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Efiopiya, Inglizcha
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Want to master your DSA skills and become interview-ready for FREE?

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Here’s how you can participate:

1. Register for the GfG 160 course.

2. Solve problems daily in the structured roadmap.

3. Share your solved problems on X (Twitter) or LinkedIn using #gfg160 and #geekstreak2024. Tag GeeksforGeeks.

4. Keep a streak for 80 days and get a FREE GeeksforGeeks Bag!

Extra Perk for Women in Tech:

Get FREE access to the Test Series (worth INR 4,999) and the guaranteed Bag!

Start solving between Nov 15-30 to be eligible.

Don’t miss out— Start Your DSA Journey 👇👇

What's your favourite programming language?

🔰 SASS - The Complete SASS Course (CSS Preprocessor)

🌟 4.6 - 2301 votes 💰 Original Price: $69.99

📖 SASS - Learn SASS, the most popular CSS Extension. Build modern and beautiful projects using SASS and lots of CSS

🔊 Taught By: Code And Create, George Lomidze


HTML CSS JS Project Ideas 💙✨

1. Personal Portfolio Website
2. Task Manager Application
3. Weather App
4. E-Commerce Product Slider
5. Interactive Quiz
6. To-Do List with Local Storage
7. Image Gallery
8. Calculator
9. Animated Landing Page
10. Personal Blogging Platform
Web Development Best Resources: https://topmate.io/coding/930165


🚀 Kickstart Your Web Development Journey with These Top Resources! 🚀

Whether you're a beginner or looking to deepen your skills, these comprehensive (and free!) courses will guide you on the path to becoming a web development pro:

1- The Odin Project - Master the essentials, from HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Node to building full-stack applications. Great for laying a solid foundation.
🌐 The Odin Project

2- Full Stack Open - From the University of Helsinki, this course covers modern web app development with React, Node.js, and MongoDB. Perfect for an intensive full-stack experience.
🌐 Full Stack Open

3- FreeCodeCamp - A comprehensive, project-based learning platform. Gain hands-on experience with everything from responsive design to backend development with certifications along the way.
🌐 FreeCodeCamp

4- MDN Web Docs - Mozilla's MDN provides detailed documentation, guides, and tutorials on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more. Essential for understanding web standards.
🌐 MDN Web Docs

5- CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript - This course from Harvard dives into Python, Flask, JavaScript, and SQL. Ideal if you're aiming to work with back-end technologies.
🌐 CS50's Web Programming

These resources offer the knowledge and hands-on experience needed to go from beginner to advanced. 💻 Start learning, experimenting, and building today! 🔥
credit: @enochCodes
💡 Know other great resources? Drop them in the comments so everyone can benefit! 👇

#HTML @zenithxtech

#Dev #CSS @ZenithxTech

🔰 HTML&CSS Tutorial and Projects Course 2022 (Flexbox&Grid)

🌟 4.7 - 4047 votes 💰 Original Price: $19.99

Web Development for absolute beginners.Learn HTML5 and CSS3 from scratch by building 20+ amazing real world projects.

Taught By: John Smilga

Download Full Course: https://t.me/webdev_trainings/142
Download All Courses: https://t.me/zero_to_mastery


Moving on to HTML and CSS

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
#meme @zenithxtech

#meme @ZenithXtech

To create a Telegram bot using the Telegraf library, you'll need to follow these steps:


1. Node.js: Make sure you have Node.js installed. If you don't have it, download and install it from here.

2. Telegram Bot Token: You'll need a bot token from Telegram. You can create one by messaging BotFather on Telegram, following its instructions, and getting your token.

Steps to Create a Telegraf Bot

1. Initialize a Node.js Project

Create a new folder for your bot, open it in your terminal, and run:

mkdir my-telegraf-bot
cd my-telegraf-bot
npm init -y

2. Install Dependencies

You need to install the Telegraf library:

npm install telegraf

3. Create the Bot Script

Create a file called bot.js in your project folder:

touch bot.js

Now, open this file and paste the following code to set up your basic bot:
const { Telegraf } = require('telegraf');

// Replace 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN' with your bot token from BotFather
const bot = new Telegraf('YOUR_BOT_TOKEN');

// Responds to the /start command
bot.start((ctx) => {
ctx.reply('Welcome! I am your bot. How can I assist you today?');

// Responds to the /help command
bot.help((ctx) => {
ctx.reply('Send me a message, and I will repeat it!');

// Echoes whatever the user sends
bot.on('text', (ctx) => {
ctx.reply(`You said: ${ctx.message.text}`);

// Start the bot
bot.launch().then(() => {
console.log('Bot is running...');
4. Run Your Bot

Once your bot script is ready, run it using the following command:

node bot.js

You should see the message Bot is running... in your terminal, meaning your bot is now live.

5. Interact with Your Bot

Go to Telegram, search for your bot by its username, and start chatting! Your bot will reply based on the commands you defined (/start, /help, and echoing text messages).
#js #Javascript

🔰 What Is MERN?

MERN Stack is a Javascript Stack that is used for easier and faster deployment of full-stack web applications. MERN Stack comprises of 4 technologies namely: MongoDB, Express, React and Node.js. It is designed to make the development process smoother and easier.

🔰 MongoDB:

MongoDb is a NoSQL DBMS where data is stored in the form of documents having key-value pairs similar to JSON objects. MongoDB enables users to create databases, schemas and tables.

🔰 ExpressJS

ExpressJS is a NodeJS framework that simplifies writing the backend code. It saves you from creating multiple Node modules.

🔰 ReactJS

ReactJS is a JS library that allows the development of user interfaces for mobile apps and SPAs. It allows you to code Javascript and develop UI components.

🔰 NodeJS

NodeJS is an open-source Javascript runtime environment that allows users to run code on the server.

React.js Essential Training.zip
📱React.js Essential Training

🔅 React.js Essential Training

🌐 Author: Eve Porcello
🔰 Level: Intermediate

Duration: 2h 1m

🌀 React is a great choice for dynamic, data-driven user experiences. Learn how to create browser-based apps and websites with the component-based React.js library.

📗 Topics: React.js

📤 Join @officalZenith for more courses

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.