HOW TO QUIT PORN Series (Part 3)
Now follow this carefully...
You were probably busy earlier (or idling around), then just after one process, you've become so "excited" and feeling so good (for some or no reason).
Your body didn't like your previous "boring" state. But, it enjoyed the latter state of "feeling good", thanks to the dopamine you got after watching porn.
It wants even more of that feeling. So, you begin looking for such triggers (nude photos and thumbnails) NOT BECAUSE YOU WANT TO WATCH PORN BUT TO GET THE REWARD (GOOD FEELING).
As this continues, the whole habit cycle becomes so shorter that you no longer "wait" for a Cue.
You go ahead with the Action (watching porn) and your mind is already "whet" with appetite and expectation of "feeling good" by watching other people have "fake" or "professionally directed" sex.
As this continues even further, your entire mind and your day becomes literally blocked and filled with the thirst to watch porn.
Your entire mind now becomes filled with images of naked women. Every little moment of silence or space you get, you quickly want to fill it with watching porn.
( be continued)
Stay tuned for the next installment in this series on overcoming porn addiction.
Now follow this carefully...
You were probably busy earlier (or idling around), then just after one process, you've become so "excited" and feeling so good (for some or no reason).
Your body didn't like your previous "boring" state. But, it enjoyed the latter state of "feeling good", thanks to the dopamine you got after watching porn.
It wants even more of that feeling. So, you begin looking for such triggers (nude photos and thumbnails) NOT BECAUSE YOU WANT TO WATCH PORN BUT TO GET THE REWARD (GOOD FEELING).
As this continues, the whole habit cycle becomes so shorter that you no longer "wait" for a Cue.
You go ahead with the Action (watching porn) and your mind is already "whet" with appetite and expectation of "feeling good" by watching other people have "fake" or "professionally directed" sex.
As this continues even further, your entire mind and your day becomes literally blocked and filled with the thirst to watch porn.
Your entire mind now becomes filled with images of naked women. Every little moment of silence or space you get, you quickly want to fill it with watching porn.
( be continued)
Stay tuned for the next installment in this series on overcoming porn addiction.