Think Different

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский
Категория: Психология

Here is a place where u will be free to Think Differently using the Word of God.
Uplifting quotes & Bible verses
Faith Building songs & much more
We are focused on insipiring teens of this generation.
📫 Contact us: @standard_life_love_bot

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Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Ephesians 3:12 (NIV)

¹²In Him and through faith in Him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.

“በእርሱና በእርሱ ላይ ባለን እምነት አማካይነት፣ በነጻነትና በልበ ሙሉነት ወደ እግዚአብሔር መቅረብ እንችላለን።”
  — ኤፌሶን 3፥12 (አዲሱ መ.ት)


But when will the worry end?
For my peace to begin and my soul to rest;
When will my agony come to finish?
For my breakthrough to take place and be well;
When will the trauma halt?
For my healing to take place;
When will you judge?
For my justice to be served;
When will you see?
For my life to be put at the right track;

I can't help but question
Fill my blank pages with loads of it.
But You stay silent, like You didnt even listen
At least that is what i thought.
But You, oh You are unpredictable, God.
You are too creative to repeat yourself.
You yourself are the answer. My ink to the blank spaces
My joy through the hopeless journey
My color in the midst of grey
My handfull when i can not grab
My legs when i can not walk
My home through out eternity.


What I really love about Christian Fellowship is that the way a fellow Christian prays for someone in their time of need; the way the whole congregration prays over someone who relocates because of a Job and related things; the way when someone parts ways they give eachother a gift (a Bible, spiritual book etc) until they meet again.
And all this because of one Christ who united us.

Christianity isnt a life you live in solitude.
Its living a life as members of one body who is Christ.


Exodus 22:21 (NIV)
²¹“Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt.

"መጻተኛውን አትበድሉት ወይም አታስጨንቁት፤ እናንተ በግብፅ መጻተኛ ነበራችሁና።”
— ዘጸአት 22፥21 (አዲሱ መ.ት)

Exodus 23:9 (NIV)
⁹“Do not oppress a foreigner; you yourselves know how it feels to be foreigners, because you were foreigners in Egypt.

““መጻተኛውን አትጨቁን፤ በግብፅ መጻተኛ ስለ ነበራችሁ፣ መጻተኛ ምን እንደሚሰማው እናንተ ራሳችሁ ታውቃላችሁና።”
— ዘጸአት 23፥9 (አዲሱ መ.ት)

So this same verse repeated in two consecutive chapters is not a coincidence.
Everyone has a story of their own. አልፈው የመጡበት፣ እያለፉበት ያለው ግን ካለፈ በኋላ ሲያወሩት በአቅሜ አለፍኩት በራሴ እንዲህ አደረኩ ብለው boast የሚያደርጉበት ሳይሆን when a person passes through that same situation and you come across them, Since you know how that feels there is no one better than you at that time to help them. And isnt that what makes God happy?
So whatever you maybe passing through, maybe all of it is not for your own sake but for others. For you to help others.

Be the person who you needed when you were hurting.


"Far too much mercy
There’s way too much grace
That no song does it justice
And words just don’t cut it
Despite my best attempts"

Benjamin Hastings- I can't Thank You Enough


"And I will build my life upon your love, it is a firm foundation."

     Housefires- Build My Life


2 Corinthians 5:15 (NIV)

¹⁵And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again."

“በሕይወትም ያሉት ስለ እነርሱ ለሞተውና ለተነሣው እንጂ ወደ ፊት ለራሳቸው እንዳይኖሩ ስለ ሁሉ ሞተ።”
  — 2ኛ ቆሮ 5፥15


Someone once said to me,

"When you find yourself comforted and consoled in a position where being comforted was impossible and you had every right to give up; in a position where there was no one to look upto and give you hope, that is the Holy Spirit.
He is the one who comforted you. Don't try to boast about it when it is in the past.
It is always Him. It will always be Him."

“And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever;”
  — John 14:16 (KJV)


Kingdom Sound - አለኝ ቀጠሮ
Original song by Tamirat Haile


ከመምጣትህ በልጦ፣ገኖ ከአንተ ሀሳብ
ነፍሴን የያዛትን፣ ተስፋ የጣለባት
ሳላየው እንዳትመጣ፣ ብዬ የማስባትን
ህልሜ ሆኖልኝ፣ መያዝ የሻትኩትን
እንዳስወግድ እርዳኝ፣ ካንተ የበለጠውን
አጠባበቄ ላይ፣ተፅዕኖ ያመጣውን።


ይህን ሳላደርግ ወይንም ሳላይ አትምጣ ብዬ የማስበልጠው፣ የማስቀድመው ነገር አይኑር ጌታ ሆይ።


And so the inner thoughts began as i sat through a teaching about the book of Jonah.

A road so forward that seems tiring but i have started it and i can not stop so i continued my journey.
Thinking about all the hardships i overcame i continue to follow the path ahead.
Out of nowhere there he stands infront of me my antagonist.
The one who stabbed me behind my back, the one i used to call friend, the one i relyed on but as he saw the opportunity my back was the perfect fit for his knife.
I swore to get my revenge on him and to never see him again but since he is standing infront of me i dont want to go there and the road is only a one way road. Its either forward or backward no in between, no side roads.
To continue my journey i must get past him but i didnt want to risk it so
I thought to my self i would rather go backward than go straight into my enemy's hand.
So I turned back preparing myself to go backwards, back to the life i once left. There was this stone that had something written on it with Big letters saying "Forgive Him" and I was like whatttt? How can God say this after i told Him my story? After i cried my eyes out for what this person did to me infront of Him? After i prayed endlessly for my chaos to stop? How can He ask me to forgive? This is absurd
I tried brushing of the written letters but they wouldnt come off. So I rolled them away with every effort that i had.
But there was another big one standing behind this one and it read "As I have Forgiven you." As soon as i read those i couldnt hold it in; tears came down falling, memories were being brought back of how i used to be the notorious one but God meddled.
How i sinned against Him but He still made His son pay the price so i could live.
How graciously He has led me to where i am now.
How His mercy and grace are the only thing sustaining my life right now.
How He loved the unlovebale and the undeserving.
How He came back for me even when He had enough.
How through His son's death, i get to live now following Him.
How what was done for me, I should also do for others.
It all came back. The joy of my salvation.
I cant brush it off even if i wanted to let alone roll it away. These are the words of life. The words of the one who gave life.
It didnt feel like this when i rolled the former one but with the latter i couldnt even think of rolling it let alone do it.
So here i am to say, even if its not in full i think i have the glimpse of it. How it felt for you, Jesus.
Coming to the people who do nothing but are committed to sinning.
Who are eager to go against Your word.
Even the prophet Jonah didnt want to go to the peoples of Nineveh, to those people whose actions are wicked because he knew you are a God of mercy and You will forgive them if they repent and come back from their ways.
But the Ultimate Jonah is Jesus Christ. Who came willingly to the people who turned their backs against Him. To the people Who didnt have any sense of respect let alone be obedient to Him.
It was all God's sovereign plan and He gave His life for those same people who persecuted Him, and not only them but for the world.

So its not easy living a Christian life but You have left us a foot step we could follow. Your footsteps. Your way.
May I never forget How I was forgiven and that i need to extend the forgiveness given to me.
Create in me a pure heart.


"So in the name of Jesus, I am not alone
He's bigger than my problems, I find all my hope"

JWLKRS Worship and Maverick City Music- In The Name of Jesus


ቤትህ በልቤ ውስጥ፣ ቤቴ በእግሮችህ ስር።


ማርቆስ 8 (አዲሱ መ.ት)
³⁵ ነፍሱን ለማዳን የሚወድ ሁሉ ያጠፋታል፤ ስለ እኔና ስለ ወንጌል ነፍሱን የሚያጠፋት ሁሉ ግን ያድናታል።
³⁶ ሰው ዓለሙ ሁሉ የእርሱ ቢሆንና ነፍሱን ቢያጣ ምን ይጠቅመዋል?
³⁷ ለመሆኑ፣ ሰው ለነፍሱ ምን መተኪያ አለው?

It sounds paradox right?
ታዲያ ይህቺ ነፍስ ካልተወደደች እንዴት መዝለቅ ይቻላል? ደግሞም የሚወዳት ያጠፋታል እያለ እንዴት ይሆናል?
እራሱ እፍ ብሎ እስትንፋስን ሰጥቶ ያኖራትን ነፍስ፣ እርሷን ለማዳን የሚወድ ያጠፋታል እንዴት ይላል? ያስብላል።

ለካ "ነፍስም" idol ትሆናለች።
ከፈጠረው ይልቅ የተፈጠረችዋን ነፍስም ልናስበልጥ እንችላለን ማለት ነው።
ግን ይህቺ ነፍስ የሚኖርላት (ሲጠብቅ) ባለቤት አላት፣ ከጠፋችም ልታጠፋ የተገባላት ባለቤት አላት። ያኔ ትድናለች።



Hebrews 12:28-29 (NIV)

²⁸Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, ²⁹for our “God is a consuming fire.”

ዕብራውያን 12
²⁸ ስለዚህ የማይናወጥን መንግሥት ስለምንቀበል በማክበርና በፍርሃት እግዚአብሔርን ደስ እያሰኘን የምናመልክበትን ጸጋ እንያዝ፤
²⁹ አምላካችን በእውነት የሚያጠፋ እሳት ነውና።


ጌታ ሲሞትልን፣ ለእኛ ህይወትን ሲያበዛ ከእርሱ ውጪ ለሌላ ነገር እንዳንኖር ነው!
ነፃነታችንን የክፋት መሸፈኛ አናድርገው።
የሚያይ፣ የሚሰማ፣ የሚመልስ፣ የሚጠይቅ አምላክ ነው።
በማስተዋል እንድንመላለስ ፀጋው ይርዳን።


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