I don't get started quickly, because I'm in love with preparation!
Analyzing too much, thinking about it for so long that all the possible ways I'll fail will take shape in my head. Paralysis by analysis.
This thought pattern traps me because I think to myself, Well, I can't just do it. I need to be prepared for it.
But then when I start preparing for it, I can never have enough of preparing. I can never have enough of sorting things out.
There are few tools that helped me in battling this problem.
1. Freestyle
In writing, I have developed this way of warming up that I call Freestyle. What I do is just write sentences, in no order, to no particular end, for no specific reason. Now it first may seem pointless, but it's actually a very decent way of making the path reveal itself.
If I make a move, the next move makes itself manifest. If I write a garbage sentence, the next sentence will manifest itself, and it's usually a better one.
If I don't know where to start in Freestyle, I usually write that: I don't know what I could possibly write today.
Freestyle also lets me care less about the outcome, and that's important, because mostly I don't begin things for thinking they'd fail. In Freestyle, I don't care if I fail. It was never meant to succeed anyways.
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Analyzing too much, thinking about it for so long that all the possible ways I'll fail will take shape in my head. Paralysis by analysis.
This thought pattern traps me because I think to myself, Well, I can't just do it. I need to be prepared for it.
But then when I start preparing for it, I can never have enough of preparing. I can never have enough of sorting things out.
There are few tools that helped me in battling this problem.
1. Freestyle
In writing, I have developed this way of warming up that I call Freestyle. What I do is just write sentences, in no order, to no particular end, for no specific reason. Now it first may seem pointless, but it's actually a very decent way of making the path reveal itself.
If I make a move, the next move makes itself manifest. If I write a garbage sentence, the next sentence will manifest itself, and it's usually a better one.
If I don't know where to start in Freestyle, I usually write that: I don't know what I could possibly write today.
Freestyle also lets me care less about the outcome, and that's important, because mostly I don't begin things for thinking they'd fail. In Freestyle, I don't care if I fail. It was never meant to succeed anyways.
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