ነገ Exam የምትወስዱ ተፈታኞች እነዚህን Tips ተግብሯቸው። ከወዲሁ ለሁላችሁም መልካም እድል።
General Strategy During the Exam: 1. Read Each Question Carefully, Pay attention to words like not, except, always, never, as they can change the meaning.
2. Answer What You Know First, Quickly go through easy questions first to build confidence and save time for harder ones.
3. Use the Process of Elimination, Remove obviously incorrect choices to improve your chances of selecting the right answer.
4. Flag Uncertain Questions, If unsure, mark the question (if allowed) and return later if time permits.
5. Pace Yourself, Keep track of time and allocate it wisely across all questions.
Multiple-Choice Techniques1. Watch for Absolute Statements, Answers with always, never, must are often incorrect. Look for balanced responses.
2. Look for Clues in Other Questions, Some questions may hint at answers to others.
3. Rephrase the Question – Simplify it in your mind before looking at answer choices.
4. Choose the Most Precise Answer, If two answers seem correct, pick the one that best fits the question.
5. Trust Your First Instinct, Unless you're sure you've misunderstood the question, your first choice is usually right.
If You Finish Early:1. Review All Answers, Check for misread questions or accidental misclicks.
2. Ensure No Questions Are Left Blank, Even an educated guess is better than no answer.
3. Look for Simple Mistakes, Double-check calculations, grammar, and question wording.
Source (Elis and Dave, 1998) with a little modification by (Melaku Beshaw, 2025)
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