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🔹Caps Daily Check in እንዳይረሳ ✔️

#GM 😍

💠New task answer 300k DAO

✅ legalization

ላልጀመራችሁ Start Here ➡️ TON×DAO AIRDROP

🚩 HRUM Daily Quote 🚩

➡️ Frank Sinatra

ጠቅለል ያለ መረጃ ስለ ZOO

🦬 OffChain የላከቹ ወደ 3ቱም exchange መግባት ጀምሯል
🐆 Bitget ቀድመው deposit ያደረጉ gift ተሰጥቷቸዋል
🦓 ZOO ነገ 9 ሰዓት ሊስት ይደረጋል
🐋 በተመሳሳይ ነገ 9 ሰዓት Off chain withdrawal ይጀመራል
🐬On chain withdrawal ለማድረግ ከfee ጋር እና ወደ ሌላ Exchange send ለማድረግ ቢያንስ 0.12 ton ያስፈልጋል
🐘Kucoin የገባው funding ውስጥ ሲሆን ወደትሬዲንግ አስተላልፉ
🦒 ዛሬ 2 Exchange ተጨምሯል ነገር ግን ለመገበያየት እንጂ ለ Withdrawal አይጠቅሙም
🦏 Withdrawal 3 ቀን በኋላ ማለትም February 28 ሙሉ በሙሉ ይዘጋል

PAWS connect through telegram app የሚለው ምርጫ ብዙ ሰዎች ጋር እየሰራ አይደለም። ለማንኛው phantom wallet and ton wallet የሚለውን ምርጫ መጠቀም ይቻላል።

ለግዜው multi የሰራቹ seedphrase እና የትኛውን ከየትኛው እንዳገናኛቹ እንዳትረሱ

Varify ሰናደርግበት ነበረው ቦት ban ተደርጓል

ስለ Paws Listing በዚህ ሳምንት የመጀመርያ ዜና እንደሚኖር የPaws Admin አሳውቋል ! 🔥🔥

Zoo 🤝 Bing ✅

አሁን መላክ ትችላላችሁ

🐹Hamster combo & cipher:

M — —
E  •
R  • — •
G  — — •
E  •

Hamster እየሰራችሁ 🤧😂

Zoo ነገ ከቀኑ 9:00 ላይ list ይደረጋል

Off chain Withdraw Closed

On chain Withdraw Start after Listing

ግን እናንተ መቼ ይሁን ሞቅ ደመቅ ምታደርጉት

Zoo ወደ Bitget የላካችሁ እየገባ ነው ብለዋል

Paws 🐾 ሊስት ሚደረግባቸው Exchange

🚩 Hrum: Quote of the day
    ⏩Henry Ford



$Zoo Multi Account ሰርታቹ ወደ አንድ Bitget(Address Add) የላካቹ Disconnect አርገውታል አንድ Account ብቻ Accept አርገው የእናንተን Check አርጉ

On-Chain የ List ቀን 0.1Ton ከፍላቹ ማውጣት ትችላላቹ

List ከ2 ቀን በኋላ🕯

🚩 Hrum: Quote of the day
⏩Maya Angelou

🍩 Donot: Position

Feb 22,2025

Circulating Supply = 50B 🔥🔥

Price ስንት የሚሆን ይመስላቹሀል??

PAWS Total supply 100B

#zoo claim reminder

Zoo claim ያላደረጋቹ ዛሬ 6 ሰዓት ላይ ያበቃል።

Paws robot ተብላችሁ ban የተደረጋችሁ በዚ step መሰረት appeal አስገቡ

Step 1 👉
እዚ ገብታችሁ id ይሰጣችሁዋል copy አርጋችሁ ያዙት ከዛ
Web ላይ ሂዱ
Step 2 👉 form መሙላት
1=》 Telegram username አስገቡ
2=》 ቅድም copy ያረጋቹት Id አስገቡ
3=》 solana address ወደ ban የተደረገው account connect ያረጋቹት ድጋሜ address አስገቡ
4=》 Ton address connect ያረጋቹት connect አርጉት
5=》 appeal አስገቡ (activity check ሰርታችሁ ግን robot አንደ ተባላችሁ )
6=》 ስንት referral አንዳስገባችሁ

እዚላይ ግን activity check ለሰራችሁ አና robot የተባላችሁ ናችሁ appeal ማስገባት ምችሉት appeal ከስር አለላችሁ 👇

Hi PAWS Team,

I recently discovered that my account was banned from the airdrop for being classified as a "Robot." I assure you that I am a genuine user and believe this is an error.

I've always participated fairly and never used any automated tools. While I may not have had many referrals, I completed all necessary tasks as instructed.

I’ve been consistently active and followed all guidelines. I kindly ask you to reconsider my situation. It’s disheartening to face a ban when I’ve put in genuine effort.

Thank you for your attention to this matter!

Dear PAWS Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I recently discovered that my account has been banned from the airdrop, labeled as a "Robot." I assure you that I am a genuine user and believe this to be a mistake.

I have participated fairly, without using any bots or automation. While I understand referrals were encouraged, I did not have many, yet I completed all required activities diligently.

I have consistently followed the rules and remained active throughout the process. Additionally, I have conducted an activity check.

I kindly request that you review my case again. I have put in significant effort, and it is disheartening to be banned without justification. I appreciate your attention to this matter and hope for a resolution.

Thank you for your understanding.

ከመጀመሪያው ጋር አሁን ሲነፃፀር የተጨመረለትም , የተቀነሰበትም አለ 🥶🤯

እንደ ፈጣሪ ቃል ሆነ እኮ ያለው ይጨመርለታል የሌለው ካለው ላይ ይወሰድበታል 🤭

እረ ወገኔ Fear ነው
🤕 ዋናው ከዚህ በኃላ #Listing Price ነው እንግዲህ ትንሽ ቶክን ሰተውን Price High Pump መሆን አለበት

#Multiያንስ ደምሩት እና Comment ላይ ደቅ አድርጉ Total 🫶👍

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.