📢 5 Active Telegram Channels for sale.
▶️Low Price
▶️Added On Telega and have higher ratings on telega.io
▶️Ownership on telega can be transferred easily
▶️some Channels have started showing telegram ads.
⭕@EUEE_Tips 👉 10.8k Subscribers
⭕@Oromia_Educational_News 👉 7.6k Subscribers
⭕@Ethio_Educational_News 👉 5.6k Subscribers
⭕@Afla_Fkr_Official 👉 3.1k Subscribers
⭕@Gaammee_Media_Channel 👉 2.5k Subscribers
✉️Contact ➡️@Bek_i to buy with reasonable price.
📢 5 Active Telegram Channels for sale.
▶️Low Price
▶️Added On Telega and have higher ratings on telega.io
▶️Ownership on telega can be transferred easily
▶️some Channels have started showing telegram ads.
⭕@EUEE_Tips 👉 10.8k Subscribers
⭕@Oromia_Educational_News 👉 7.6k Subscribers
⭕@Ethio_Educational_News 👉 5.6k Subscribers
⭕@Afla_Fkr_Official 👉 3.1k Subscribers
⭕@Gaammee_Media_Channel 👉 2.5k Subscribers
✉️Contact ➡️@Bek_i to buy with reasonable price.