Ethiopian Construction Work Professionals - ETCONp

Kanal geosi va tili: Efiopiya, Amharcha
Toifa: Martaba

🔨እጅግ ጠቃሚ የ ኮንስትራክሽን ትምህርቶች
💵የ ኮንስትራክሽን እቃዎች ሻጭ እና ገዢ ሚገናኙበት
📐ውብ ውብ የ ቤት ዲዛይናኖች
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Kanal geosi va tili
Efiopiya, Amharcha
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👉A hydrometer test is a laboratory procedure used primarily in geotechnical engineering and soil science to determine the particle size distribution of fine-grained soil (particles smaller than 0.074 mm or #200 sieve).

🏷The test involves measuring the specific gravity of soil suspensions at different heights over time, which allows for the calculation of the concentration of soil particles in suspension.

⭐️Purpose and Uses:

💫1. Soil Classification: The hydrometer test helps classify soils according to their grain size, which is essential in many engineering and construction applications.

💫2. Geotechnical Engineering: Engineers use the results to evaluate the physical and engineering properties of soils, such as their permeability, compaction characteristics, and stability.

💫3. Environmental Studies: It helps assess soil contamination and erosion processes by analyzing the distribution of fine particles.

💫4. Agriculture: Understanding soil texture helps farmers make informed decisions about irrigation, crop selection, and soil amendment practices.

🚧Test Procedure:

⏺1. Soil Sample Preparation: A soil sample is taken and mixed with water and a dispersing agent to separate the particles.

⏺2. Sedimentation: The mixture is placed in a graduated cylinder, and the hydrometer is inserted into the liquid. The hydrometer measures the specific gravity of the suspension at predetermined time intervals.

⏺3. Data Collection: The density of the suspension decreases over time as the larger particles settle more quickly than the finer ones. The readings from the hydrometer, combined with the time of measurement, are used to calculate the particle size distribution.

⏺4. Analysis: The results are plotted on a graph, typically a particle size distribution curve, which provides valuable information on the soil texture.

📜Overall, the hydrometer test is a crucial tool for a wide range of fields, enabling the analysis and understanding of soil behavior under different environmental and engineering conditions.


👉Increasing the bearing capacity of soil

🏷Increasing the bearing capacity of soil Use To support building construction footings is a crucial aspect of geotechnical engineering.

⭐️There are several methods and techniques that can be employed, depending on the site's specific conditions, soil characteristics, and the type of structure being built.

📜Here are some common approaches:

❇️1. Soil Improvement Techniques

- Compaction: Increasing the density of soil through mechanical means can enhance its bearing capacity. This can be done using various compaction equipment like rollers, vibratory plates, or compactors.

- Densification: Techniques such as dynamic compaction or vibro-replacement (adding gravel columns) can help densify loose or soft soils.

- Grouting: Injecting grout or other materials into the soil can increase its strength and reduce settlement. This includes methods like pressure grouting, chemical grouting, or polyurethane grouting.

- Soil Stabilization: This involves mixing soil with stabilizing agents (such as lime, cement, or fly ash) to improve its physical and chemical properties, resulting in increased strength and reduced plasticity.

❇️2. Foundation Design Alternatives

- Wider Footings: Increasing the size of the footings (making them wider) distributes the load over a larger area, reducing the pressure on the ground and increasing the effective bearing capacity.

- Deep Foundations: If the soil near the surface has low bearing capacity, deep foundations such as piles or drilled shafts can be extended into more competent soil layers that can support the loads.

- Raft or Mat Foundations: These large, thick slabs spread the load over a wider area and can be effective in reducing the pressure on weaker soils.

❇️3. Drainage and Groundwater Control

- Drainage Systems: Poor drainage can lead to soil saturation, which decreases bearing capacity. Implementing proper drainage systems (like French drains or ditches) can help manage groundwater levels, ensuring the soil remains stable.

- Excavation and Backfill: In some cases, it may be necessary to excavate unsuitable soils and replace them with better material or engineered fill compacted to achieve the desired bearing capacity.


👉ቅርስ እድሳት

📍አልነጃሺ መስጂድ፣ ትግራይ፣ኢትዮጵያ

🏷አልነጃሺ መስጂድ እድሳቱ በ ጥራት እና በ ፍጥነት እየተከናወነ ሲሆን እድሳቱ  ከተጀመረ 5 ወር አልፎታል።

Via አጽብሀ ገብረእግዚአብሔር


👉What is Bridge

🚧A bridge is a structure that spans a physical obstacle, such as a body of water, valley, or road, to provide a passage for vehicles, pedestrians, trains, or utilities.

Bridges are vital for transportation and infrastructure, facilitating the movement of people and goods. There are various types of bridges, each designed to meet specific architectural, structural, and functional requirements.

💫Here are some common types of bridges:

1. Beam Bridge: This is one of the simplest types of bridges, consisting of horizontal beams supported by piers. The weight of the bridge and the load is transferred directly to the supports. Beam bridges are typically used for short spans.

2. Arch Bridge: Arch bridges have a curved structure that transmits the load to supports at either end. The arch shape allows for the distribution of weight evenly, making it suitable for longer spans than beam bridges.

3. Truss Bridge: Made of a framework of triangular trusses, this bridge design allows for efficient weight distribution. Truss bridges can be built with various materials, including wood and steel, and are suitable for longer spans.

4. Suspension Bridge: Characterized by cables suspended between towers, with additional cables supporting the bridge deck, suspension bridges are ideal for long spans and are particularly effective in areas prone to strong winds.

5. Cable-Stayed Bridge: Similar to suspension bridges, cable-stayed bridges have cables that are attached directly to one or more towers. The design allows for a rigid structure that is efficient for medium to long spans.

6. Cantilever Bridge: This type of bridge is built using cantilevers, which are structures that project horizontally into space, supported only on one end. Cantilever bridges are typically used for medium spans and can be constructed with various materials.

7. Arch-Rib Bridge: This variation of an arch bridge features ribs that support the deck, combining the aesthetics of an arch with the structural benefits of a truss.

8. Floating Bridge: Also known as a pontoon bridge, this type of bridge is supported by floating structures. Floating bridges are often used in bodies of water where traditional piers cannot be constructed.


Intercon Construction Chemicals 
👉 Authorized agent of MC, SIMENTEK, Sika, Weber

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● Bonding Agents
● Waterproofings
● Concrete Repair, Grouting   
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● Geotextiles, Geo-membranes and other construction chemicals and materials

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የአውሮፓ ረዥሞቹ ሰማይጠቀስ ህንጻዎች።

ከዘጠኙ ረዣዥም ህንጻዎች ውስጥ ሰባቱ ሩስያ ውስጥ ይገኛሉ።

በ Sara Wiatrak የተዘጋጀ ምስል


👉የላሊበላ መካነ-ቅርስ ላይ አጠቃላይ የጥገና ሥራ ለማከናወን በቅርቡ ዓለም አቀፍ ጨረታ ሊወጣ ነው

የላሊበላ መካነ-ቅርስ ላይ አጠቃላይ የጥገና ሥራ ለማከናወን በቅርቡ ዓለም አቀፍ ጨረታ ሊወጣ መሆኑን የቅርስ ባለስልጣን ገልጿል፡፡

የላሊበላ መካነ-ቅርስ ጥገና ዘላቂ ላሊበላ እንዲሁም አጠቃላይ የቅርስ ጥገና በሚሉ ሁለት ምዕራፎች መከፈሉን በባለስልጣኑ የቅርስ ጥበቃና ልማት መሪ ሥራ አስፈጻሚ ሃፍታሙ አብርሃ ተናግረዋል።

ለመጀመሪያው ምዕራፍ 3 ነጥብ 1 ሚሊየን እንዲሁም ለሁለተኛው 5 ሚሊየን ዩሮ ወጪ እንደሚጠይቅም ገልጸዋል፡፡

ወጪው በፈረንሳይ መንግሥት እንደሚሸፈን ጠቁመው÷ አሁን ላይ የመጀመሪያው ምዕራፍ 24 በጣም አስቸኳይ እና አሳሳቢ ወይም የቅድሚያ ቅድሚያ ተብለው የተለዩ ተግባራት እየተከናወኑ ነው ብለዋል፡፡

እነዚህ ሥራዎች ሁለተኛው ምዕራፍ እስከሚጀመር ቅርሱ ለከፋ ጉዳት እንዳይጋለጥ ማቆያ መሆናቸውንም ተናግረዋል፡፡

የምዕራፍ አንድ አፈጻጸም 75 በመቶ መድረሱን እና የተሰነጠቁ አለቶችን የመሙላት፣ የተዘጉ የውኃ መፋሰሻ ቦዮችን የመክፈትና የማስተካከል፣ ለቅርሱ ብቻ ተብለው በስታንዳርዳንድ የተዘጋጁ የኤሌክትሪክ መሠረተ ልማቶችን ማሟላትን ጨምሮ ለቅርስ ጥገናና ጥበቃ ባለሙያዎች የአቅም ግንባታ ስልጠና መሥጠት እየተከናወነ ነው ብለዋል፡፡

አጠቃላይ የጥገና ሥራውን ለመጀመርም የተባበሩት መንግሥታት የትምህርት፣ ሣይንስ እና ባሕል ድርጅት (ዩኔስኮ) ተጨማሪ ጥናቶች እንዲደረጉ መጠየቁን ተከትሎ÷ ሣይንሳዊ፣ ተአማኒ እና ተቀባይነት ያለው ተጨማሪ ጥልቅ ጥናት ለማድረግ እና ተያያዥ ሥራዎች ለማከናወን መታቀዱን አመልክተዋል።

ለዚህም በቅርቡ ዓለም አቀፍ ጨረታ ይወጣል ብለዋልብለዋል።

Via የ ኢትዮጵያ ቅርስ ባለስልጣን


🛑ልዩ የ Interior Design እና Software ስልጠና ከሰርተፊኬት ጋር

📞 0984121839


ሰኞ - እሁድ (ከ11:30-1:30)

📍የቅዳሜ እና እሁድ

ቅዳሜ ጠዋት 3:00 - 6:00 ፣ ከሰዓት 7:30-10:30
እሁድ ጠዋት 3:00 - 6:00 ፣ ከሰዓት 7:30-10:30

✅ልምድ ባላቸው የዩኒቨርሲቲ መምህራን ና አርክቴክቶች የሚሰጥ ልዩ ስልጠና።

✅ይህ Course ስለ Interior Design, ማወቅ ያለቦትን ሁሉንም መሰረታዊ ነገሮች የሚያካትት ነው

✳️ የኮርሱ ዝርዝሮች

✅ Fundamental of Interior Design

✅ Archicad 3D For Interior Design

✅ Rendering in Lumion

✳️ በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋ 15, 000 ETB ለ3 ወር!

📞 0984121839


🔧📐📐ፀግሽ ፕሌት እና ጄቦልት 📐📐  
                 መማምረቻ ድርጅት⚙🔧🛠

🛠🛠🛠የምንሰጣቸው አገልግሎቶች🛠🛠🛠

1 መገለጫችን የሆነው የሞደፊክ ስራዎች

2 እዲሁም ፕሌት ከ 1ሚሊም እስከ 30 ሚሊም እንቆርጣለን እበሳለን

3 በመቀጠል ጄቦልት 12ሚ እስከ 32ድረስ ጥርስ አውጥተን አጥፈን እናቀርባለን

4 የተለያዩ ቦልቶች በፈለጉት መጥን


ቁ1በእጆት ባለ ስልክ ለናተ ቅርብ

ቁ2 በታታሪዎች መገኛ ኮርቻ ተራ

ቁ3 አየር ጤና ኪዳን ምህረት ጊቢ ማንኛውም ልሜራ   
      እዛው በዘመናዊ ማሽን እቆርጣለን
ቁ  4 ሴሚት ፍየል ቤት በቅርባ ባራቱም አቅጣጫ


ከጊዜው አንፃር የዋጋ ንረት ካሳሰቦት እኛጋ እሚገርም መፍትሄ አለ በማያስቡት መልክ ስራዎን ይሰራሉ ይደውሉ

ስልክ ቁጥር

መልካም ስራ ለራስ ነው ቸር ይግጠማቹ ፀግሽ   
ፕሌት እና ጄቦልት!

👉የቤቶችን የገንዘብ ችግር ለመቅረፍ የቤቶች ፋይናንስ ሥርዓት እንደ ሀገር ተግባራዊ ሊደረግ መሆኑ ተሰማ

የቤት ችግርን ለመቅረፍ ይቋቋማል ለተባለዉ ስርዓት ጥናት መደረጉ እና የህግ ማዕቀፍ መዘጋጀቱ የከተማና መሰረተ ልማት ሚኒስቴር አስታውቋል።

35 በመቶ በሀገሪቱ የሚገነባው የመኖሪያ ቤት የህብረት ስራ ማህበራት መገንባት አለበት ተብሏል። ይህን ለመገንባት ሁለት መሰረታዊ ችግሮች እንዳሉ የተገለፀ ሲሆን እነርሱም የመሬት አቅርቦት እና የፋይናንስ ችግሮች መሆናቸው ለመረዳት ተችሏል።

በከተማና መሰረተ ልማት ሚኒስቴር የቤቶች ልማት መሪ ስራ አስፈጻሚ፣ አቶ ፀጋዬ ሞሼ እንደተናገሩት አዲስ በሚወጣው የመሬት ሊዝ አዋጅ 30 በመቶ የሚሆነው መሬት ከተሞች በምደባ ከሚያቀርቡት አስገዳጅ ሆኖ ለመኖሪያ ቤት መዋል እንዳለበት እና ይህም የቤት ችግርን እንደሚቀርፍ ታስቧል።

ይህን ተከትሎ የፋይናንስ ችግርይ ለመቅረፍ  " Housing Finance System" እንደሀገር ተግባራዊ ለማድረግ መታቀዱንና ስርዓቱን ለማቋቋም ጥናት መጠቱና የህግ ማዕቀፎች መዘጋጀታቸው አስረድቷል።

ከ 1999 ጀምሮ እስከ 2010 ዓ.ም. ድረስ የተገነባው ቤት 62 ሺህ አይበልጥም አሁን በስልጣን ላይ ያለዉ መንግስት ግን ባለፉት ስድስት ወራት 20 ሺህ 754 ቤቶች መገንባት መቻሉን ካፒታል ለመረዳት ችላለች።

Via capital Ethiopia


የብዙዎች ጥያቄ የሆነው ተሰርቶ ያለቀ ጣራ የጣራ ክዳን EGA quantity በAutocad ቀለል ባለ መልኩ እንዴት ሰርተን ማዘዝ እንዳለብን የሚያሳይ screenshot ነው።
በተለይ ለጀማሪ የሳይት መሀንዲሶች ጠቃሚ ነው።
እንበልና ተሰርቶ ሞራሌ ተመቶ ያለቀ የአንድ ቪላ የጣራ ልባስ ቆርቆሮ roof tiles ለማልበስ ፈልገን ከሆነ እንደምትመለከቱት ሁሉንም የጣራው section sketch አድርገን actual measurement ከወሰድን በኋላ የያዝነውን መረጃ በአውቶካድ በመሳል እንደምናዘው የቆርቆሮ ስፋት መከፋፈል ነው
አብዛኞቹ ፋብሪካዎች የሚያመርቱት ስፋት ሁለት አይነት ሲሆን እነዚህም ባለ90ሳ.ሜና ባለ 110ሳ.ሜ ሲሆን በፎቶ የምታዩት የተሰራው ክፍልፋይ ለባለ 90ሳ.ሜ ነው
ርዝመት እስከ ስድስት ሜትር ድረስ ወጥ ማዘዝ ይቻላል።
ምንም እንኳን ባለ 90cm ስፋት ብንጠቀምም ክፍልፋይ በ80cm የሚታየው 10cm overlap ስለሚደረግ ስናከፋፍል 10cm ተቀናሽ ተደርጎ ነው።
ባለ110cm ስፋት ማዘዝ ከፈለግን ደግሞ በ1m እናከፋፍላለን ማለት ነው።

በአሁን ሰዐት በአብዛኛው በየ40cm ርቀት ክርክር የተረገላቸው የዚህ አይነት ወጥ የቤት ክዳን ቆርቆሮዎች እየተመረቱ እየቀረቡ ነው።
የዚህ አይነቱ የቤት ክዳን ትልቁ ደካማ ጎኑ ብዙ ብክነት (waste) መኖሩ ነው እንደምትመለከቱት ከጣራው section ውጪ የሚታዩት በሙሉ waste ነው በአንፃሩ ለስራ ደግሞ በጣም ምቹና ቀላል ነው ለምን ቢባል በቦታ ልክ የሚታዘዝ ስለሆነ አስቀምጦ መትቶ በግራይንደር መቁረጥ ብቻ ነው።
ሌላኛው (48cm×110cm) ይመረት የነበረ ሲሆን ብዙ waste ባይኖረውም ለስራ እየቀጣጠሉ መምታት አመቺ ካለመሆኑም በላይ too many overlap ስላለው ተጨማሪ የቤት ክዳን ቆርቆሮ ያስጨምራል።


👉What is Dam and Types Of Dam


⭐️6. Barrage

   - Description: A barrage is a low-head dam with multiple gates to control water flow. It is typically used for irrigation, flood control, and diverting water into canals.
   - Advantages:
     - Provides precise control over water flow.
     - Can be used for tidal power generation.
   - Disadvantages:
     - Requires frequent maintenance of gates.
     - Limited storage capacity.
   - Examples: Farakka Barrage (India), Sukkur Barrage (Pakistan).

⭐️7. Coffer dam

   - Description: A temporary structure built to divert water and create a dry work area for constructing a permanent dam. It is usually made of sheet piles, earth, or concrete.

- Advantages:
     - Enables construction in waterlogged areas.
     - Can be removed or reused.
   - Disadvantages:
     - Temporary and not designed for long-term use.
     - Vulnerable to flooding.
   - Examples: Used during the construction of major dams like the Three Gorges Dam (China).

⭐️8. Diversion Dam

   - Description: A small dam built to divert water from a river into a canal or pipeline for irrigation, water supply, or hydroelectric power.
   - Advantages:
     - Simple and cost-effective.
     - Minimal environmental impact.
   - Disadvantages:
     - Limited storage capacity.
     - Requires careful management of water flow.
   - Examples: Diversion dams on the Colorado River (USA).

⭐️9. Hydropower Dam

   - Description: A dam specifically designed to generate hydroelectric power by harnessing the energy of flowing water. It often includes turbines and generators.
   - Advantages:
     - Provides renewable energy.
     - Can be combined with flood control and irrigation.
   - Disadvantages:
     - High initial construction costs.
     - Environmental impact on aquatic ecosystems.
   - Examples: Three Gorges Dam (China), Itaipu Dam (Brazil/Paraguay).

⭐️10. Tailings Dam

   - Description: A specialized dam used to store waste materials (tailings) from mining operations. It is typically made of earth or rock and includes an impermeable liner.
   - Advantages:
     - Prevents contamination of surrounding areas.
     - Can be rehabilitated after mining operations.
   - Disadvantages:
     - Risk of failure and environmental disasters.
     - Requires long-term monitoring.
   - Examples: Brumadinho Dam (Brazil), Mount Polley Dam (Canada).

🔰Each type of dam has unique characteristics and applications, making it essential to choose the right design based on the project's requirements and environmental conditions.

⭐️Youtube ገፃችን ላይም ቤተሰብ ይሁኑ👇


👉What Is Dam And Types Of Dam


💫Dams are crucial structures designed to manage water resources, generate hydroelectric power, and provide flood control.

⏺They come in various types, each suited to specific geographical, geological, and hydrological conditions.

🚧Below are the main types of dam structures with detailed descriptions:

🌟1. Gravity Dam

- Description: A gravity dam is a massive structure made of concrete or masonry that relies on its weight to resist the horizontal force of water. It is typically triangular in cross-section, with a broad base and a narrow top.
- Advantages:
- Highly durable and stable.
- Can withstand high water pressure.
- Suitable for a wide range of foundations.
- Disadvantages:
- Requires large amounts of construction material.
- Expensive to build.
- Examples: Hoover Dam (USA), Grand Coulee Dam (USA).

🌟2. Arch Dam

- Description: An arch dam is curved upstream and transfers the water pressure to the abutments (sides of the valley) through arch action. It is typically made of concrete and is thinner than a gravity dam.
- Advantages:
- Requires less material than a gravity dam.
- Ideal for narrow, rocky gorges.
- Disadvantages:
- Requires strong abutments to resist the thrust.
- Unsuitable for wide valleys.
- Examples: Hoover Dam (USA), Idukki Dam (India).

🌟3. Buttress Dam

- Description: A buttress dam consists of a series of reinforced concrete walls (buttresses) that support a sloping or flat upstream face. The buttresses absorb the water pressure and transfer it to the foundation.
- Advantages:
- Requires less material than a gravity dam.
- Suitable for weaker foundations.
- Disadvantages:
- Complex design and construction.
- Higher maintenance costs.
- Examples: Daniel-Johnson Dam (Canada), Bartlett Dam (USA).

🌟4. Embankment Dam

- Description: An embankment dam is made of natural materials like earth, rock, or a combination of both. It has a central impermeable core to prevent seepage and is often covered with riprap to protect against erosion.
- Types:
- Earthfill Dam: Made primarily of compacted earth.
- Rockfill Dam: Made of loose rock with an impermeable membrane.
- Advantages:
- Can be built on weaker foundations.
- Cost-effective for large reservoirs.
- Disadvantages:
- Vulnerable to overtopping and erosion.
- Requires regular maintenance.
- Examples: Aswan High Dam (Egypt), Nurek Dam (Tajikistan).

🌟5. Arch-Gravity Dam

- Description: A combination of an arch dam and a gravity dam, this structure uses both its weight and arch action to resist water pressure. It is curved like an arch dam but thicker like a gravity dam.
- Advantages:
- Combines the strengths of both arch and gravity dams.
- Suitable for wide valleys with strong foundations.
- Disadvantages:
- Complex design and construction.
- Expensive to build.
- Examples: Hoover Dam (USA), Kurobe Dam (Japan).

🔰Part 2 will Continue...



🔈🔈  ፒያሳ አድዋ 00 ፊት ለ ፊት
ለአጭር ጊዜ ብቻ  የሚቆይ  በማስታወቂያ  ዋጋ  የሱቅ ባለቤት  ይሁኑ🎁🎁

📍4ኛ ና 5ኛ
ሙሉ ክፍያው 3,900,000 ብር
     ቅድመ ክፍያ 900,000 ብር

ሙሉ ክፍያው  4,200,000 ብር
ቅድመ ክፍያ   1,200,000 ብር

ሙሉ ክፍያው  4,800,000 ብር
ቅድመ ክፍያ   1,500,000 ብር

ሙሉ ክፍያው   5,500,000 ብር
ቅድመ ክፍያ   2,000,000 ብር

📍ምድር ላይ ከ ውስጥ 
ሙሉ ክፍያው   7,000,000 ብር
ቅድመ ክፍያ   3,500,000 ብር

📍 ምድር ላይ ከውጭ  
ሙሉ ክፍያው 10,000,000 ብር
ቅድመ ክፍያ  4,000,000 ብር


📩 @nanitenshwa

👉Advantages and disadvantages of prestressed concrete can be listed as follows

💫Advantages of Prestressed Concrete:

1. Prestressed concrete members are free from cracks and the resistance to the effect of impact, shock and stresses are higher than RCC structures.
2. Longevity of prestressed structure is greater than RCC structure because the reinforcement stays unaffected from outer agencies.
3. The high compressive strength of concrete and high tensile strength of steel are used for prestressing that makes it more economical.
4. Smaller sections can be used for longer span by reducing the section of members.
5. Prestressed members are lighter in weight and easily transportable.
6. It requires a smaller amount of construction materials.
7. The shear resistance of members can be increased by using curved tendons.
8. Prestressing also reduces the diagonal tension in concrete.

💫Disadvantages Of Prestressed Concrete:

1. The main disadvantage of prestressing is that it requires some special equipment like jacks, anchorage etc, which pretends the use of prestressing.
2. High tensile steel is required for prestressing that is very difficult to procure.
3. It requires highly skilled workers and should be prepared under expert supervision.
4. It is costlier than other RCC structures.
These are the advantages and disadvantages of prestressed concrete

⭐️Youtube ገፃችን ላይም ቤተሰብ ይሁኑ👇


ታምራት  ፕሌት እና ጄቦልት አቅራቢ

📌ፕሌትና ጄቦልት በፈለጉት አይነት የተዘጋጀ አለን

✂️ላሜራ መቁረጫ መብሻና  ማጠፊያ ማሽኖች አሉን

🔗ፌሮ (ቶንዲኖ) ጥርስ እናበጃለን እንዲሁም እናጥፋለን

📐ማንኛዉንም የሞደፊክ ስራዎችን እንሰራለን

📍ኢትዮጵያ ዉስጥ የትም እንልክሎታለን

አድራሻችን፦ ቁ.1 አዉቶብስ ተራ(መሳለሚያ)
                    ቁ.2 መርካቶ
                    ቁ.3 ተክለሀይማኖት


17 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.