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ከዉጭ ሃገር ገንዘብ በአሞሌ  ይላኩ
በሰከንዶች ይደርሳል!    -   Android    -  iOS  - Web

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Don't miss out on the new Amole Lite 1.0

-Better speed
-Simplified and improved user
-Takes smaller storage space
-Other included features

Amole, a Life of Convenience! - Android - iOS - Web

#ticketswithamole #paywithamole #withamole #myamole #shopwithamole #order_online #በአሞሌይክፈሉ #አሞሌ

Amole is the easiest way to pay your monthly websprix wifi payment. With Amole, you can pay your bill in just a few clicks, and you'll never have to worry about late fees again. Plus, Amole offers a variety of payment options, so you can find one that fits your budget.

አሞሌ ወርሃዊ የዌብስፕሪክስ የዋይፋይ ክፍያን ለመክፈል ቀላሉ መንገድ ነው። በአሞሌ፣ ሂሳብዎን በጥቂት መንገዶች ብቻ መክፈል ይችላሉ፣ እና ስለ ዘገየ ክፍያዎች በጭራሽ መጨነቅ አይኖርብዎትም። በተጨማሪም አሞሌ የተለያዩ የመክፈያ አማራጮችን ያቀርባል፣ ስለዚህ ከበጀትዎ ጋር የሚስማማ ማግኘት ይችላሉ።

በቴሌግራም @AmoleDashenBot ተጠቅመዉ በቀላሉ የዋይፋይ ክፍያን ይክፈሉ¡

#Amole #Wifi #Payment #Easy #Convenient #Affordable #websprix

Ready to conquer Monday and make it a week of success!

Make your day joyful by making good decisions!

#ticketswithamole #paywithamole #withamole #myamole #shopwithamole #order_online #በአሞሌይክፈሉ #አሞሌ #blackmonday #monday #motivation

Love is in the air, and so are seamless transactions! 💳💖 This Valentine’s Day, show your love with the gift of effortless digital payments. 💌 Whether it’s a romantic dinner, a sweet surprise, or a thoughtful gift, amole got you covered. ❤️

#ValentinesDay #Digitlpayment #myamole #myamole #amole

የአሞሌን USSD አገልግሎት ለመጠቀም ስማርት ስልክ አያስፈልጎትም!

በቀላሉ ወደ *996# በመደወል

የDStv ክፍያ,የአየር መንገድ ትኬት መቁረጥ,ቢሎችን ለመክፈል,ገንዘብ ማስተላለፍና የአየር ሰአት መግዛግትን
ጨምሮ የተለያዩ አገልግሎቶችን በአሞሌ USSD ይጠቀሙ!
#paywithamole #withamole #myamole #shopwithamole #order_online #በአሞሌይክፈሉ

በቅርቡ ለመጓዝ አስበዋል ? ወይስ የበረራ ትኬቶች ይፈልጋሉ? እንግዲያውስ በአሞሌ ሞባይል መተግበሪያ ደህንነቱ የተጠበቀ የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ ትኬት መቁረጫ መንገድ ያገኛሉ::

Are you planning to travel soon and in need of flight tickets? Well, look no further as Ethiopian Airlines offers a secure and convenient online booking platform via the Amole mobile app.

Amole, a Life of Convenience! - Android - iOS - Web

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A wallet you can never leave behind
A Smart Way To Pay - Android - iOS - Web

#ticketswithamole #paywithamole #withamole #myamole #shopwithamole #order_online #በአሞሌይክፈሉ #አሞሌ

An Omnichannel experience for Individuals, Businesses, Merchants and Agents only from Amole.

Download and Install now
Amole, Life of convenience! - Android - iOS - Web

#ticketswithamole #paywithamole #withamole #myamole #shopwithamole #order_online #በአሞሌይክፈሉ #አሞሌ

ዘመናዊ እና ቀላል !!

#paywithamole #withamole #myamole #shopwithamole #order_online #በአሞሌይክፈሉ #አሞሌ

All Your Money in One Place!
#ከአሞሌጋር #lifeofconvenience #amole #myamole #mobile #ethiopia #dashenbank #cash #addisababa

Embracing the joy of a well-deserved rest day!

Today, let your worries take a back seat while we continue to handle your transactions seamlessly.

peace of mind is just a click away! 🌐💳

#ticketswithamole #paywithamole #withamole #myamole #shopwithamole #order_online #በአሞሌይክፈሉ #አሞሌ

የሳፋሪኮምን አየር ሰዓት ቀጥታ ከአሞሌ ላይት እና ወደ *996# በመደወል በቀላሉ መሙላት ይችላሉ!
#AmoleLite #SafaricomEthiopia #Ethiopia
#paywithamole #withamole #myamole #shopwithamole

እንኳን ለብርሃነ ጥምቀቱ እና ለከተራ በዐል አደረሳችሁ ::

#ticketswithamole #paywithamole #withamole #myamole #shopwithamole #order_online #በአሞሌይክፈሉ #አሞሌ

Top up your airtime hassle-free, right from the cozy corners of your home. 🏠 Embrace the convenience, embrace Amole. Ready to get started? 📲

Amole, a Life of Convenience! - Android - iOS - Web

#paywithamole #withamole #myamole #Airtime #topup #በአሞሌይክፈሉ #አሞሌ

Don't miss out on the new Amole Lite 1.0

-Better speed
-Simplified and improved user
-Takes smaller storage space
-Other included features

Amole, a Life of Convenience! - Android - iOS - Web

#ticketswithamole #paywithamole #withamole #myamole #shopwithamole #order_online #በአሞሌይክፈሉ #አሞሌ

መልካም ሰኞ!!
ጥሩ ውሳኔዎችን በመተግበር ቀንዎን
አስደሳች ያድርጉት!

Happy Monday!! Make your day joyful by making good decisions!
#ticketswithamole #paywithamole #withamole #myamole #shopwithamole #order_online #በአሞሌይክፈሉ #አሞሌ #blackmonday #monday #motivation #newyear

Spend a Great weekend at Lime tree with Amole.                                                  -   Andriod    -  iOS

#ከአሞሌጋር #paywithamole #limetree
#amole #myamole #mobile #ethiopia #dashenbank #addisababa @ Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

የአሞሌን USSD አገልግሎት ለመጠቀም ስማርት ስልክ አያስፈልጎትም!

በቀላሉ ወደ *996# በመደወል

የDStv ክፍያ,የአየር መንገድ ትኬት መቁረጥ,ቢሎችን ለመክፈል,ገንዘብ ማስተላለፍና የአየር ሰአት መግዛግትን
ጨምሮ የተለያዩ አገልግሎቶችን በአሞሌ USSD ይጠቀሙ!
#paywithamole #withamole #myamole #shopwithamole #order_online #በአሞሌይክፈሉ

ለክርስትና እምነት ተከታዮች መልካም የገና በዓል እንመኛለን::

#ticketswithamole  #paywithamole #withamole #myamole #shopwithamole #order_online #በአሞሌይክፈሉ #አሞሌ #gena #xmas #merrychritsmas

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.