Ethiopian Construction Work Professionals - ETCONp

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Амхарский
Категория: Карьера

🔨እጅግ ጠቃሚ የ ኮንስትራክሽን ትምህርቶች
💵የ ኮንስትራክሽን እቃዎች ሻጭ እና ገዢ ሚገናኙበት
📐ውብ ውብ የ ቤት ዲዛይናኖች
💻ሶፍትዌሮችና ሴታፖችን
🎬ቪድዮዎቾ ምታገኙበት ቻናል
📨ሃሳብና ኣስተያየት @Philemona7 ወይ @ETCONpBOT ፃፉልን
📌ጨረታ ና ስራ @ETCONpWORK
📃 ለ መወያያ @COTMp
📍ዲጂታል ቤተ መፅሃፍ @ETCONpDigitalLibrary_Bot

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Гео и язык канала
Эфиопия, Амхарский
Фильтр публикаций

Let's talk about Retrofitting work.

Retrofitting is strengthening of existing structures or structural elements to enhance their performance with new technology, features, and components.

Generally retrofitting can be classified in two categories

1. Global retrofitting, and
2. Local retrofitting

𝗚𝗹𝗼𝗯𝗮𝗹 𝗿𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴:
The global retrofitting technique targets the seismic resistance of the structures. It includes adding of shear structure, adding of steel bracings, adding of infill structure and base isolation.

𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗿𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴:
Local retrofitting technique targets the seismic resistance of a member. The local retrofit technique includes the concrete, steel or fibre reinforced polymer
jacketing to the structural members, like beams, columns,foundation, and beam column joint. Concrete jacketing involves adding a new layer of concrete with longitudinal reinforcement and closely spaced ties. The jacket increases both the flexural strength and the shear strength of the beam or the column.


PHP:- This typically refers to the type of steel used in the rebar. In this context, it denote a specific brand or manufacturer designation for the rebar.

TMT:- This stands for Thermo-Mechanically Treated steel.

TMT bars are produced through a process that involves heating and rapid cooling, which enhances their strength and ductility compared to conventional steel bars.

The TMT process results in a composite structure with a tough outer layer and a softer core, providing better performance under stress.

500:- This number indicates the yield strength of the rebar in megapascals (MPa).

A yield strength of 500 MPa means that the rebar can withstand stresses up to this limit before deforming permanently.

Higher numbers indicate stronger steel, making it suitable for various construction applications where high tensile strength is required.

20:- This figure usually represents the diameter of the rebar in millimeters (mm)

Therefore, “20” indicates that this particular rebar has a diameter of 20 mm



💫Bricks are a type of building material typically made of concrete, sand, lime, or clay. They are generally used to construct walls, pavements, and other types of architecture.

🚧Bricks can be produced in a variety of shapes and types depending on the materials used to make them and the use for which they are intended.

⏺It is because of their sturdiness, strength, and fire resistance, that they continue to be a popular building material.

⭐️Different types of bricks

1. Sun-dried bricks
2. Burnt clay bricks

     1) First class bricks
     2) Second class bricks
     3) Third class bricks
     4) Fourth class bricks

3. Fly ash bricks
4. Concrete bricks
5. Engineering bricks
6. Calcium silicate bricks
7. Eco bricks

▶️Bricks can be identified by their size, colour, texture, and sound.


👉ከ ትላንት የቀጠለ


41. A cantilever beam is fixed at one end and free at the other.

42. Fixed-end moments are moments developed at fixed supports.

43. Bending stress in a beam is calculated using the formula σ = My/I.

44. Torsion in beams is caused by twisting moments or torques.

45. A simply supported beam has supports at both ends.

46. The moment of inertia of a rectangular section is bd³/12.

47. Deflection in beams can be calculated using integration methods.

48. Reinforcement bars should be free of rust and other contaminants.

49. Development length is the length required to transfer stress to concrete.

50. Hooked bars are used to anchor reinforcement in concrete.

51. A truss is a structure composed of members arranged in triangles.

52. Load-bearing walls transfer loads from floors and roofs to foundations.

53. Shear walls resist lateral forces such as wind and earthquakes.

54. Moment-resisting frames provide lateral stability to structures.

55. Expansion joints allow for thermal expansion and contraction in structures.

56. Pre-tensioning and post-tensioning are methods of prestressing concrete.

57. Masonry walls can be constructed using bricks, blocks, or stones.

58. Mortar is a mixture of cement, sand, and water used in masonry.

59. The typical thickness of a residential slab is 125mm.

60. The minimum reinforcement in slabs is 0.12% of the cross-sectional area.

🎲ለማንኛውም አስተያየትዎ  እና ሀሳብዎ ይጻፉልን!

📜ለ ስራ እና ጨረታዎች ምንለቅበት ቻናል ለመቀላቀል👉 @ETCONpWORK

📩ሊጽፉልን ካሰቡ @ETCONpBOT


Ethio Construction on TikTok
@etconp7 1154 Followers, 7 Following, 1664 Likes - Watch awesome short videos created by Ethio Construction


👉ለግንባታዎ ውበት እኛን ስለ ምናስፈልግዎ ከግንባታ በኋላ ወደ እኛ ይደውሉ።

💫AR Building Finishing & Water Proofing Works ለህንፃዎች ውበት ፈጣሪዎች ነን

🚧በልዩ ጥራት የፊኒሽንግ ስራውን አጠናቀን ቤትዎ ውበት አጎናፅፈን እናስረክብዎታለን።

🌟ከመኖሪያ ቤት እስከ ትልልቅ ህንፃዎች አሻራችንን አሳርፈናል።
▶️Fine quartez
▶️Stone paint
▶️ Water Proofing Chemicals
▶️ Membranes በጥራት እንሰራለን።

📍አድራሻ:—ኡራኤል ሀይላለም ህንፃ
            ስልክ  0977 67 67 90
                      0912 23 04 71

💫AR Building Finishing & Water Proofing Works


👉ከባለፈው የቀጠለ


21. Clear cover for rebar in beams is typically 25mm.

22. Clear cover for rebar in slabs is typically 20mm.

23. Standard consistency of cement paste is about 30%.

24. The fineness modulus of fine aggregate ranges from 2.2 to 3.2.

25. The Poisson's ratio for steel is approximately 0.3.

26. The unit weight of water is 1000 kg/m³.

27. Specific gravity of cement is around 3.15.

28. The initial setting time of ordinary Portland cement is 30 minutes.

29. The final setting time of ordinary Portland cement is 10 hours.

30. Slump values for structural concrete typically range from 75 to 125 mm

31. Maximum size of coarse aggregate in RCC is 20mm.

32. The tensile strength of concrete is approximately 10% of its compressive strength.

33. The allowable bearing capacity of soil should be determined through soil tests.

34. Plate load test is used to determine the bearing capacity of soil.

35. Permeability of soil affects the design of foundations and drainage systems.

36. Standard penetration test (SPT) assesses soil compaction and bearing capacity.

37. The unit weight of sand is approximately 1600 kg/m³.

38. Soil compaction increases the bearing capacity of soil.

39. Angle of repose indicates the stability of granular materials.

40. Cohesion is a measure of the shear strength of cohesive soils

. .  .)ይቀጥላል!

🎲ለማንኛውም አስተያየትዎ  እና ሀሳብዎ ይጻፉልን!

📜ለ ስራ እና ጨረታዎች ምንለቅበት ቻናል ለመቀላቀል👉 @ETCONpWORK

📩ሊጽፉልን ካሰቡ @ETCONpBOT


Ethio Construction on TikTok
@etconp7 1154 Followers, 7 Following, 1664 Likes - Watch awesome short videos created by Ethio Construction

Intercon Construction Chemicals 
👉 Authorized agent of MC (Conmix), Weber and SIMENTEK

● Concrete Admixtures
● Bonding Agents
● Waterproofings
● Concrete Repair, Grout   
● Tile Adhesive & Tile Joint Fillers 
● Wall Putty, Prime Coat, Rush Coat
● Quartz, Contextra
● Specialized paints (Thermal and Insulation Paints, Street and Playground Paints)
● Floor hardener, Epoxy              
● Geotextiles, Geo-membranes and other construction chemicals and materials

Tel: 0961955555 or 0961955559
Address: Signal, around signal mall


🏷Effective drainage systems are critical for managing stormwater runoff and preventing flooding in urban and rural areas.

💫Properly constructed drainage systems ensure the safe removal of excess water, protecting infrastructure and the environment.

💫Construction techniques/Activities description

▪️Carry out project assessment by evaluating the drainage requirements based on the project plans and specifications and also understanding the intended function, capacity, and location of the drainage system.
▪️Design analysis is by carrying out site assessment which include identifying topography, soil types, and water flow patterns, gradients, aninlet/outlet locations.
▪️Determining drainage requirements based on local regulations and rainfall data.
▪️Setting out
▪️Set up benchmarks to establish a reference level at a known elevation
▪️Establishing profile
▪️Establish the levels
▪️Ensuring proper slope and alignment to facilitate water flow
▪️Excavation and trenches
▪️Preparation of drainage bed
▪️Blinding of 50mm - 70mm thick to receive drainage base
▪️Laying of reinforcement baskets
▪️Laying of concrete cover blocks
▪️Installation of formwork
▪️Preparation of materials
▪️Design mix (1:2:4) used with proper amount of water.
▪️Carry out slump test to ascertain concrete workability
▪️Casting the base and walls of drainage with vibrated concrete
▪️Compaction and backfilling
▪️Allow for curing
▪️Carry out QA and inspection during and after.

Via Eagleng


ታምራት  ፕሌት እና ጄቦልት አቅራቢ

👉ከ አባይ ግድብ እስከ ኮሪደር ልማት

ከግለሰብ ቤቶች እስከ ተቋማት እና

መጋዘኖች በሁሉም የኢትዮጽያ ክፍል

አሻራችንን አሳርፈናል

🔰ምን ይፈልጋሉ?

✂️ላሜራ መቁረጫ ÷ ማጠፊያ እና መብሻ ማሽኖች አሉን

🔗ፌሮ (ቶንዲኖ) ጥርስ ማስበጀት ወይንም ማሳጠፍ ካሰቡ ለሱም ማሽኑ በጃችን ነዉ

📐ማንኛዉንም የሞደፊክ ስራዎችን የሚሰሩ ብቁ ባለሙያዎችም አሉን

☎️ይደዉሉልን ያማክሩን

📍ኢትዮጵያ ዉስጥ የትም እንልክሎታለን

                    ቁ.1 መርካቶ
                    ቁ.2 ተክለሀይማኖት
                     ቁ.3 አየር ጤና


👉በዘርፉ ለሚገኙ ባለሙያዎች የተሰናዳው የዓቅም ግንባታ ስልጠና ተጀመረ

Constriction Law, Contract admin &PPA, Constriction Claim and Dispute Resolution, FIDIC እንዲሁም Cost Estimation በሚሉ ርዕሶች ላይ ትኩረቱን ያደረገ የዓቅም ግንባታ ስልጠና ከማዕከልና ከሁሉም ክፍለከተሞች ለተውጣጡ 70 ባለሙያዎች እየተሰጠ ይገኛል፡፡

የኮንትራት አስተዳደር፤ የምህንድስና ግዥ ፤ የፕሮጀክት ኦዲት እና የዲዛይን ጥራት ቁጥጥር ባለሙያዎች እየተሳተፉበት የሚገኘው ይህ ስልጠና ለቀጣዮቹ 10 ቀናት ቀጣይነት ኖሮት እንደሚቆይ ከቢሮው ዓቅም ግንባታ ዳይሬክቶሬት ያገኘነው መረጃ ያሳያል፡፡

የስራ ክፍሉ አያይዞም በቀጣይም ከማዕከል እስከ ክፍለከተማ ለሚገኙ የዲዛይን ባለሙያዎች በ Etabs Software, Arch cad ዙሪያ የዓቅም ግንባታ ስልጠና ለመስጠት የቅድመ ዝግጅት ስራዎች መጠናቀቃቸውን ጠቅሷል፡፡

የአዲስ አበባ ዲዛይንና ግንባታ ስራዎች ቢሮ ኮሙኒኬሽን ጉዳዮች ዳይሬክቶሬት


የኢትዮጵያ የህንጻ አዋጅ.pdf
👉አዲሱ የህንጻ አዋጅ

🏷ለወዳጅዎ ሼር ያርጉት🙏

🎲ለማንኛውም አስተያየትዎ  እና ሀሳብዎ ይጻፉልን!

📜ለ ስራ እና ጨረታዎች ምንለቅበት ቻናል ለመቀላቀል👉 @ETCONpWORK

📩ሊጽፉልን ካሰቡ @ETCONpBOT



👉የወጪ እና ተጨማሪ ክፍያ ውል (Cost Plus Fee Contract)

📜ይህ የውል አይነት ለግንባታው የወጣውን ዋጋ እና ለተቋራጩ የሚከፈለውን የጉልበት ዋጋ ወይም ትርፍ የሚከፈልበት ሲሆን በሦስት አይነት መንገድ ሊገለጽ የሚችል ነው።

🚧(1). ወጪ እና ቁርጥ ክፍያ (Cost plus fixed fee):-

⏺አንድን ሕንጻ ለመገንባት የሚዋዋለው ተቋራጭ ለሕንጻው ግንባታ ያወጣው  የሚያስአጋ ምንምም ይሁን ምን ለሰራበት ለብቻው ተለይቶ የሚከፈለው ሲሆን ነው።

▶️ለምሳሌ አንድ ሕንጻን ከሚፈጀው ዋጋ የተለያየ (የሚቀያየር) ቢሆንም ተቋራጩ ግን ለገነባበት የተስማማው ገንዘብ 1,000,000 ብር ያ ብር ብቻ የሚከፈለው ሲሆን ነው።

🚧(2). ወጪ እና አንጻራው ፐርሰንት ክፍያ (Cost Plus Percentage fee)፦

⏺በዚህ አይነት ውል ላይ ተቋራጩ የሰራውን ሥራ ያህል በተቆረጠ ፐርሰንት የሚከፈለው ሲሆን ነው።

▶️ለምሳሌ፦ ተቋራጩ አንድን ፕሮጀክት በ100,000,000 ብር ቢያጠናቅቅ ግንባታውን ላከናወነበት ክፍያ 10% የተዋዋለ ቢሆን 10,000,000 ብር የሚቀበል ሲሆን ነው።

🏷ነገር ግን የግንባታ ዋጋው ቢጨምር ወይም ቢቀንስ ለተቋራጩ የሚከፈለውም በዚያው ልክ (በፐርሰንት ስለሚባዛ) ይለያያል ማለት ነው።

🚧(3) ወጪ እና የተለያየ ክፍያ (Cost Plus Variable Fee)፦

⏺በዚህ ውል አይነት ተቋራጩ በተለያዩ የሥራ አይነቶች የተለያየ ክፍያ የሚያገኝበት ሲሆን ነውል።

▶️ለምሳሌ፦ የመሬት ሥራዎችን ሲያጠናቅቅ 10% ክፍያ ለሰራበት የሚፈጸመበት፣ ከመሬት በላይ ላሉ ዋና ዋና ስትራክቸራ ሥራዎች ሲያጠናቅቅ 15% ክፍያ ለሰራበት የሚፈጸመበት፣ማጠቃለያ ሥራዎች (Finishing works) ሲያጠናቅቅ 8% ክፍያ ለሰራበት የሚፈጸመበት ሲሆን ወይም በሌላ መንገድ በየደረጃው የተለያየ ክፍያ ከተዋዋለ ነው።

🎲ለማንኛውም አስተያየትዎ  እና ሀሳብዎ ይጻፉልን!

📜ለ ስራ እና ጨረታዎች ምንለቅበት ቻናል ለመቀላቀል👉 @ETCONpWORK

📩ሊጽፉልን ካሰቡ @ETCONpBOT



👉What Is Splicing of Reinforcement Bars?

🏷Splicing of reinforcement bars, commonly known as rebars, refers to the process of connecting two or more rebars in a reinforced concrete structure to ensure a continuous and load-resistant structure.

🚧It is a critical practice in construction to transfer the stresses from one bar to another effectively, maintaining structural integrity.

💫Methods of Splicing Reinforcement Bars
There are three primary methods of splicing reinforcement bars:

❇️1. Lap Splice

A lap splice is the most widely used method in reinforced concrete structures. In this technique, two rebars are overlapped and tied together using binding wires.
The overlap length, also known as the lap length, is crucial for ensuring the splice’s strength.

⏺It is determined based on factors such as:

• The diameter of the rebars.
• The grade of concrete.
• The specific application of the structure.

▶️The lap splice is easy to implement and cost-effective but may require additional concrete cover to accommodate the overlapping bars.
It is commonly used in columns, beams, and slabs.

❇️2. Mechanical Splice

A mechanical splice connects rebars using mechanical devices like couplers or clamps. This method is advantageous in situations where:

• Space is limited for lap splicing.
• Large-diameter rebars are used.
• High-strength connections are required.
Advantages of mechanical splicing:
• Uniform load distribution across the splice.
• Reduction in rebar congestion.
• Suitable for high-seismic zones and critical infrastructure like bridges and high-rise buildings.

Mechanical splicing is precise and durable but typically requires specialized equipment and skilled labor.

❇️3. Welded Splice

A welded splice uses welding techniques to join two rebars. The process involves heating the ends of the rebars to a high temperature and fusing them together under pressure.

⏺Key considerations for welded splices:

• Requires skilled welders and certified procedures.
• Commonly used in steel-intensive projects such as bridges, industrial buildings, and pipelines.
• Provides a strong and durable connection but demands stringent quality control to ensure effectiveness.

While welded splicing can deliver excellent results, it may not always be suitable for reinforcement bars with specific chemical compositions or in highly seismic zones due to reduced ductility.


⏺The three primary splicing methods for reinforcement bars—lap splicing, mechanical splicing, and welded splicing are essential for creating strong and durable reinforced concrete structures.

⏹Each method has its unique applications, advantages, and limitations.

• Lap splices are cost-effective and widely used.
• Mechanical splices are ideal for high-strength and space-constrained applications.
• Welded splices are strong and durable but require specialized expertise.


For a rectangular section the ratio of the maximum and average shear stress is
  •   1.5
  •   2
  •   2.5
  •   3
650 голосов

The scale of a map is represented by representative fraction as 1: 4000. The distance between two points A and B in the map is 10 cm. The distance AB on the ground is (in km units):
  •   0.04
  •   4
  •   40
  •   0.4
678 голосов

For a beam with rectangular cross section at the neutral axis , the shear stress axis is always
  •   Maximum
  •   Zero
  •   Minimum
  •   Infinity
726 голосов

Characteristics strength is the strength below which not more than ______
  •   1% of result fails
  •   5% of result fails
  •   15 % of result fails
  •   20 % result fails
671 голосов

👉የፌዴራል መንግስት ከፍተኛ የሥራ ሃላፊዎች የገርዓልታ ሎጅ ግንባታ ሒደትን ጎበኙ

🏷በጉብኝቱ የውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስትር ጌዲዮን ጢሞቲዎስ (ዶ/ር)፣ የመስኖና ቆላማ አካባቢዎች ሚኒስትር አብርሃም በላይ (ዶ/ር)፣የብሔራዊ መረጃና ደኅንነት ዋና ዳይሬክተር አምባሳደር ሬድዋን ሑሴንና የትግራይ ክልል ጊዜያዊ አሥተዳደር ርዕሰ መሥተዳድር ጌታቸው ረዳ ተሳትፈዋል፡፡

🚧ገርዓልታ ሎጅ ከአካባቢው ጋር የተጣጣመ ኢኮ-ሎጅ ሲሆን÷ ተፈጥሮ ባደለው የተራራ ሰንሰለቶች ላይ እየተገነባ እንደሚገኝ ተመላክቷል፡፡

⏺የፕሮጀክቱ ሥራ ሲጠናቀቅ ከተመራጭ የጎብኚ መዳረሻ ሥፍራዎች አንዱ እንደሚሆን ተጠቁሟል፡፡



👉The Future of Ready Mix
Concrete in Ethiopia

💫Ethiopia is a rapidly developing country with a growing economy.

⏺This has led to an increase in the demand for construction materials, including ready mix concrete.

▶️Ready mix concrete is a pre-mixed concrete that is delivered to the construction site ready to be used.

▶️It is a convenient and efficient option for construction projects, and it is becoming increasingly popular in Ethiopia.

🏷There are a number of reasons why ready mix concrete is becoming the future of construction in Ethiopia.

🚧First, it is a convenient and efficient option. Ready mix concrete is delivered to the construction site ready to be used, which saves time and labor.

⏺It is also a consistent product, which means that the quality is guaranteed. This is important for construction projects, as it ensures that the project will be completed on time and within budget.

🚧Second, ready mix concrete is a sustainable option. It is made with recycled materials, which helps to reduce the environmental impact of construction projects.

⏺Ready mix concrete is also a durable material, which means that it can last for many years with proper care and maintenance.

⏺This makes it a good investment for construction projects.

🚧Third, ready mix concrete is a cost-effective option.

⏺The cost of ready mix concrete is generally lower than the cost of other construction materials, such as cement and sand.

⏺This is because ready mix concrete is produced in large quantities, which reduces the cost per unit.

▶️The ready mix concrete industry in Ethiopia is growing rapidly.

▶️The construction industry is also expected to grow by an average of 10% per year over the next five years.

⏺This growth is being driven by the increasing demand for construction materials, the growing economy, and the government's commitment to infrastructure development.

🔰The ready mix concrete industry in Ethiopia is facing a number of challenges, including the lack of skilled workers and the high cost of raw materials.

⭐️However, the industry is working to overcome these challenges and is committed to providing high-quality concrete to its customers.

❇️The future of construction in Ethiopia is bright.

🎲The country is experiencing rapid economic growth, and the government is committed to infrastructure development.

⏺This is leading to an increase in the demand for construction materials, including ready mix concrete.

⏺Ready mix concrete is a convenient, efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective option for construction projects.

⏺It is becoming increasingly popular in Ethiopia, and it is the future of construction in the country.


👉ስለ የግንባታ ሕግ ባለሙያ

🏷በሀገራችን ኢትዮጵያ የግንባታ ሕግ (Construction Law) እንደ አንድ የትምህርት አይነት የሚሰጥ እንጂ እንደ ስፋቱ ልክ ጥልቅ በመሆኑ ራሱን ችሎ የዲግሪ መርሐግብር የተቀረጸለት አይደለም።

⏺ነገር ግን አንድ የትምህርት ክፍል ሆኖ ልዩ ፕሮግራም ሊኖረው የሚገባ ነበር።

▶️የኮንትራክሽን ሥራ እንደህጉ እጅግ ሰፊና ውስብስ ሲሆን በአንዳንድ ሀገሮች የህግ ባለሙያዎች በእያንዳንዱ የኮንስትራክሽን ሥራ ዘርፍ የተለየ ሥልጠና (sub-specialist) የወሰዱ መሆኑን መረጃዎች ያሳያሉ።

💫ለምሳሌ በ’ፍሮንት ኢንድ ኮንስትራክሽን የተለየ ሥልጠና ያለው የሕግ ባለሙያ ፕሮጀክቱ በሚጀመርበት ጊዜ ከጨረታ ጀምሮ እስከ ውሎ ዝርዝር አቀራረጽ ድረስ የሚሳተፉ ሲሆን በ’ባክ ኢንድ’ ኮንስትራክሽን የሚሰለጥኑ የህግ ባለሙያዎ ደግሞ ከግንባታ መጠናቀቅ ጋር የተያያዙ የሚነሱ አለመግባባቶችን (claim, dispute and conflict) ስለሚፈቱበት አግባብ ስልጠና የሚወስዱ ናቸው።

⭐️የተለያዩ የዓለም ሀገራት እና ትላልቅ ፕሮጀክቶች በግንባታ ሕግ ልዩ ስልጠና የወሰደ ባለሙያ ብቻ እንዲቀጠር የሚደረግበት ልምምድ (experience) አለ።

▶️የሀገራችን ኮንስትራክሽንም ለግንባታ ሕግ ተፈጻሚነት ልዩ ትኩረት ካልሰጠ የሚስተዋለው አላግባብ የሆነ ዝርፊያና ቸልተኝነት የተሞላበት አሰራር ሊቃለል አይችልም።

🎲ለማንኛውም አስተያየትዎ  እና ሀሳብዎ ይጻፉልን!

📜ለ ስራ እና ጨረታዎች ምንለቅበት ቻናል ለመቀላቀል👉 @ETCONpWORK

📩ሊጽፉልን ካሰቡ @ETCONpBOT



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