I sometimes find myself defending viewpoints, which I do not even know where I've gotten from.
I've noticed this happens to me when I feel tribal and prideful:
This happens when a figure I admire does or say something that is false and wrong, and yet I defend them anyways. I defend them because I identify with their "tribe", what they stand for. And the deeply human part of me that wants to remain part of the tribe blinds me from even considering that the thing I'm defending is wrong. And I go on to die on a hill that I should let go of.
Not just that: when somebody who has a stance on life that's completely opposite to mine does something so right and good, I DENY that it is good. This tribal feeling is strangely strong and manipulative.
I said something in the past that aligns with certain viewpoints, and because I don't wanna look bad by changing my stance, I stick to it, fight for it, trapped in my own sense of pride. Pride is a sin of the highest degree, and I can see why.
It stops me from admitting errors, and changing course, because that would mean they may point at me and laugh, or they may say, "See, I've been telling you from the beginning, and you didn't listen to me."
I've noticed this happens to me when I feel tribal and prideful:
This happens when a figure I admire does or say something that is false and wrong, and yet I defend them anyways. I defend them because I identify with their "tribe", what they stand for. And the deeply human part of me that wants to remain part of the tribe blinds me from even considering that the thing I'm defending is wrong. And I go on to die on a hill that I should let go of.
Not just that: when somebody who has a stance on life that's completely opposite to mine does something so right and good, I DENY that it is good. This tribal feeling is strangely strong and manipulative.
I said something in the past that aligns with certain viewpoints, and because I don't wanna look bad by changing my stance, I stick to it, fight for it, trapped in my own sense of pride. Pride is a sin of the highest degree, and I can see why.
It stops me from admitting errors, and changing course, because that would mean they may point at me and laugh, or they may say, "See, I've been telling you from the beginning, and you didn't listen to me."