✍️ ሣማኤል አታሚዎች | Samael Publishers

Kanal geosi va tili: Efiopiya, Inglizcha
Toifa: Bloglar

የፈጠራ ችሎታን ከAI ጋር የማዋህድ ጸሐፊ ነኝ ። ይዘቱን ለማጋራት እና ለማስተካከል ክፍት ነው ፣ ግን ለውጤቶች ሀላፊነትን እክዳለሁ። ለመዝናኛ ብቻ ።
I'm a writer merging human creativity with AI. Content is open for sharing and remixing, but I disclaim responsibility for outcomes. Only for entertainment.

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Kanal geosi va tili
Efiopiya, Inglizcha
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Quality move button dan repost
ስሜ ኪያ ከድር እባላለሁ ታሪኬን በአጭሩ ላጋራችሁ ።
ቀበጥ እና የሀብታም ልጅ ነኝ በትምህቴ ደካማ ስለነበርኩ አባቴ አስተኚ ቀጥሮልኝ ነበረ ።

አስጠኚዬ በጣም ውብ ሸበላ ነበረ ።
የሆነ ቀን ቤት ማንም በሌለበት ሻወር ወስጄ ስወጣ አስተኚዬ ሳላስበው መጣ እኔም ደንግጬ ጨርቁን ለቀቁት ከዛ እሱ ወደ እኔ ሸሚዙን አውልቆ ጠጋ ሲል .....

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የማን ክለብ ደጋፊ ነህ /ሽ ⁉️

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ነፃ የካርድ ሽልማት እየሸለምን ነው የምፈልጉትን ያህል በመንካት በነፃ ካርድ ተሸለሙ ‼️‼️‼️

1917 dan repost
ስለ ቴክኖሎጂው አለም ትኩስ ትኩስ መረጃ ከፈለጉ /join የምትለዋን Button በመጫን ወደ ቴክኖሎጂ አለም ይቀላቀሉ

BRX: The BRICS Stablecoin Revolutionizing Cross-Border Finance

Stablecoins have transformed global finance, offering stability and financial access, especially in emerging markets. With BRICS expanding to include nations like Thailand, the proposed BRX stablecoin could play a pivotal role in reshaping cross-border payments and reducing dependence on USD-backed stablecoins like USDT.

BRX would be pegged to a basket of BRICS currencies, offering a stable and diversified alternative to USDT. This multi-currency backing would protect against the volatility of relying on the US dollar while reflecting the collective economic strength of BRICS nations. Countries like Thailand, where Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) has already adopted stablecoins for cross-border payments, are primed to benefit from BRX’s lower transaction fees and faster transfers.

In regions with volatile local currencies, BRX could promote financial inclusion by offering a stable store of value and seamless global payments, even for the unbanked. As BRICS nations develop their own central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), BRX could serve as a bridge between them, enhancing economic cooperation and trade efficiency across the bloc.

By embracing BRX, BRICS countries can reduce reliance on the US dollar, improve trade relations, and empower millions with access to a more secure, decentralized financial system. The future of cross-border finance lies in BRX, providing stability and innovation to the global economy.

BRICS News dan repost
JUST IN: BRICS officially adds 13 new nations to the alliance as partner countries (not full members).

🇩🇿 Algeria
🇧🇾 Belarus
🇧🇴 Bolivia
🇨🇺 Cuba
🇮🇩 Indonesia
🇰🇿 Kazakhstan
🇲🇾 Malaysia
🇳🇬 Nigeria
🇹🇭 Thailand
🇹🇷 Turkey
🇺🇬 Uganda
🇺🇿 Uzbekistan
🇻🇳 Vietnam


️ ሣማኤል ላቦራቶሪ | Samael Labs dan repost
🎁🎉🎁 የቴሌግራም ፕሪሚየም (3ወር) ሽልማት ተዘጋጅቷል። 🎁🎉🎁

እንደምታቁት ቴሌግራም ፕሪሚየም መኖሩ ጥሩ Airdrop ለመቀበል ይረዳቹሃል። (Positioning) $X እና ሌሎችም ሁሉም በሚባል ሁኔታ Majorን ጨምሮ ቴሌግራም ፕሪሚየም ያለው ተጨማሪ AirDrop አለው።

ሣማኤል ላቦራቶሪም ይህንን ፓዚሽኒንግ ለናንተ ለማመቻቸት ሶስት ቀላል የትዊተር (X) ስራዎችን አዘጋጅቷል። ከናንተ ሚጠበቀው X account ብቻ ነው።

ለመሳተፍ 20 ነጥቦችን ሰብስቡና እዚህ post ላይ Twitter Handle (@ምናምን) ስማቹን እና “3ቱን ጨርሻለሁ 20 ነጥብ” አይነት ኮሜንት አርጉ።

🎉October 25 ላይ ሰራው ማለቁን እናይና ከማሃላቹ አንድ በ እጣ እንሸልማለን።

ቶሎ ጀምሩና ለጓደኞቻቹ አስተላልፉ።


Breaking 🚨

Putin - BRICS will not intervene in affairs of member countries as in the case of Ethiopia and Egypt.

haanbaal dan repost
Now that His Excellency Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed Ali is in Kazan, Russia 🇷🇺 it is interesting to learn about the city, history, demographics, architecture etc… more than half the population are Muslims, with one of largest Mosques in Europe (reconstructed in 2005) (pictured)

Worth nothing a bit of Islamic history. Because people of Kazan along with 2B people in the world deserve to know the real history of Islam instead of “Gabriel and his Wings” kind of fake stories.

I highlight most importantly one of the five expeditions (Assault of Axumites on Hijazz) the third one.

Third Aksumite Expedition: Around 570 CE (Year of the Elephant aka Birth of Prophet Muhammed)
Reconstruction of the Ka'ba 608 CE A first – maritime – hijra to Ethiopia is said to have set sail from al-Shuʿayba in 615, with most muhājirūn returning in 622 and a second wave in 628

Read more here (detailed notes emphasis on Epigraphic evidence)

Anyone interested in Antiquities especially Early Islam read Timothy Power’s Dissertation on Red Sea.

Egypt’s Control Over Global Internet Cables: A National Security Concern for Ethiopia and the Path Forward

In the ever-evolving world of digital geopolitics, internet infrastructure has become a crucial arena for power dynamics between nations.

DD Geopolitics dan repost
🇪🇹🇷🇺Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali arrived in Kazan for the BRICS summit and experienced traditional chak-chak from Tatarstan - a dish made from fried dough and honey.


Which countries have shown interest in joining BRICS+?

Algeria 🇩🇿
Morocco 🇲🇦
Nigeria 🇳🇬
Chad 🇹🇩
Equatorial Guinea 🇬🇶
Eritrea 🇪🇷
Senegal 🇸🇳
Zimbabwe 🇿🇼
South Sudan 🇸🇸
Azerbaijan 🇦🇿
Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Bahrain 🇧🇭
Indonesia 🇮🇩
Kazakhstan 🇰🇿
Kuwait 🇰🇼
Palestine 🇵🇸
Pakistan 🇵🇰
Syria 🇸🇾
Thailand 🇹🇭
Vietnam 🇻🇳
Sri Lanka 🇱🇰
Bolivia 🇧🇴
Venezuela 🇻🇪
Honduras 🇭🇳
Belarus. 🇧🇾
Türkiye 🇹🇷

Africa Intel dan repost
🇪🇬 Egypt’s IMF Deal May be Reviewed Due to Economic Pressure, Sisi Says

Egypt’s president suggested its International Monetary Fund program might need to be reviewed if economic pressures place an intolerable burden on the country’s more than 106 million people.

The $8 billion IMF deal reached earlier this year is being implemented under “extremely difficult regional, international and global circumstances,” President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi said Sunday in comments to a conference in Cairo.

“We have agreed with the IMF, and this is an important matter,” El-Sisi said. “I say to the government and to myself that if this challenge” leads to pressures on the public they cannot bear, “the situation must be reviewed and the situation with the fund must be reviewed.”

El-Sisi’s remarks signal the travails the Middle East’s most populous nation may still be facing even after a vast global bailout promised a route out of a gruelling two-year economic crisis that had been exacerbated by the Israel-Hamas war.



Africa Intel dan repost
🇳🇬 Nigeria to launch four new satellites to boost space technology

Nigeria will launch four new satellites in the coming days as part of efforts to strengthen its space technology capabilities.

Approved by the president, Bola Tinubu, three of the four approved satellites will carry optical payloads while the fourth, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite will replace the Cintetic Reader satellite currently in orbit.

This was announced by Dr Matthew Adepoju, Director General of the National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) during the 8th Brigadier General Michael Agu (Rtd) annual distinguished lecture and awards ceremony.

The West African country has in recent years made strides in space technology development.

Dr. Adepoju says the move is necessary as some existing satellites are nearing the end of their missions.



Investigative Documentary (taken from x.com/renaissancedam)

Egypt is Constructing a Massive Pumping Tower, Diverting OUR Nile Water Unilaterally 💧🌍

My team has uncovered troubling developments in Egypt's New Delta Project. Through reports and satellite imagery analysis, Egypt is constructing a massive pump station to divert Nile water deep into the arid Western Desert unilaterally and without regional consultation. The coordinates we identified📍30.1848, 30.9978—reveal sprawling infrastructure designed to exploit shared resources unchecked.

The team shows multiple pumping stations along the path, with aqueduct systems channeling water through the harsh desert using gravity. You can see for yourself in the attached images. These developments raise serious questions about Egypt's transparency. How can they justify opposing the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam while quietly expanding water-thirsty projects like this?

🚨 Egypt's Contradictions Exposed:
1️⃣ 2.2 Million Acres Reclaimed:
The New Delta Project spans 2.3 million acres, driven by an artificial river stretching 114 km, funneling water above the Nile's natural flow.
2️⃣ A Drain on Shared Resources:
Egypt taps the Nile's Rashid Branch (10M m³/day)and relies on the Al-Hammam Plant (7.5M m³/day), alongside groundwater irrigation for 450,000 acres—despite severe salinity risks.
3️⃣ Huge Costs, Questionable Gains:
The project costs 160 billion EGP (~$10.2B USD). Although Egypt claims a $3.5B annual wheat import reduction, the environmental toll may outweigh the benefits.
4️⃣ Wasting Water While Complaining:
In 2022 alone, 25–40B m³ of water was wasted in the Toshka project. Meanwhile, 30–40% of the Nile Delta's soil is salinized, and sea-level rise pushes saltwater into aquifers.
5️⃣ Lake Nasser's Hidden Extraction:
Reports suggest 7.99B m³ of water are drained annually from Lake Nasser—kept off the books while Egypt cries "water poverty" in international talks.
6️⃣ Selfish, Unilateral Policy:
Selfish, Unilateral Policy: Egypt blocks Ethiopia's efforts to harness the Nile for development but monopolizes the river for itself. How long can Egypt take the lion's share while offering nothing back?
🔚 The Bottom Line: Egypt's New Delta Project exposes blatant water hypocrisy. They waste the Nile's resources to fuel self-serving expansions, all while blocking Ethiopia's rightful use. With unchecked diversions and billions of cubic meters wasted annually in projects like Toshka, how much longer will the Nile Basin nations tolerate Egypt's selfish water policies?

It's time the world recognized Egypt's double standards. Ethiopia and other Nile Basin countries must stand firm and demand fair water-sharing practices. If Egypt can bleed the Nile for artificial rivers, Ethiopia deserves the right to use it for sustainable development.

#WaterJustice 🌊 #NileRights #StopWaterWaste #GERD #Uganda #Ethiopia #Egypt #Sudan #SouthSudan #Kenya #Tanzania #Rwanda #Burundi #DemocraticRepublicofCongo #Eritrea

War Noir dan repost
#Somalia 🇸🇴: Al-Shabaab (part of #AlQaeda) conducted an ambush against Somali Forces in El Dher, #Galgaduud.

Militants were armed with #China-made 🇨🇳 Type 69 RPG Launchers, Type 69-1 HEAT (Anti-Tank) projectiles and Type 80 machine guns.

️ ሣማኤል ላቦራቶሪ | Samael Labs dan repost
👍 ከገመገምናቸው የ TON ፕሮጀክቶች መሃል ዋነኛና አንዱ የሆነው የ Spintria አለም አቀፋዊ የወሲባዊ ንግድን መተግበሪያ ይገኝበታል።

🫵 ወሲብ ሁሌም ያዋጣል፣ ሁሌም የሚሸጥ ካለ የሚገዛ አለ።

ይሄ ፕሮጀክት አስፈላጊውን አለም አቀፍ ህግጋትን በማክበር ወሲብ ሻጭና ገዢን ያገናኛል ።

ኢትዮጲያ ውስጥ ያሉ ሴቶች (ወንዶችም ቢሆኑ ከፈለጉ) በምስሉ ላይ ካሉት የወሲብ መጫወቻዎች (Sex Toys) በመግዛት ራሳቸውን በማስተዋወቅ ለአለም አቀፍ የወሲብ ገበያ ራሳቸውን የሚያቀርበቡበትን እድል ያመቻቻል።

ሰራ፣ ሰራ አርጎ መለወጥ ለፈለገ የሚጠቅም ነው።

ሌላው ዋነኛ ከግዜው ጋር የሚሄደው “አዋጭ” ስራ የሚሆነው ይሄ ፕሮጀክት የሚያገናኛቸውን የወሲብ መጫወቻዎች አስመጪና አከፋፋይ በመሆን መስራት ነው።

በምስሉ የምታዩት ከፕሮጀክቱ ጋር ከተገናኙት አንዱ የ ወሲብ መጫወቻ (Sex Toys) አምራች ከሆነው WeVibe መካከል ለናሙና የተወሰደው ነው። ሌሎች ብዙ አምራቾች አሉ።

⚡️ እድሉን ተጠቀሙበት።

Tweets and Replies dan repost
በመጀመሪያ በደንብ የተመዘገበ የዘረኝነት ምሳሌ።

⚡️ላስተዋውቃቹ - መስሩቅ ኢብን አብርሃ ይባላል የአብረሃ ወ አፅብሃ ልጅ ነው።

⚡️የሮም ሎሌዎች የነበሩት አረቦች (ክርስቲያን ነበሩ) እናም ኢራናውያኑ (ሳሲኒዳውያን) ጋር በመቅረብ በጦር ሃይል እንዲያግዟቸው ጠየቁ። ይሄም የሳሲኒዳዊ ንጉስ “ለኔ ምን ይጠቅመኛል” ሲል ቢጠይቃቸው እነሱም መልሰው “እኛ ና እናንተ ነጭ ነን እነርሱ ደግሞ ጥቁር ናቸው ስለዚህ የዘር ርስት አለን” በማለት ነበረ የመለሰላቸው። Check Battle of Hadhramaut.

President Afewerki visited Tehran in May 2008, said Shabana, and in 2009 Eritrea publicly announced its support to Iran's nuclear program, a move that angered the Arab Gulf countries especially Saudi Arabia.

“Iran has training camps inside the Eritrean territories where militias are being trained in order to be sent back to the areas that serve the aims of the Islamic Republic, particularly in Syria and Lebanon and, of course, mainly to the Houthi rebels in Yemen," Yemeni retired Brigadier General Mohsen Khasrof told Ahram Online.
"Iran brings fighters from several countries, especially from Syria and Lebanon's Hezbollah, for military training in full coordination and cooperation with the Eritrean side."

A 2009 UN Security Council resolution to impose sanctions on Eritrea including an arms embargo and freezing of state assets in international banks claimed that country had "provided political, financial and logistical support to armed groups engaged in undermining peace and reconciliation in Somalia and regional stability".

In his words, they include "opening its land and the islands of the Dahlak archipelago on the Red Sea to Iran's elite Quds Force and elements of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, setting up an Iranian missile batteries near the Eritrean port of Assab, providing training, accommodation and [medical] treatment centres for the Iran-backed Houthis, stockpiling Iranian arms, and delivering them to the Houthis in the Yemeni port of Saada on small fishing boats, which wander between Assab and the Yemeni port of Harf Sufyan [in the Amran governorate, south of Saada]."

Read more.

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