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I. Types of Chemical Bonds

1. What type of chemical bond is formed by the sharing of electrons between atoms?
a) Ionic bond
b) Covalent bond
c) Metallic bond
d) Hydrogen bond

Answer: b) Covalent bond

2. What type of chemical bond is formed by the transfer of electrons between atoms, creating ions?
a) Covalent bond
b) Metallic bond
c) Hydrogen bond
d) Ionic bond

Answer: d) Ionic bond

3. Which type of bond involves a "sea" of delocalized electrons?
a) Covalent bond
b) Ionic bond
c) Metallic bond
d) Hydrogen bond

Answer: c) Metallic bond

4. Which of the following is NOT a strong chemical bond?
a) Covalent bond
b) Ionic bond
c) Metallic bond
d) Hydrogen bond

Answer: d) Hydrogen bond (Hydrogen bonds are relatively weak intermolecular forces)

5. A bond formed between a metal and a nonmetal is most likely:
a) Covalent
b) Metallic
c) Ionic
d) Polar Covalent

Answer: c) Ionic

II. Properties of Chemical Bonds

6. What is electronegativity?
a) The ability of an atom to conduct electricity.
b) The ability of an atom to attract electrons in a chemical bond.
c) The tendency of an atom to lose electrons.
d) The size of an atom.

Answer: b) The ability of an atom to attract electrons in a chemical bond.

7. A bond where electrons are shared unequally is referred to as:
a) Nonpolar covalent
b) Polar covalent
c) Ionic bond
d) Metallic bond

Answer: b) Polar covalent

8. Which type of bond typically results in the formation of crystalline solids with high melting points?
a) Covalent bond
b) Metallic bond
c) Ionic bond
d) Hydrogen bond

Answer: c) Ionic bond

9. Which type of bond is primarily responsible for the electrical conductivity of metals?
a) Covalent bond
b) Metallic bond
c) Ionic bond
d) Polar covalent bond

Answer: b) Metallic bond

10. Which of the following properties is characteristic of molecules held together by covalent bonds?
a) High melting point
b) Good electrical conductivity
c) Poor electrical conductivity
d) Formation of crystalline solids

Answer: c) Poor electrical conductivity

III. Bond Polarity and Strength

11. What is the main factor that determines whether a bond is polar or nonpolar?
a) Number of electrons shared
b) Electronegativity difference between the bonded atoms
c) Size of the bonded atoms
d) Temperature of the reaction

Answer: b) Electronegativity difference between the bonded atoms

12. A bond between two identical atoms (e.g., H-H) is always:
a) Polar covalent
b) Ionic
c) Nonpolar covalent
d) Metallic

Answer: c) Nonpolar covalent

13. Which bond is generally considered to be stronger?
a) Single bond
b) Double bond
c) Triple bond
d) Hydrogen Bond

Answer: c) Triple bond

14. The strength of a covalent bond depends on:
a) Number of protons in the nucleus
b) Size of the atoms
c) Number of shared electron
d) Both b and c

Answer: d) Both b and c

15. Which of the following is the weakest type of intermolecular force?
a) Hydrogen bond
b) Dipole-dipole interaction
c) London dispersion forces
d) Ionic bond

Answer: c) London dispersion forces

IV. Related Concepts

16. What is a molecule?
a) An atom with a positive charge
b) An atom with a negative charge
c) Two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds
d) An atom with equal number of electrons and protons

Answer: c) Two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds

17. What is an ion?
a) A molecule
b) An atom that has lost or gained electrons
c) An atom with equal number of protons and electrons
d) A group of atom held by non covalent bond

Answer: b) An atom that has lost or gained electrons

Quiz ይቀጥል 20👍 React አድርጉ

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