🐱 Tip of the day
I Vs Me
⚡I የምንጠቀመው እንደ Subject ሲመጣ ነው (ድርጊት ፈፃሚዎቹ እኛ ስንሆን)
✔️ My friend and I went to the narket.
❌ My friend and me went to the market.
እዚ ላይ I ነው መጠቀም ያለብን ምክንያቱም ድርጊት ፈፃሚዎቹ ጓደኛዬ እና እኔ ስለሆንን።✔️ Sara and I are working on the project.
❌ Sara and me are working on the project.
⚡Me የምንጠቀመው እንደ Object ሲመጣ ነው (ድርጊት ተቀባዮቹ እኛ ስንሆን ነው።)
✔ She invited my friend and me to the to the party.
❌ She invited my friend and I to the party.
እዚ ላይ me ነው መጠቀም ያለብን ምክንያቱም ድርጊት ፈፃሚዋ (ጋባዧ) እሷ ስትሆን ተጋባዞቹ ጓደኛዬ እና እኔ ነን።✔️ The gift was meant for my sister and me.
❌ The gift was meant for my sister and I.
@English_Ethiopian ✅
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