Think Different

Kanal geosi va tili: Efiopiya, Inglizcha

Here is a place where u will be free to Think Differently using the Word of God.
Uplifting quotes & Bible verses
Faith Building songs & much more
We are focused on insipiring teens of this generation.
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Efiopiya, Inglizcha
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"Remove the veil from my darkened eyes
So now every morning I open your word and see the Son rise
I hope in nothin, boast in nothin, only in your suffering
I live to show your glory, dying to tell your story"

Lecrae ft. Anthony Evans- Boasting


Isaiah 40:28 (NIV)

²⁸Do you not know?
    Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
    the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
    and his understanding no one can fathom.

“አላወቅህምን? አልሰማህምን? እግዚአብሔር የዘላለም አምላክ፥ የምድርም ዳርቻ ፈጣሪ ነው፤ አይደክምም፥ አይታክትም፥ ማስተዋሉም አይመረመርም።”
  — ኢሳይያስ 40፥28


How do you deal with the dilemma of putting to use the gift someone gave you or putting the gift you received as it was?
Sure, if you put it to use it will wear out but isnt that the purpose of it? For you to use it?
For you to make the most of it?
Its not about "use and throw' kind of thing, if you do that its your loss but using the gift for the purpose it was created is not downsizing it nor it puts the place you have for that person in question. It simply means you appreciate what was given to you and remember that person who gave you while using the gift.

The Bible is a gift to us. God gave us His word which we should hold dearly and obey it.
His Son is a gift to us. A Gift given not expecting anything in return.
A gift given while we were still sinners.
While we were still disobedient.
To not use this Word of Life who is Jesus is the same as not accepting the gift.
To not make Him the center of our life would still be disobdience and downsizing the work that was done for us at the cross.
This sovereign God gave us His word that depicits His will and the "How to" for us. How amazing is that? They are not just stories. These are the truth we are standing on.
Let's Brush of the dust and read our Bible.
Let's meditate the word.
Let us make Christ Jesus the Center of our life.
In Him there is life. Eternal Life.

1 John 5:11-12 (NIV)

¹¹And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. ¹²Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.


The shout out goes to the Doctors, nurses and staffs who work tirelessly.

Your work doesnt go unrecognized.
May God bless you abundantly.

How many people have walked by you, stair?
How many attendants stepped on you, stair?
Keeping aside the suffering people face in the bureaus, the stairs of hospitals face a lot more.
The amount of people that go up and down by the stairs is countless.
Running to get the test done, to get that medication, to pay the fees required from them, to get that stamp done and much more.
Some walk down being discharged hoping to not see the hospital again while others get admitted sleeping on a stretcher getting ready to go to their rooms and hoping they wont stay there for long.
A husband, a wife, a child, a sister, a brother, a cousin, an aunt, an uncle, a niece, a nephew, a friend, a colleague, a neighbor you name it, in every floor there is someone in the hospital from the above list whether as an attendant or a patient.
We often take our health for granted.
We tend to forget the air we inhale is a sign of God's mercy.
We dont have to lose it to know its value.
We know how we question ourselves whenever we experience a runny nose and catch a cold.
If so, imagine how people with chronic and complicated disease feel.
Dont forget to include people in the hospital in your prayers.

Someone was saying you know how it says in , James 1:27 (NIV)

"²⁷Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

"Its not about a once in a program or a holiday thing but as a Christian it should be our life style.
Even the non- believers do it every holiday but ours should be daily."


"Do nothing that you would not like God to see.
Say nothing you would not like God to hear.
Write nothing you would not like God to read.
Go no place where you would not like God to find you.
Read no book of which you would not like God to say, "show it to Me."
Never waste your time in such a way that you would not like to have God say, " what are you doing?"

                           -J.C Ryle


O my soul,
Whatever happens, don't let the devil take away your praise.
Delight in the Lord and not on what is given and not given to you.
What good does it have if you seek the Lord you ignored when all was good?
Most people do that.
Most souls do that.
You know too much about God to be living the way you do.
Take heart and cling to the Lord your God.



Think Different dan repost
David’s Questions

An African proverb states, “The one who asks questions doesn’t lose his way.” That concept can be helpful as we consider David’s questions in the Psalms. He was clearly seeking God’s guidance for the way he should go.

Look, at some of the questions he asked:

“O Lord—how long?” (6:3). A question of eagerness to see God’s plan accomplished.

“What is man that You are mindful of him?” (8:4). A question of awe that God even cares about sinful man.

“Why do You hide in times of trouble?” (10:1). A question that reveals a longing for God’s presence.

“Lord, who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill?” (15:1). The ultimate question of who may live with God.

David had some tough questions for God. He had discovered what it was like to lose his way when he excluded God and followed his own sinful path. But as he penned the Psalms, he was a man in search of Godliness, which meant he probed God’s mind about difficult subjects.

Questions. Like David, you have them. Keep asking. Then, through faith in God’s Word and the work of the Holy Spirit, listen as He leads you in His way. — Dave Branon


O my soul,
Quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD.
What good work do you have to talk about but what the Lord has done for you?
Whether you are faithful to Him or not He will continue to be faithful through ages, because He cannot deny himself.
So quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord.
He will make ways in the wilderness.
He will make His name known.



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O my soul,
Do you realize you had zero contribution for having to see this day?
You have made God's wake up list, How amazing is that?
Those sorrowful moments when you thought you were alone, Indulging yourself in fear and worry;
When the foot steps you think you saw was only yours;
When waking up didn't feel as exciting as it was;
When you thought you were forgotten;
God was there through it all.
As a father carrieth His child, God carried you.
Every breath is a sign of His mercy.
He knows what is best for you.
You have no say in today or tomorrow but the Great I Am does.
For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things.
Give Him the glory!



O my soul,
Why are you easily prone to giving up?
Easy to forget what the lord has done for you?
Don't you know He is the one in control?
Why do you give space for the worries to fill in and not the Word of God?
Do you think you would long for God in your hardest days when you didnt discipline yourself when all is good?
Dont be fooled.
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise Him,
my Savior and my God.



እንዳልሆነለት ሰውማ አትሆንም፣ ምንም እንዳልተደረገላት፣
የሞላ መስሎ ነገር ሲሳካ፣ ከየት አንዳነሳሀት ነፍሴ አትረሳውም።
ከአዘቅጧ አውጥተህ ሰው እንዳደረካት ዛሬም አትረሳውም።
የዕምባ ጩኸቷን እንደሰማሀት፣ ነፍስ እንደዘራህባት አትዘነጋውም።
ብቻዬን ነኝ ባለች ጊዜ አብሮነትህን እንደገለጥክላት ዛሬም ትዝ ይላታል።
በእንግድነት ሀገር ስራህን መዝሙሯ ያረክላት ነፍሴ ታመሠግንሀለች።
በብርሃንህ ብርሃንን ያሳየሀት ነፍሴ ምስጋናን አትነፍግህም።
ተ መ ስ ገ ን ኢ የ ሱ ስ !


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