Habesha crypto 💰

Kanal geosi va tili: Efiopiya, Amharcha

Creator @Abi_Pavlo
💠ሰላም የሀበሻ Crypto Fam🙌
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Kanal geosi va tili
Efiopiya, Amharcha
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🪙Answers to all questions,
🕔 November 23 Saturday :
ℹ️ Quiz Today's 👀

Quiz 1 : Win 10.000 CEXP in Today's Quiz! "Non-Aggression Principle: Why Collaboration Beats Confrontation"

1. How do we view disagreements in the community?
✅As opportunities for understanding

2. What does the Non-Aggression Principle ultimately create?
✅A strong, harmonious community

3. What does the Non-Aggression Principle avoid?
✅Confrontation and hostility

4. What is peace defined as in the video?
✅The presence of respect

5. Who do we respect under the Non-Aggression Principle?
✅Everyone, both inside and outside the community

6. What happens when we pull at each other's threads?
✅The community unravels

7. How should you approach a disagreement about pineapple on pizza?
✅With understanding and mutual respect

8. What does the Non-Aggression Principle prioritize?
✅Respecting autonomy and rights

9. What is the key to a harmonious community?
✅Peaceful collaboration and mutual respect

10. How does our community handle disagreements?
✅Through peaceful and respectful dialogue

11. What is the foundation of our community?
✅Trust and unity.

Quiz 2 : Win 10.000 CEXP in Today's Quiz! "Crypto Wallets Explained: Hot vs. Cold Wallets"

Quiz 2 : Win 10.000 CEXP in Today's Quiz! "Crypto Wallets Explained: Hot vs. Cold Wallets"

1. What is a cold wallet compared to in the video?
✅A safe buried in your backyard

2. What should you never do with your private key?
✅Write it on a sticky note and leave it in a coffee shop

3. What is the main purpose of a private key?
✅To sign transactions and access your crypto

4. What does a wallet use to confirm a transaction?
✅The private key for a digital signature

6. What is a public key compared to?
✅An email address you can share

7. Where does CEX.IO store the majority of customer crypto?
✅In cold wallets for enhanced security

8. How does a hot wallet function?
✅It is connected to the internet for fast transactions

9. How does CEX.IO use hot wallets?
✅For fast transactions and trading needs

10. How does CEX.IO combine hot and cold wallets for users?
✅By offering the speed of hot wallets and security of cold wallets

12. What happens if someone gets access to your private key?
✅They can take all your crypto

13. What is one disadvantage of cold wallets?
✅They are less convenient for quick transactions
14. How CEX.IO uses hot wallets
✅CEX.IO, like many exchanges, uses hot wallets to manage user funds for quick transactions and withdrawals.

Quiz 3 : Win 10.000 CEXP in Today's Quiz! "What Is Crypto Margin Trading? Learn How It Works"

1. What was mentioned about CEX.IO in the video?
✅It is launching margin trading with user-friendly tools.

2. What should you do before starting margin trading?
✅Understand the risks and start small.

3. Why might traders use margin trading?
✅To amplify potential profits.

4. What kind of risks are involved in margin trading?
✅Amplified losses if the trade goes against you.

5. What happens if your trade goes against you and your collateral is insufficient?
✅Your position gets liquidated.

6. What is an example of margin trading being like a real-life scenario?
✅Renting a fancy car to impress your date.

7. What should you do before starting margin trading?
✅Understand the risks and start small.

8. What is margin trading ultimately about?
✅Strategy, research, and responsible decisions 

9. What is the collateral you provide in margin trading called?

10. What is crypto margin trading?
✅Trading with borrowed funds to control a larger position.

11. What is liquidation in margin trading?
✅The platform closing your position to prevent further losses.

12. Why did the video compare margin trading to adding hot sauce to tacos?
✅It's risky but makes things more exciting.

13. What is leverage in margin trading?
✅Borrowing money to increase the size of your trade.

React for more


💥Live Stream: Sunday, at 3:00 PM

✅Which Crypto currency is best for Investment.
✅How to Trade?
✅What is the difference between testnet and tap tap projects? Which one is best? How to participate testnet projects?

🤌አሁንም ቢሆን በቀጣይ የሚጠበቁት

NODEPAY በቅርቡ ይጠናቀቃል እሱን በአሪፍ ስሩ Nodepay ከGrass የተሻለ potential ያለው Project ነው ... Don't miss it.


✴️የTestnet እና የ Extention ፕሮጀክቶች  ሊስት ሲደረጉ ዋጋቸው ከፍተኛ ነው። 

✴️ አሰራራቸውም ለየት ይላል ቢሆንም ግን  በልምምድና በድግግሞሽ ወደመስመር መግባት ትችላላችሁ። ሁሌም ከበድ ያሉ ነገሮችን ሰዎች ስለማይመርጡ የተሳታፊዎች ቁጥር ትንሽ ይሆናል ይህ ደግሞ Token ክፍፍል ላይ የተሻለ እንድታገኙ ይረዳል።

🤔 ምርጫው የእናንተ ነው።

-Teneo Node Extension

-Like Grass, Nodepay and blockmesh

✅Step by step guide

➡️  Copy and pest on mises browser/  👇👇 https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/teneo-community-node/emcclcoaglgcpoognfiggmhnhgabppkm
➖ Click Download The Extension
➖ Open Extension
➖ Create Account
➖ Enter Code : Lu92a

#Potential airdrop


💡 Quote of the Day: Confucius
Activate: Hrum


Trade ለማድረግ Funded Account በጣም ወሳኝ ነው እሱን Free የሚሰጥ አሁን መቷል ምንም ክፍያ የለውም

✅ከ 5k እስከ 100k Free ይሰጣል እድሉን ተጠቀሙት አይለፋችው
ለትንሽ ቀን ነው የሚቆነው

💢Link ይሂን ይንኩት👉 START

📈ሁላቸውም ፍላጎት ካላችው Forex Trader መሆን ትችላላችው ዋናው ነገር #Discipline, #Consistency , #Focus ነው ይሂን ካደረጋችው ሌሎች Traders ከደረሱበት መድረስ ትችላላችው

📉Pro ደረጃ የደረሱ ትሬደሮች በቀን 1000$ , 2000$ መስራት ለነሱ እንደ ቀልድ ነው ግን በቀላሉ ከዚ ደረጃ አልደረሱም ብዙ አመታት ወስዶባቸው ነው

Forex Trader የመሆን ፍላጎት ካላችው
በዚ Link ገብታችው join በሉ

ምዝገባው ሰኞ ያበቃል 100% Free ነው ስልጠናውን ያዘጋጀው #Zack ነው


ከዚ ቻናል Forex Trade ምንያክል አለ
  •   አዎ Trader ነኝ
  •   ትንሽ እውቀት አለኝ Trade ባላደርግም
  •   ምንም አላውቅም ስለ Forex
182 ta ovoz

🪙Answers to all questions,
ℹ️ Quiz Today's 👀
Crypto and the Economy: The interplay of Innovation and Finance

1. How is DeFi disrupting traditional finance?
✅It offers alternatives for loans, savings, and investments

2. How do high interest rates affect crypto markets?
✅They often lead to sell-offs of riskier assets like crypto

3. What does the phrase "crypto is volatile" mean?
✅Its value can change dramatically due to market events

4. What's one benefit of DeFi compared to traditional finance?
✅No paperwork required for loans

5. What kind of economic event often makes Bitcoin's price rise?
✅High inflation

6. What was the key takeaway about crypto and the macro economy?
✅They're becoming more intertwined and influence each other.

7. What is Bitcoin often called during times of high inflation?
✅Digital gold.

8. Why are governments introducing CBDCs?
✅To provide a state-backed alternative to private cryptocurrencies.

9. What is DeFi short for?
✅Decentralized Finance.

10. What financial process does Bitcoin make faster and cheaper?
✅Cross-border payments.

11. What's one benefit of DeFi compared to traditional finance?
✅No paperwork required for loans.

12. How are Bitcoin and the stock market connected in 2024?
✅Bitcoin's price often moves in sync with tech-heavy indices like Nasdaq.

13. What are CBDCs?
✅Central Bank Digital Currencies.


✴️Ton ጭማሪ እሳየ ይገኛል ዛሬ ከብዙ ቀናት ቁልቁለት ጉዞ በኃላ 6$ ተሻግሯል።

✴️የ Ton ጭማሬ ማሳየት በTon blockchain ስር ላሉት እንደ Notcoin, Dogs, Cati, Hmtr ያሉ ኮይኖች አሪፍ እንቅስቃሴ እንዲያሳዩ ያደርጋል።


Cex.io Quiz Answer
  •   ይለቀቅ 🔥
  •   ይቅርብን 😣
130 ta ovoz


👆Forex ላይ interest ላላችሁ Zack free አስተምራለው እያለ ነዉ 3ተኛ ዙር ነው በጣም አሪፍ የሚባል ነው አይለፋችው እድሉን ተጠቀሙት

👉ሊንኩ ሰኞ expired ያረጋል መማር ምትፈልጉ ቻናሉን join አርጉት

👉ሰውን ለመርዳት ያለው ፍላጎት በጣም ነው የምወድለት zack ለዛም ነው Recommende ያደረኩአችው✌️

100% Free ነው Family 😊😊


✴️The course is 100% for FREE, no catches.

✴️The training starts November 25,2024(ህዳር 16/2017).

✴️ Registration is open for 2 days

✴️ Registration ENDS MONDAY(ህዳር 16).

✴️ Grab your spot now by joining the channel where the course will be given.

(Link expires Monday when registration is closed)


ምንም አይነት FEE የለውም ።

#Blockchain እና #Listing_Date ለመናገር እየሞከሩ ነው እንበል Paws🤔🤔

12   19


📌 Memefi

ያላቹ እና መሸጥ የምትፈልጉ ብቻ አናግሩኝ

ለመሸጥ Dm👉 @Habesha_Buy_Sell

PROOF👉  @Habesha_proof


Investment የሚጠይቅ Airdrop ነው ግን በሰራችውት ልክ ይከፍላል እና invest ማድረግ የማትችሉ ከሆነ ግን አትጀምሩት Family 🤝

ለመጀመር 600 star ያስፈልጋል ሌሎች star ክፍያወችም ሊኖሩ ይችላሉ


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.