How many people have walked by you, stair?
How many attendants stepped on you, stair?
Keeping aside the suffering people face in the bureaus, the stairs of hospitals face a lot more.
The amount of people that go up and down by the stairs is countless.
Running to get the test done, to get that medication, to pay the fees required from them, to get that stamp done and much more.
Some walk down being discharged hoping to not see the hospital again while others get admitted sleeping on a stretcher getting ready to go to their rooms and hoping they wont stay there for long.
A husband, a wife, a child, a sister, a brother, a cousin, an aunt, an uncle, a niece, a nephew, a friend, a colleague, a neighbor you name it, in every floor there is someone in the hospital from the above list whether as an attendant or a patient.
We often take our health for granted.
We tend to forget the air we inhale is a sign of God's mercy.
We dont have to lose it to know its value.
We know how we question ourselves whenever we experience a runny nose and catch a cold.
If so, imagine how people with chronic and complicated disease feel.
Dont forget to include people in the hospital in your prayers.
Someone was saying you know how it says in , James 1:27 (NIV)
"²⁷Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
"Its not about a once in a program or a holiday thing but as a Christian it should be our life style.
Even the non- believers do it every holiday but ours should be daily."