⭕️ Store Keeper
⭕️ MCM Comprehensive Specialized Hospital (Korean hospital)
⭕️ Degree in Management, Accounting, Business or Public Administration or any other social field - 0-2 Years of work experience
⭕️ Open until 4-March-2025
⭕️ Working Station & Required Number
-1 Mojo (East Shewa Oromia Region)
-2 Addis Abeba
-3 Dire Dewa
-3 Lemi North Shewa Amhara region
⭕️ Submit application together with a non-returnable CV and photocopies of credentials including transcripts to MCM CSH (Korean Hospital) Human Resource Department in person
⭕️ MCM Comprehensive Specialized Hospital (Korean hospital)
⭕️ Degree in Management, Accounting, Business or Public Administration or any other social field - 0-2 Years of work experience
⭕️ Open until 4-March-2025
⭕️ Working Station & Required Number
-1 Mojo (East Shewa Oromia Region)
-2 Addis Abeba
-3 Dire Dewa
-3 Lemi North Shewa Amhara region
⭕️ Submit application together with a non-returnable CV and photocopies of credentials including transcripts to MCM CSH (Korean Hospital) Human Resource Department in person