👩🚀 Tip of the day
የ Who's እና Whose ልዩነትን እና አጠቃቀም
⭐️ Who's : Who is ወይም የ Who has
የሚሉትን አሳጥረን ለመፃፍ የምንጠቀመው ነው። ድርጊት የፈፀመው ማን እንደሆነ ለመጠየቅ እንጠቀምበታለን።
✔️ Who's your favorite actor? (Who is)
✔️ Who's taken my phone? (Who has)
❌ Whose going to the meeting?
✔️ Who's going to the meeting? (Who's)
⭐️ Whose : ከ WH ቃላት አንዱ ሆኖ ባለቤትነትን ለማሳየት እንጠቀምበታለን።
✔️ Whose car is this?
❌ Who's car is this?
እቺ የማን መኪና ናት ?
✔️ Whose idea was it to make this?
❌ Who's idea was it to make this?
ይሄን መስራት የማን ሀሳብ ነበር?
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የ Who's እና Whose ልዩነትን እና አጠቃቀም
⭐️ Who's : Who is ወይም የ Who has
የሚሉትን አሳጥረን ለመፃፍ የምንጠቀመው ነው። ድርጊት የፈፀመው ማን እንደሆነ ለመጠየቅ እንጠቀምበታለን።
✔️ Who's your favorite actor? (Who is)
✔️ Who's taken my phone? (Who has)
❌ Whose going to the meeting?
✔️ Who's going to the meeting? (Who's)
⭐️ Whose : ከ WH ቃላት አንዱ ሆኖ ባለቤትነትን ለማሳየት እንጠቀምበታለን።
✔️ Whose car is this?
❌ Who's car is this?
እቺ የማን መኪና ናት ?
✔️ Whose idea was it to make this?
❌ Who's idea was it to make this?
ይሄን መስራት የማን ሀሳብ ነበር?
Don't forget to react on our posts 😊
❤️ @English_Ethiopian ✅
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