Ethiopia should consider peaceful diplomatic routes to secure access to a port; as another Ethio-Eritrean war would be disastrous for both countries and the entire region.

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•Incisive. In a sea of information, we stand out with our incisive perspective. Our analysis cuts through the noise, offering you clarity and understanding. We don't just tell you what's happening; we help you connect the dots, exploring the 'why' and 'how' behind the news.

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We go beyond the headlines, offering you a comprehensive understanding of events shaping Ethiopia, with independent, in-depth and objective analysis. READ➡️ and explore the 'why' and 'how' behind the news.

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Conflicts in Ethiopia are largely fueled by identity, resource, and power disputes. The ARIF Project aims to deliver a comprehensive series of analytical reports. These publications will delve into the intricacies of the federal system, shedding light on the root causes of the instability and offering viable solutions to these pressing issues. This initiative, a journalistic-academic collaboration, aims to stimulate the free flow of ideas within Ethiopia. By establishing an inclusive platform for Ethiopians to engage in public discourse, we aspire to foster a more informed and connected society! 🇪🇹

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Unrest in Oromia⬇️
East and West Guji zones experienced a surge of protests following the regional government’s decision to establish the new zone with Negelle town, the former capital of East Guji Zone, as its capital. 
East Borana Zone emerged from the amalgamation of territories from three zones: Bale, East Guji, and Borana. Within the new zone, the Guji are the majority population.
One of the Guji people’s objections that triggered the ongoing protests relates to the decision to transfer the administrative seat—formerly the capital of East Guji zone—to the new zone. But the Guji people’s discontent has much deeper historical roots. 

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Unraveling Ethiopia’s crises, one article at a time! We believe there is value in providing a platform for Ethiopians from all communities and of all political persuasions to be heard. The ARIF PROJECT, a journalistic-academic collaboration, aims to exchange ideas, understand the roots of instability, and contribute to critical discussions with solutions for Ethiopia. READ ARTICLES HERE➡️

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Does Ethiopia need a second capital city? Read why diluting the concentration of economic and political power may temper the demographic, environmental, and inter-communal pressures on Addis Ababa.

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Who governs the financial resources of Ethiopia? In the Ethiopian context, the proximity of local governance to the population is designed to enhance the delivery of services. However, the actual scenario presents a different picture, with newly established regional administrations grappling with the challenge of financing these services. This situation underscores the fact that, despite the decentralized federal structure of Ethiopia, regional administrators continue to rely on central revenues, which are predominantly concentrated at the center. So, what does the future hold in terms of fiscal decentralization in Ethiopia? READ➡️

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Creation of East Borana Zone reignited tensions between the Guji and Borana Oromo clans. READ➡️ on why Oromia region's East and West Guji zones have been rocked by protests after the government’s decision to carve out a new administrative unit centered around Negelle town.

Does Ethiopia need a second capital city? Diluting the concentration of economic and political power may temper the demographic, environmental, and inter-communal pressures on Addis Ababa. READ➡️

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